Title: 912 Practice Items
19-12 Practice Items
1a. What do you do on days when you dont have
I goed to library 3 uses wrong verb ten
se missing article the
29-12 Practice Items
1b. What do you do on days when you dont have
Have day off 2 intelligible phrase with an i
mplied relationto the prompt student does not
really give any answer to what he or she does on
non-school days
39-12 Practice Items
1c. What do you do on days when you dont have
I like to eat lunch at school 2 full, unders
tandable response with no discernible relation to
the prompt
49-12 Practice Items
1d. What do you do on days when you dont have
Sometimes I work on hobbies, and sometimes I
take care of my brother 5 complete sentence
with a subject and verb
59-12 Practice Items
1e. What do you do on days when you dont have
Read 3 one-word answer that is appropriate t
o the task
69-12 Practice Items
1f. What do you do on days when you dont have
Brother, my sister, go store or maybe go movie
2 response is very awkwardly worded, causing
79-12 Practice Items
1g. What do you do on days when you dont have
Teacher 1 no discernible relation to the pro
89-12 Practice Items
1h. What do you do on days when you dont have
Watch movies and have fun 4 implied subject
99-12 Practice Items
1i. What do you do on days when you dont have
I like to working puzzles 3 the addition of
ing to work constitutesa major error in this
short response
109-12 Practice Items
1j. What do you do on days when you dont have
For talk with friend 2 vague and awkward res
ponse causes difficulty in understanding
119-12 Practice Items
1k. What do you do on days when you dont have
Go shopping 3 implied subject short answer
that is adequate to the task
129-12 Practice Items
2a. Tell me about one of your friends.
My cousin 2 vague response with a possiblei
mplied relation to the prompt
139-12 Practice Items
2b. Tell me about one of your friends.
We are in the math class 2 full, understanda
ble response with no discernible relation to the
prompt without making assumptions
149-12 Practice Items
2c. Tell me about one of your friends.
The friend I know is Rita she have black hairs
and brown eyes pretty 3 generally understand
able response withseveral grammatical errors
159-12 Practice Items
2d. Tell me about one of your friends.
I will talk about my friend Eduardo he wears
glasses and hes fun sometimes
5 complete sentence with a subject and verb
169-12 Practice Items
2e. Tell me about one of your friends.
Friend is Marco 2 intelligible words with i
mplied relation to prompt
179-12 Practice Items
2f. Tell me about one of your friends.
MariaThe friend I want to tell about is name
4 uses name instead of named
189-12 Practice Items
2g. Tell me about one of your friends.
My best friend name is Roger that live here
3 fails to use possessive friendsmissing w
ords/word order problems create confusion
199-12 Practice Items
2h. Tell me about one of your friends.
My friend is my best friend 3 understandable
response with limited relation to the prompt
209-12 Practice Items
2i. Tell me about one of your friends.
Tomas sings good 3 short answer adequate for
the tasksubstitutes good for well
219-12 Practice Items
2j. Tell me about one of your friends.
My one of my favorite friends is Ting
4 begins the response with My
229-12 Practice Items
2k. Tell me about one of your friends.
My friend name Oscar he come to my house
3 fails to use possessive friends missing
verb is uses wrong verb tense
239-12 Practice Items
3a. Tell me about a book or movie that you like.
This movie Grease so good because it like make
me so happy 3 generally understandable, pro
mpt-specific response with a number of
grammatical errors
249-12 Practice Items
3b. Tell me about a book or movie that you like.
The newspapermy dad reads newspaper
2 generally understandable response with no d
iscernible relation to the prompt
259-12 Practice Items
3c. Tell me about a book or movie that you like.
This movie I like because I like actions
3 implied relation to prompt word order pr
oblems substitutes actions for action
269-12 Practice Items
3d. Tell me about a book or movie that you like.
I like TitanicI thought it was interesting
5 complete sentence with a subject and verb
279-12 Practice Items
3e. Tell me about a book or movie that you like.
