Title: Results from the Regional Radiocommunication Conference
1BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
Results from theRegionalRadiocommunicationConfe
10 28 May 2004Geneva David Botha
Geneva 2004
2BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
Mandate of the conference
- Production of a plan for digital terrestrial
broadcasting - In the bands 174 230 MHz and 470 862 MHz
- Planning area comprises of Region 1, west of
170, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, but
excluding Mongolia.
Geneva 2004
3BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
Mandate 2
Geneva 2004
4BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
Conference statistics
Representation and participation
- 120 Member States with territories in the
Planning Area - 93 Member States participated during the RRC-04
- 77.5 representation
- 782 delegates from the membership.
Geneva 2004
5BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents
Resolutions of the Conference
- Conference resolved to only produce resolutions
- 13 Resolutions produced in total
- Resolutions on the Final Report of the RRC-04,
decisions of the RRC-04, call for further
studies, agenda and duration of the RRC-06 and
two associated short conferences.
Geneva 2004
6BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 2
Circular Letter CR/214
- Circular Letter CR/214 Resolutions adopted by
the RRC-04 for the planning of the digital
terrestrial broadcasting service in part of
Regions 1 and 3 in the frequency bands 174 230
MHz and 470 862MHz - Provides a general overview of the resolutions
adopted at the RRC-04
Geneva 2004
7BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 3
General overview of resolutions
Resolution 1 and Annex
- Contains the Report of the RRC-04
- Basis for the work of the second session of the
RRC - Bases to facilitate planning prior to the second
session - Form in which administrations should submit
digital broadcasting requirements.
Geneva 2004
8BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 4
General overview of resolutions
Resolution COM4/1
- Protection of digital terrestrial broadcasting
from BSS networks operating in the band 620 790
MHz - Resolution 545 (WRC-03)
- Item to be considered at WRC-07 agenda item 1.11
(see Resolution 802 (WRC-03)).
Geneva 2004
9BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 5
General overview of resolutions
Resolution COM5/1
- Overall scope of intersessional activities
relating to planning - Establish Intersessional Planning Group (IPG)
- Terms of reference of IPG in resolves 1
- Participation during IPG meetings on the same
basis as the RRC.
Geneva 2004
10BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 6
General overview of resolutions
Resolution GT-PLEN/3
- Interim procedure for the coordination of
assignments to primary services other than
broadcasting with existing and planned
assignments of the broadcasting service within
RRC frequency bands after 10 May 2004 - Continue to apply standard procedures to record
in Master Register - Follow interim procedure to establish reference
situation - Only assignments that successfully completed the
interim procedures will be eligible for
Geneva 2004
11BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 7
General overview of resolutions
Resolution PLEN/1
- Establish procedures for preparations with
respect to regulatory/procedural issues - Establish a Regulator/Procedural Group (RPG) to
study regulatory/procedural issues relating to
the agenda of the second session and the review
of the GE89 and ST61 Agreements - RPG terms of reference in resolves 1 and 2 of
Resolution PLEN/1 - Members States and ITU-R Sector Members belonging
to the planning area of the RRC are invited to
Geneva 2004
12BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 8
General overview of resolutions
Resolution COM5/2
- Proposes an agenda for the second session of the
conference - Proposes a duration of the second session of the
Geneva 2004
13BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 9
Administrative Circular Letter CA/137 Further
technical studies
Resolution COM4/2
- Protection criteria for terrestrial digital
television systems interfered with by terrestrial
services other than broadcasting - Develop the protection ratios for which which no
information is contained in Rec. ITU-R BT.1368-4 - Urges administrations to participate and provide
measured protection ratios for sharing scenarios.
Geneva 2004
14BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 10
Administrative Circular Letter CA/137 Further
technical studies
Resolution COM4/3
- Protection criteria for aeronautical
radionavigation service systems operating in the
bands 223 - 230 MHz, 585 - 610 MHz and 645 -
862 MHz interfered with by DVB-T systems - Develop protection criteria for systems for which
no information is found in Annex 4.2 to Chapter 4
of the report from the RRC-04 - Urges administrations to participate and provide
measured protection ratios for sharing scenarios.
Geneva 2004
15BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 11
Administrative Circular Letter CA/137 Further
technical studies
Resolution COM4/4
- Studies of radiowave propagation in the planning
area - Revise, if necessary, the corresponding map of
propagation zones adopted by the RRC-04 based on
measurement results provided by administrations
and studies on refractivity and ducting in the
planning area - Urges administrations to provide ITU-R with
results of measurements of vertical refractivity
gradient for their territories.
