Title: Dale Weber
1Modeling and Control of Particle Incorporation
into Bacterial Cellulose in a Rotating Disk
- Dale Weber
- M. Kuure-Kinsey, H.R. Bungay. J.L. Plawsky
- B.W. Bequette
- November 6, 2006
- Introduction
- Bacterial Cellulose Production in a RDB
- Motivation
- Uses of BC and Benefits of Particle Incorporation
- Experimental tool for more practical reactors
- Incorporation Model
- Mathematical Model of RDB
- Results
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
3Production of Cellulose Gel
- Agitation (e. g. RDB) decreases doubling time
- Static Culture 8-10 hrs
- Agitated 4-6 hours
- Cannon and Anderson (1991)
- In Philippines commonly produced in static
cultures - Known as Nata de Coco
4Uses of Bacterial Cellulose
- Native Gel
- Dessert Nata de Coco
- Food Thickener and Additive
- Wound/ Burn Dressing
- 90 water retention
- Membranes
- Speaker Cone
- Biological Fuel Cell
- Benefits of Particles
- Medicated Wound Dressing
- Antibiotics, Proteins
- Mechanical Improvements
- Customize properties
- Conductivity, reactivity
- Insert Markers
- Counterfeit Prevention
5Research Tool
- Geometry does not scale well
- Velocity bounds on gel formation
- Velocity bounds on particle uptake
Future Work Continuous sheet or trickle flow
6Incorporation Model
- Infinite Fluid (Levich, 1962)
n - Kinematic viscosity (m/r) w- Rotation Rate D
- Diffusion Coefficient d0, d - Boundary layer
thicknesses j - mass flux to disk surface c0 -
particle concentration far from disk
7Incorporation Model pt 2
- Laminar Flow over flat plate
- Liquid Phase
- Air Phase
kc - Mass Transfer Coefficient Z - Dimensionless
liquid film thickness Ca, Cas - Capillary
number h - Dimensionless surface tension R -
Dimensionless level c - Gravity Factor
- (Vijayraghvan and Gupta, Ind. Eng. Chem.
8SigmaCell 20 Uptake Model
Weighted Least Squares (w5 100)
9CFD Simulation
R 3 cm disk
R 5 cm RDB
z-component of velocity field
10Mathematical Model
- AAd - Available Disk Area
- TAd - Total Disk Area
- xpc, xpB - Particle Concentration in wet gel,
RDB - xgB - Glucose concentration in RDB
- Vl - Volume of wet gel
- e - Water hold up in gel ( vol)
- mm Zero order bacterial growth rate
11EKF-based MPC
Augmented State Space Formulation
Predictor / Corrector
Prediction Horizon 15 Control Horizon
1 Sample Time 5
Disturbance Magnitude 10
12Preliminary Control Simulations - Single Stage RDB
Extra DOF with continuous reactor allows better
13Qualitative Gel Phase Results
- Develop quantitative gel analysis protocol
- Time-Varying Experiments
- Non steady state behaviors
- Collect Data from Continuous Rotating Disk
Bioreactor - Incorporation data with better knowledge of
instantaneous concentrations - Bacterial growth kinetic parameters
- Matt Kuure-Kinsey
- Lynn Bresnahan
- Dane Kuttron
16Control What?
Results of Full and Reduced Models making an OL
step change
18State Estimation
- Can perform discrete measurements
- Glucose Concentration
- Biomass Concentration
- Currently have online sensors for
- Temperature pH
- Liquid Phase Particle Concentration
- Use Optimal Kalman Observer to Infer
- Tank Volumes
- Gel Thickness
- Particle Incorporation
19Particle Incorporation
- Previous Work Analyzed
- (SigmaCell 20)
- Von Karman Boundary Layer Analysis
- Adsorption is irreversible
- Surface coverage has no effect on adsorption
- Particles and Fluid outside the boundary layer
are not moving - Result Mass Transfer coefficient only a function
of velocity and boundary layer thickness - Adsorption Isotherm
- Purely empirical
Mormino, Doctoral Thesis, 2002
20Current Particle Work
- Air
- Infinite Pulling Plate
Riley and Carbonell, 1993A and 1993B
21Size Matters
22Bacterial/Substrate kinetics
23Control and Simulation
Optimal Control (regulator w/Min Fuel)
MPC (project) Kalman filter