Gender differences continued - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gender differences continued

Description: Reasons for boys underachievement. Laddish' subcultures ... Some boys may gain peer group status from having an anti-school' subculture ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gender differences continued

Gender differences continued
Internal factors Girls achievement
  • Equal opportunities policies
  • In recent years there has been an emphasis on
    equal opportunities in schools.
  • Policies like GIST (girls in science and
    technology) and WISE (women into science and
    engineering), aimed to encourage girls into areas
    that were traditionally seen as male areas.
  • The introduction of the national curriculum in
    the 1988 Education Reform Act, also made it
    possible for everyone to study the same
    compulsory subjects.
  • Positive role models in schools
  • In recent years there has been an increase in the
    proportion of women occupying the role of Head
  • These can act as positive role models for girls
    and something to strive for and to see other
    roles for them that are different from the
    housewife role
  • Primary schools in particular have become
    feminised with mostly female staff. This could
    have an impact in the gender role socialisation

Internal factors continued
  • Challenging stereotypes in the classroom
  • Some sociologists would argue that the removal of
    stereotypes from textbooks have helped remove
    barriers to girls learning
  • Gaby Weiner(1995) argues that since the 1980s
    teachers have begun to challenge stereotypes
  • Teachers attention and classroom interaction
  • Dale Spender (1983) found that teachers spend
    more time interacting with boys. However teachers
    tended to interact with girls in a more positive
    way as they were seen a more co-operative. This
    could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy
  • GCSE and Coursework
  • The introduction of GCSE (1988) brought with it
  • This change has been argued to benefit girls over
  • Miitsos and Browne (1998) argued that girls are
    more successful at coursework because they are
    more organised and conscientious
  • This could come from early gender role
    socialisation, where girls are more likely to be
    encouraged to be neat and patient

Boys and achievement
  • Previously we have looked at girls and
    achievement and focused on some possible reasons
    as to their improvement.
  • The focus of this lesson will be on boys and
    achievement. We will look at some of the possible
    reasons for why certain boys are underachieving
    in education.
  • There has recently been concern about certain
    boys who seem to be underachieving and falling
    behind. Is this a real problem or is it more of a
    media panic.
  • When examining this issue it is important to
    recognise that it is not all boys that are
  • Boys are generally doing better than they have
    done in the past.
  • When it comes to boys underachievement, class and
    ethnicity tend to play a big part ( working class
    , Afro-Caribbean boys tend to underachieve in
  • Look below, to find an article on boys
    achievement in education (archive section)

Reasons for boys underachievement
  • Laddish subcultures
  • Parental attitudes and primary socialisation
  • Introduction of GCSEs.
  • Behavioural problems
  • Boys over-confidence
  • Decline of traditional male jobs.

  • Laddish subculture
  • Some boys may gain peer group status from having
    an anti-school subculture (when you mess about,
    dont think schools important etc). Willis and
    his study of the lads looked at a working class
    anti-school subculture. Mac an Ghaill (1994)
    identified 4 male subcultures including the
    macho lads.
  • However, is this anything new, can this really be
    used as an explanation for recent
    underachievement, when it was happening in the
  • Parental attitudes and primary socialisation
  • There is an argument that parents spend less time
    with their sons reading. This then comes to be
    seen as a feminine activity. Harris et al (1993)
    researched the attitudes of working class girls
    and boys and found that boys tend to be less
    motivated and organised.
  • They concluded these attitudes were down to the
    gender regimes they encountered in their homes.
    Girls were exposed to females who were organisers
    (housework, childcare etc) where as boys were
    exposed to males who were regarded as the macho
    male with no regard for authority.

Reasons continued
  • Introduction of GCSEs
  • It has been argued that girls benefit from the
    design of GCSEs, whereas it is a disadvantage to
  • It is argued boys dont cope so well with
    coursework (being organised and motivated) and
    that boys deal with abstract information better
    (GCSEs arent designed in this way).
  • However, coursework is often only a small
    percentage of the overall grade, so its unlikely
    this is the only factor in boys underachievement.
  • Behavioural problems
  • Boys tend to have more behavioural issues, and
    are more likely to be disruptive in class and
  • This could lead to teacher labelling and possibly
    the self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • However, students can and do reject their labels.
    This also applies to a reasonably small
    percentage of boys.

Reasons continued
  • Boys over confidence
  • There is an argument that boys are over-confident
    in their abilities, which may mean they prepare
    less for exams. Feminist may argue that this
    comes from the wider attitude of a patriarchal
    society (male dominated). So boys dont put in
    the effort because there is an assume that as
    males they will be successful anyway.
  • However, there is an argument that some boys have
    low self-esteem and do not believe that they will
    automatically do well just because their boys.
  • Decline of traditional male jobs
  • The decline of traditional mens jobs (manual
    work), has lead some boys to think that they
    dont have any prospects once they leave school,
    so give up trying to get any qualifications.
  • Mac an Ghaill (1994) stated that there is a
    crisis of masculinity as traditional working
    class male roles are under threat as women become
    the main breadwinners.

Gender differences - Conclusion
  • As we have seen over the last 2 lessons, there
    are significant differences between girls and
    boys achievement in school.
  • Summary
  • Both girls and boys have improved over the last
    few decades.
  • Girls are currently outperforming boys, at most
    levels and in most subjects (even traditionally
    male subjects).
  • However, it is important to remember that it is
    not just gender that plays a part in whether
    someone fails or succeeds in school. Social class
    and ethnicity are important as well (working
    class, Afro-Caribbean boys statistically are the
    students who underachieve the most).
  • Sociologists are also concerned with some of the
    reasons why there continues to be a traditional
    pattern of boys subjects and girls subjects.
  • Sociologists are interested in how schooling can
    reinforce gender identity. (This is what we will
    examine in the next lesson).
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