Geneva 2004
16BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 11
Administrative Circular Letter CA/137 Further
technical studies
Resolution COM4/5
- Additional protection criteria for broadcasting
services for frequency planning exercises during
the intersessional period and for the development
of a digital frequency plan during the second
session - Develop additional protection criteria for
broadcasting services, not given in ITU-R Rec.
BS.1660 and ITU-R Rec. BT.1368-4 - Urges administrations to participate in these
studies and to provide, whenever available,
measured protection ratios for sharing scenarios
particularly mentioned in resolves and if
possible for other options that may be required.
Geneva 2004
17BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 12
Administrative Circular Letter CA/137 Further
technical studies
Resolution COM4/6
- Protection criteria for land mobile services
using narrow-band frequency modulation interfered
with by terrestrial audio broadcasting systems - Develop protection criteria for LMR services,
interfered with by T-DAB systems and to update,
if necessary, the existing information in Annex
4.1 to Chapter 4 of the report from the RRC-04 - Urges administrations to participate in these
studies and to provide, whenever available,
measured protection criteria for the sharing
scenarios mentioned in resolves to invite ITU-R .
Geneva 2004
18BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Output Documents 13
Administrative Circular Letter CA/137 Further
technical studies
Resolution COM4/7
- Methods for the identification of administrations
whose existing and planned digital and analogue
assignments/allotments in the broadcasting
service and assignments to other primary services
may be affected by the application of the interim
coordination procedures adopted by the RRC-04 - ITU-R to study these methods and consider the
need to modify the Annex to Resolution COM4/7 - Urges administrations to participate in the
studies referred to in resolves to invite ITU-R
and to provide, whenever available, appropriate
information to facilitate those studies .
Geneva 2004
19BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
General overview
Chapter 1 Definitions
Chapter 2 Propagation information
Chapter 3 Technical basis and characteristics
Chapter 4 Compatibility with other primary
Geneva 2004
20BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
General overview 2
Chapter 5 Planning principles and methods in the
frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz
Chapter 6 Requirements for digital broadcasting
and data for analogue television and other
primary services from administrations
Chapter 7 Regulatory procedural aspects
Geneva 2004
21BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 1 Definitions of
existing and planned Assignments/allotments
Territories covered by the ST61/GE89 Agreements
- Analogue and digital1, 2 assignments contained in
the ST61 and/or GE89 Plans on 31 October 2005 - Analogue and digital1, 2 assignments successfully
coordinated under the procedures of Article 4 of
the ST61 and/or GE89 Agreements by 31 October
2005 - T-DAB allotments and assignments successfully
coordinated by 31 October 2005 with all
administrations affected, the territories of
which are inside the RRC planning area1, 2
Geneva 2004
22BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 1 Definitions of
existing and planned Assignments/allotments
Territories covered by the ST61/GE89 Agreements
- Assignments recorded in the Master International
Frequency Register (MIFR) by 31 December 1989
with a favourable finding with respect to the
applicable provisions of the RR, and without
complaint of harmful interference received by the
BR - Analogue broadcasting assignments to be submitted
to the BR by Iraq within three months after the
end of the first session of the conference under
the procedure and conditions mentioned in Note 4.
Geneva 2004
23BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 1 Definitions of
existing and planned Assignments/allotments
Territories covered by the ST61/GE89 Agreements
- These digital assignments and allotments shall
not be given more protection than other digital
and analogue entries in the new plan. - The criteria to be used for coordination of T-DAB
with respect to other analogue and digital
assignments and allotments of the broadcasting
service and assignments of the other primary
services are contained in A.1.2.2 of the
report. In this regard, these criteria are to be
applied provisionally as part of Article 4
procedures of the ST61 and GE89 Agreements.
Geneva 2004
24BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 1 Definitions of
existing and planned Assignments/allotments
Territories not covered by the ST61/GE89
- analogue and digital2 assignments successfully
coordinated by 31 October 2005 with all
administrations concerned belonging to the RRC
planning area - assignments contained in the RCC List3
successfully coordinated by 31 October 2005 with
all affected4 administrations, the territories of
which are inside the RRC planning area.
Geneva 2004
25BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 1 Definitions of
existing and planned Assignments/allotments
Territories not covered by the ST61/GE89
3 This list of frequency assignments to
television broadcasting stations has been
produced by the countries in the extended
planning area defined in Council Res. 1185
(modified, 2003) and is set out in the annex to
CR/209. 4 Use the criteria and methods for the
coordination as given in A.1.2.4.
