Title: Colachel monument to villagers who died in the tsunami
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2Colachel - monument to villagers who died in the
Pictured Dr. Kunjumon Chacko, President,
India Baptist Convention of Kerala
3Childrens Village, Kottayam, India
Artists RenderingNovember 2005
4Childrens Village, Kottayam, India Foundation
for buildingWill house 300 children
February 2006
5Childrens Village, Kottayam, India Foundation
for buildingWill house 300 children
February 2006
6Childrens Village, Kottayam, India Laying of
first brick for buildingWill house 300 children
February 2006
7Childrens Village, Kottayam, India Laying of
first brick for buildingWill house 300 children
Jerry Jones, Team Leader Glocal Missions
Evangelism, places first brick
February 2006
8Childrens Village, Kottayam, India
October 2006
9Childrens Village, Kottayam, India
October 2006
10Childrens Village, Kottayam, India
October 2006
11Pastors Home Currently housing 25-30 children
12Pastors Home Currently housing 25-30 children
13Two Sisters Orphaned by the Tsunami
14School Uniform Distribution, Tamil Nadu, India
L-R John Upton, Executive Director, VBMB
Robert Brown, MMC Servant Robert Dilday,
Religious Herald Jerry Jones, Team Leader,
Glocal Missions Evangelism
15School Uniform Distribution, Kottayam, India
16School Uniform Distribution, Kottayam, India
17School Uniform Distribution, Kottayam, India
18School Uniform Distribution, Kottayam, India
19School Uniform Distribution, Kottayam, India
20School Uniform Distribution, Kottayam, India
21Grand opening of the Colachel Baptist Church -
destroyed in the tsunami - rebuilt with funds
from Virginia Baptists -
22Boats Provided by Virginia Baptists in 2006
23Boats Provided by Virginia Baptists in 2006
24Boats Provided by Virginia Baptists in 2006
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