Lion King because is very nice
3 vague/minimal response with missing pronoun
289-12 Practice Items
3f. Tell me about a book or movie that you like.
The booknovelthe novels can talk about
something to person and then 2 implied relat
ion to prompt awkwardnessmakes response
difficult to understand
299-12 Practice Items
3g. Tell me about a book or movie that you like.
Was I saw was that the students kind of like
1 no discernible relation to the prompt
309-12 Practice Items
3h. Tell me about a book or movie that you like.
Books fun to read 2 intelligible phrase with
implied relation to the prompt vague
319-12 Practice Items
3i. Tell me about a book or movie that you like.
My favorite movie is Braveheart is about a
people who lived in the 18th century
4 missing word between Braveheart and is
329-12 Practice Items
3j. Tell me about a book or movie that you like.
The Ringits scary 3 short answer that i
s adequate to the task
339-12 Practice Items
3k. Tell me about a book or movie that you like.
A movie like baseball movie is my sport
2 difficult to understand because of awkward/
confusing wording
349-12 Practice Items
4a. If you could go anywhere in the world, where
would you go and why would you go there?
I want to go to SpainI like it very much
5 complete sentences with a subject and verb
359-12 Practice Items
4b. If you could go anywhere in the world, where
would you go and why would you go there?
Russia 2 intelligible word with relation to
prompt but has failed to communicate anything
about the latter part of the prompt so it is not
adequate to the task
369-12 Practice Items
4c. If you could go anywhere in the world, where
would you go and why would you go there?
Im go to Mexico and because my family is there
3 uses Im go instead of I will gouses the
connector and unnecessarily
379-12 Practice Items
4d. If you could go anywhere in the world, where
would you go and why would you go there?
Maybe to China because I am interested in the
television about the China 4 implied subject
same error repeated twice
389-12 Practice Items
4e. If you could go anywhere in the world, where
would you go and why would you go there?
Florida because is sunny and beach
3 word omissions
399-12 Practice Items
4f. If you could go anywhere in the world, where
would you go and why would you go there?
The world is round 2 full, understandable re
sponse withno discernible relation to the prompt
409-12 Practice Items
4g. If you could go anywhere in the world, where
would you go and why would you go there?
Planets 1 no discernible relation to the pro
419-12 Practice Items
4h. If you could go anywhere in the world, where
would you go and why would you go there?
South Americaits got neat animals and can look
to rain forest 3 substitutes its got for it
has omits I between and and can substitutes
to for at omits article before rain forest
429-12 Practice Items
4i. If you could go anywhere in the world, where
would you go and why would you go there?
My house because I like it 3 understandable
response with implied relation to the prompt
439-12 Practice Items
4j. If you could go anywhere in the world, where
would you go and why would you go there?
Stay home 2 implied relation to prompt very
449-12 Practice Items
4k. If you could go anywhere in the world, where
would you go and why would you go there?
Californiaits warm 3 short answer that is
adequate to the task
459-12 Practice Items
5a. Tell me about one of your favorite foods.
Cake sweet 2 intelligible words with impli
ed relation to the prompt
469-12 Practice Items
5b. Tell me about one of your favorite foods.
The spaghetti noodles I like for put in bowl and
cut butter on the top melted 2 awkward wordin
g makes this responsedifficult to follow
479-12 Practice Items
5c. Tell me about one of your favorite foods.
My favorite food is sushiit made by fish,
seaweed, rice 4 first sentence is complete
ly correct second sentence has several errors
it instead of its, by instead of of, and fails
to use the connector and to connect the 3
489-12 Practice Items
5d. Tell me about one of your favorite foods.
My brother work at McDonalds 2 full, unders
tandable response with no discernible relation
to the prompt
499-12 Practice Items
5e. Tell me about one of your favorite foods.
I really like Chinese food, especially eggrolls
5 complete sentence with a subject and verb
509-12 Practice Items
5f. Tell me about one of your favorite foods.