Geneva 2004
26BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 1 Definitions of
existing and planned Assignments/allotments
Definition of existing and planned assignments of
other primary services
- Assignments notified to the BR and recorded in
the MIFR by 31 December 1989 with a favourable
finding with respect to the applicable provisions
of the RR, and without complaint of harmful
interference received by the BR - Assignments notified to the BR and recorded or
considered as being recorded in the MIFR between
31 December 1989 and 10 May 2004 with a
favourable finding with respect to the applicable
provisions of the RR, and without complaint of
harmful interference received by the BR5 - Assignments notified to the BR after 10 May 2004
which have been successfully coordinated by 31
October 20056, 7.
Geneva 2004
27BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 1 Definitions of
existing and planned Assignments/allotments
Definition of existing and planned assignments of
other primary services
6 Applicable coordination criteria and
procedures are given in Resolution GT PLEN/3. 7
Such assignments should not claim more
protection from digital assignments/allotments in
the new plans than they already have from the
relevant existing and planned assignments.
Geneva 2004
28BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 2
- Provides the propagation model based on a
modification of ITU-R Rec. P.1546 - Subdivided the planning area into 9 propagation
zones - Provides propagation curves for the different
zones and standard parameters - Step-by-step method for the application of the
propagation model.
Geneva 2004
29BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 2 continued
Geographical division of the propagation zones
Zone 1 temperate and subtropical regions Zone
2 desert regions, displaying propagation
conditions found in regions having low humidity
and small annual variations in climate Zone
3 equatorial regions, displaying propagation
conditions found in regions with hot and humid
Geneva 2004
30BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 2 continued
Geographical division of the propagation zones
Zone 4 maritime regions, displaying propagation
conditions found over warm seas and in one
terrestrial zone (referred to as coastal land
in Annex 2.1) at low altitude bordering warm
seas, where superrefraction conditions
occasionally occur (Caspian Sea and all the seas
around the African continent are Zone 4 except
Zones A and B designated below) Note Black Sea
is Zone 4 Zone 5 maritime regions, displaying
propagation conditions found over cold seas Zone
A maritime zone at low latitudes, frequently
displaying superrefractivity
Geneva 2004
31BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 2 continued
Geographical division of the propagation zones
Zone B maritime zone at low latitudes,
displaying superrefractivity to a lesser extent
than Zone A Zone C maritime zone from the
junction of the coastline of Iran with its border
to Pakistan westward along the coastlines of Iran
and of Iraq, through point 48 E, 30 N along the
coastline of Kuwait, the eastern coastline of
Saudi Arabia, the coastlines of Qatar, the United
Arab Emirates and Oman down to the intersection
with parallel 22 N Zone D land strip of
maximum depth of 100 km surrounding Zone C.
Geneva 2004
32BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 2 continued
Geneva 2004
33BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 5
- Provides general detail concerning the principles
and approaches to planning - Provides specific information on the conversion
of analogue broadcasting assignments into digital
broadcasting requirements - Detail information on compatibility analyses.
Geneva 2004
34BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 5 continued
Plans associated with the new agreement
- A digital plan comprising two parts
- Part 1, digital broadcasting in 174 - 230 MHz
(T-DAB and DVB-T) - Part 2, digital broadcasting in 470 - 862 MHz
(DVB-T). - Contain existing and planned assignments and
allotments ( 1.7) and assignments and allotments
approved by RRC-06. - An analogue plan comprising two parts
- Part 1, for analogue broadcasting in 174 -
230 MHz - Part 2, for analogue broadcasting in 470 -
862 MHz. - Contain existing and planned analogue assignments
( 1.7).
Geneva 2004
35BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 5 continued
Salient points concerning planning
- Based on the principle of equitable access to
frequency resources (No. 196 of Article 44 of the
ITU Constitution) - Band III (174 - 230 MHz) available for both DVB-T
and T-DAB planning - Subject to equitable access, the planning should
be able to deal with - a) different network structures, MFN, SFN and a
mixture, using the appropriate system variants
and location probabilities - b) different reception modes, fixed reception,
portable (outdoor and indoor) reception and
mobile reception, using a limited number of
appropriate system variants and location
Geneva 2004
36BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 5 continued
Salient points concerning planning
- Ensure the compatibility of the existing or
planned assignments/allotments (according to
their definitions in section 1.7 of the RRC-04
report) in the establishment of the plan or not
taking into consideration any existing or
planning assignments/allotments in the
establishment of the plan, or a mixture of the
above two approaches - Based on allotments and assignments
- Bilateral and multilateral agreements should be
taken into account in the establishment of the
plan - A reasonable number of allotments or assignments
for non-participating administrations - Both lattice and non-lattice based methods
Geneva 2004
37BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 5 continued
Salient points concerning planning
- Methods for the conversion of analogue television
assignments into digital allotment or assignment
requirements are provided - For non-lattice based planning two processes of
analysis and synthesis are proposed and described.
