Title: Opening Richard Plant MC
1The BANKSETA welcomes its partners
- Opening Richard Plant (MC)
- 2. Chairmans Welcome
- Sipho Ngidi
- BANKSETA Future Strategies Frank
Groenewald - Closure Richard Plant
2 BANKSETA 2005-2010 Strategic Focus
Frank Groenewald 20 May 2005
3If you want to make GOD Laugh, tell him your
future plans. (Woody Allen)
4The big question
What should we be? What should we do? Are we
adding value to our stakeholders?
5Objectives of the Skills Development Act
- Developing a culture of high quality lifelong
- learning
- Fostering skills development in the formal
- economy for productivity and employment
growth - Stimulating and supporting skills development in
- small businesses
- Assisting new entrants into employment
6Objectives of the Skills Development Act
- To make South Africa a more equal place for
- everyone
- Stimulate and support skills development in
- Improve employment prospects for previously
disadvantage persons and Assist new entrants into
the labour market - Promote opportunities for skills development in
development initiatives.
7Objectives of the South African Qualifications
Authority Act
- Integrated National Framework
- Facilitate access, mobility and progression with
Education Training - Enhance Quality of Education Training
- Accelerate the redress of past discrimination in
Education Training - Full personal development of each learner
- Social economic development of the nation at
8The Current Situation
- Business
- Labour
- Government / Departments of Labour, Education and
Finance, Trade and Industry - Parliament and Portfolio Committees
- NGOs / CBOs and Youth organisations
- Unemployed
- Education and training providers
- Consultants / Vendors
10Many Voices Many needs
- Social transformation
- Employment creation
- Employability
- Poverty alleviation / eradication
- Skills development
- Charter implementation
- HIV/Aids education
- Crime prevention
- Adult Basic education
- Consumer education
- Access to Learning
11Mission statement
To promote and give effect to legislation by
establishing an education, training
and development framework to enable stakeholders
to advance the national and global position of
the banking sector.
12BANKSETA Success Factors
- Committed and Informed Sector
- Competent Council/Board providing strategic
- direction.
- Strong culture of corporate governance,
- ownership and ethics.
- Clear vision, strategies and objectives.
- Knowledgeable, competent, committed staff.
- Strong culture of needs driven delivering.
- Strong focus on evaluation and feedback
13Principles of Operations
- Accelerate social transformation through skills
development (85,Black, 54 women, 4 disabled.) - Leverage the skills levy funds for the strategic
benefit of the sector and the NSDS - Be cost-effective and co-source non-core delivery
mechanisms. - Employ leading edge technology and best business
practices. - Conduct research and benchmarking in order to
improve the sectors competitiveness through
skills development. - Be a hub for sector collaboration.
14Governance - BANKSETA Council
- Employer Forum
- Sipho Ngidi SBSA (Chair Person)
- Lawrence Mlotshwa ABSA
- Sheila Motsepe SARB
- Bennie Anderson FNB
- Hennie Ferreira MFSA
- Vacant Nedcor
- Employee Forum
- Eugene Ebersohn SASBO (Deputy Chair)
- Ben Venter SASBO
- Eugene Zeeman IBSA
- Joe Kokela SASBO
- Trevor Dell SASBO
- Ntombo Nkonki-Mati SASBO
- Fully constituted Council
- Constitution and Code of conduct
- Public Finance Management Act (PFMA)
- King ll
- Audit Committee and Finance committees
- Internal Audit ( Gobodo)
- Unqualified Audit Reports x4 ( Auditor General)
- External Expertise (Chief Financial Officer and
Audit managers from big banks) - Remuneration Committee
- Formally agreed processes
- Annual research conducted by experts
- Business Labour represented
17Customer satisfaction Survey 2004
18Customer satisfaction Survey 2004
Words used to describe the BANKSETA Energetic,
Quick to adapt to change, Dedicated, Reliable,
Ethical, Relevant, Adds value, Properly skilled,
Helpful, Always there and willing to assist,
Dynamic, Entrepreneurial, Professional,
Committed, Dedicated, Loyal, Warm, Friendly, Very
objective and fair, Sometimes a little impatient,
Effective and focused on delivery, Good balance
between task and people focus, Smart, Lean,
Ability to follow through, Very good executor
19The Future
20Strategy setting in the BANKSETA environment
21- Strategy Process
- Collect and interpret information
- Develop strategies
- Implement Strategies
- Evaluate Strategies
22- Strategy Process
- Step 1