Geneva 2004
38BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 5 continued
Analysis and synthesis
Geneva 2004
39BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 7
- Provides the detail on the new agreement and the
transition period - The date of entry into force of the new
agreement, to be decided by the second session - Should not be earlier than 12 months after the
end of the second session - Final acts of the second session to provide for
provisional application of the new agreement (or
parts of it) as from the date of the end of the
second session, provided that such provisional
application does not constrain the resolution of
any incompatibility not resolved during the
second session
Geneva 2004
40BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 7 continued
- On the aspect of transition the RRC-04 decided
that - During the transition period, the existing and
planned analogue assignments will continue to be
used and protected by the new digital plan. After
this period, analogue assignments may continue to
be used, provided that - protection is afforded to the new digital plan
and its modifications and - no protection is claimed from the new digital
plan and its modifications.
Geneva 2004
41BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Chapter 7 continued
- Transition starts at the date of entry into force
of the new agreement and ends on a date to be
agreed by the second session of the conference. - Two options
- Option 1
- As early as possible and preferably not later
than 2015. - Longer or shorter transition periods may be
agreed multilaterally if this does not affect
other administrations concerned - Option 2
- No earlier than 2028 and no later than 2038
Shorter transition periods may be agreed
multilaterally. Each administration to decide on
the date as of which its analogue transmissions
will cease.
Geneva 2004
42BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Resolution COM5/1
Schedule for intersessional activities
Geneva 2004
43BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Resolution COM5/1
Schedule for intersessional activities
Geneva 2004
7 To be decided by the Council.
44BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Resolution COM5/1
- Administrations to indicate
- Existing and planned broadcasting
assignments/allotments not to be taken into
account - Existing and planned assignments of other primary
services to take into account - Administrations that do not participate
- All existing and planned assignments/allotments
shall be protected. - Administrations to submit requirements in
electronic format.
Geneva 2004
7 To be decided by the Council.
45BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Resolution COM5/1
- Establish IPG to
- Monitor intersessional planning activities
- Take into account bi- and multilateral
negotiations submitted to the IPG - Review the planning exercise and draft plan
- Take into account ITU-R studies
- Prepare a report after each IPG meeting
- Review and revise the time schedule if needed.
Geneva 2004
7 To be decided by the Council.
46BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Resolution COM5/1
- Concerning the IPG
- Chaired by an expert of a State Member from the
planning area - Assisted by four vice-chairmen each representing
a regional group - IPG to meet twice, July 2005 and February 2006
for a maximum of ten working days - Participation on the same basis as the RRC
- Steering group is created, composed of the
chairman and four vice-chairmen - Steering group will meet as necessary
- Administrations to indicate an IPG contact person
to the BR.
Geneva 2004
7 To be decided by the Council.
47BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Resolution PLEN-1
- Establish the RPG
- Prepare suitable regulatory text for the new
agreement and the revision of GE89 and ST61
Agreements - Prepare a report to the RRC-06 and the two short
conferences - RPG working party created to meeting for
approximately four days in October/November 2004 - RPG to meet for four working days in the last
quarter of 2005 - Participation on the same basis as the RRC.
Geneva 2004
7 To be decided by the Council.
48BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail from Resolution COM5/2 and
Council Resolution 1224
- Duration of the RRC-06 is set to 5 weeks, 15 May
16 June 2006 - RRC-06 to be convened in Geneva
- Agenda for the RRC-06 contained in the two
resolutions - Regulatory and procedural aspect relating to the
use of the bands 174 230 MHz and 470 862 MHz
by broadcasting services and the sharing between
broadcasting and other primary services - Relation between the RRC-06 agreement and the
GE89 and ST61 Agreements - Consultation procedure of 15 September 2004
failed to obtain majority - Second consultation of 19 November 2004 underway.
Geneva 2004
7 To be decided by the Council.
49BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
RRC-04 Report
Detail of specific parts of the report from the
Specific detail relating to the short conferences
- RRC-04 Resolution GT-PLEN/1 and Council
Resolution 1225 agenda for the revision of parts
of the ST61 Agreement - RRC-04 Resolution GT-PLEN/2 and Council
Resolution 1226 agenda for the revision of parts
of the GE89 Agreement - Two short conferences associated in time and
venue with the RRC-06 - First consultations of 15 September 2004 failed
to obtain majority - Second consultation of 19 November 2004 underway.
Geneva 2004
7 To be decided by the Council.
50BR Seminar, 15 19 November 2004, Geneva
Thank you
Geneva 2004