- Collect and interpret information
- International (Trends on Finance, Banking and
People development) - National (GDS, NSDS, EE, BEE and Current and
Future focus areas) - Sectoral Initiatives ( FSC, IIP)
- Stakeholders (Business, Labour, Youth, Providers,
- State of the Nation address
- Unemployment
- Poverty alleviation
- Employment Equity
- Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment
- Lack of available skilled resources
- Challenges in supply side of educated labour
- Transformation
- Financial Sector Charter
- Central banking
- Discount houses, commercial and other banking
- Building Societies
- Financial mediation
- Lease financing
- Securities dealings
- Activities ancillary to financial mediation
- Business
- Labour
- Government / Departments of Labour, Education and
Finance, Trade and Industry - Parliament and Portfolio Committees
- NGOs / CBOs and Youth organisations
- Unemployed
- Education and training providers
- Consultants / Vendors
26Many Voices Many needs
- Social transformation
- Employment creation
- Employability
- Poverty alleviation / eradication
- Skills development
- Charter implementation
- HIV/Aids education
- Crime prevention
- Adult Basic education
- Consumer education
- Access to Learning
27Sectoral issues to be considered
28Finance Sector Charter
- Transformation Charter developed
voluntarily by sector and sets Principle and
Targets for EE and BEE implementation - Access To Financial Services, unbanked
- Human Resource Development
- Procurement Policies
- Enterprise Development
- Empowerment Financing
- Ownership In Financial Sector
- Control In Financial Sector
- Shareholder Activism
- Corporate Social Investment
29Banking Sector Employment Trends
- Shrinking employment (Previously) - now stable
- Professionals and Associated Professionals in the
broader banking sector - Movement 30 to 40 in 2 years
- Employment by race
- 5 increase in Africans
- 1 increase in Coloureds
- 3 increase in Indians
- 9 decrease in Whites
- Compared to 2001 data
- Information Technology related skills development
- Management and Leadership skills development
- Customer Interface related skills development
- Specialist Financial skills development
- Legislative Compliance relates skills development
31Legislation and Regulation
32Funding for 2005 - 2010
Mandatory Grant 50 (R 100 M)
MUST Discretionary Grants 20 (R 40 M)
MAY Operational Funds 10 ( R 20 M) National
skills Fund 20 (R 40 M) 5 escalation from
33Funding for 2005 - 2010
- Mandatory Grant 50
- Workplace skills plans
- Implementation Reports
- Discretionary Grants 20
- Sector strategies
- NSDS grants
- Operational Funds 10
- National skills Fund 20
- NSA via NSF Funding Windows
34 Strategy Process Step 2 Develop
strategies Objectives
35- Future Strategic Focus
- (Sector and National-NSDS)
- Finance Sector Charter
- Youth development
- Consumer Education
- SMME Development
- Research, Benchmarking and Communication
36Objective 1 The Finance Sector Charter The
BANKSETA will support the implementation of the
Financial Sector Charter by creating Projects,
initiatives and funding windows that will enable
the development of employed people, unemployed
potential employees and consumers
37Strategy Process Step 3 Implement
Strategies Business plan
38SMMEs (Example)
- Site / Workplace visits
- Simplified workplace skills plans and reports
- Internet submissions
- Telephone submissions
- Call center submissions
- Simplified mandatory grant claims process
- Training Voucher scheme
- Micro Finance skills project -Training Material
- Research and benchmarking grants
39 BANKSETA Strategy matrix
40Objective 1
41Objective 2
42Objective 3
To Be Determined
43Objective 4
44Objective 5
45Discretionary Grants
- Funding Windows Approach
- Request for Proposals Approach
46Strategy Process Step 4 Evaluate
Strategies Gap Analysis Customer Satisfaction
Survey/ Board Reporting Quarterly Reporting to
DoL / Treasury
47BANKSETA Biggest Threats
- Lack of focus
- Many small initiatives / no critical mass
- Negative public perception
- Unrealistic expectations (Cannot be all things to
all people) - Unrealistic performance expectation in relation
to the NSDS
48The Future
- Operational
- Governance
- Human Resource Practices and People
- Investor in People
- Project management approach
- BEE (specific focus on procurement)
- Strategic (Sector and National-NSDS)
- Transformation
- Finance Sector Charter
- SMME Development
- Youth development
- Consumer Education (Broad interpretation)
- National Skills Development Strategy
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