Favorite food is some eggroll and french fry and
fried chicken and rice 3 implied subject be
gins with a singular noun and verb but follows
with multiple objects use of some makes the
response even more awkward
519-12 Practice Items
5g. Tell me about one of your favorite foods.
My favorite food is fried chicken because its
yummy 5 complete sentence with a subject and
529-12 Practice Items
5h. Tell me about one of your favorite foods.
Is a kind of pasta that have shells and
cheesefor mix together 3 implied subject u
ses have instead of has substitutes for for to
539-12 Practice Items
5i. Tell me about one of your favorite foods.
Cooking 1 no discernible relation to the pro
549-12 Practice Items
5j. Tell me about one of your favorite foods.
Well-done steak 3 short answer that is adequ
ate for the task
559-12 Practice Items
5k. Tell me about one of your favorite foods.
I eat all day because it good 2 implied rela
tion to the prompt
569-12 Practice Items
6a. Point to any item in this room. Tell me the
name of the item and explain what it is used
That light used to make a room more easy to see
2 awkward wording causes confusion and diffi
culty in understanding
579-12 Practice Items
6b. Point to any item in this room. Tell me the
name of the item and explain what it is used
A pen is used for write 4 uses for write ins
tead of to write or for writing
589-12 Practice Items
6c. Point to any item in this room. Tell me the
name of the item and explain what it is used
A map is used for indicating places and cities
in the world 5 complete sentence with a subj
ect and verb
599-12 Practice Items
6d. Point to any item in this room. Tell me the
name of the item and explain what it is used
A rainbowlots of colors 2 intelligible word
s with implied relation to the prompt, provided
there is a rainbow or a picture of one in the
room fails to provide a response that can be
elaborated upon as far as its use
609-12 Practice Items
6e. Point to any item in this room. Tell me the
name of the item and explain what it is used
The sink, for dishes 3 short answer that is
adequate to the task
619-12 Practice Items
6f. Point to any item in this room. Tell me the
name of the item and explain what it is used
A ruleruse to measuring at math
3 implied subject in second response correct
wording would be use it to measure in math or
something similar, so the response has multiple
629-12 Practice Items
6g. Point to any item in this room. Tell me the
name of the item and explain what it is used
A flag 2 implied relation to prompt names a
n object presumably in the room but does not
639-12 Practice Items
6h. Point to any item in this room. Tell me the
name of the item and explain what it is used
Singing 1 no discernible relation to the pro
649-12 Practice Items
6i. Point to any item in this room. Tell me the
name of the item and explain what it is used
The cupit used to get a drink
4 omits the word is after it
659-12 Practice Items
6j. Point to any item in this room. Tell me the
name of the item and explain what it is used
Case, to keep books 3 implied subject uses
case for book case substitutes keep for hold
669-12 Practice Items
6k. Point to any item in this room. Tell me the
name of the item and explain what it is used
The dogs a nice animal 2 full, understanda
ble response with nodiscernible relation to the
prompt (unless thereis a picture of a dog in the
679-12 Practice Items
Question Please ask me how far my home is from
this school.
How far away is your home for our school
4 Uses for instead of from
Where is your home 2 Inappropriate question
in relation to prompt How far from this school is
your home 5 Correctly constructed no errors
Far away 1 Question answered, not construct
ed How far from school is your home being 3
Appropriate question but awkwardly stated
Go home after school 1 Question answered, no
t constructed
689-12 Practice Items
Question Please ask me what I do after work.
What do you do after your work
4 Adds your unnecessarily
What are you doing after work 5 Correctly co
nstructed no errors What do you like to work
2 Inappropriate question in relation to
prompt What are you doing when you not work 3
Appropriate question but awkwardly stated
Watch TV 1 Question answered, not constructe
d What do you do after the work 4 Adds the
699-12 Practice Items
Question Sometimes I like to tell other people
about my family. Please ask me to tell you about
my family.
What family like 3 Appropriate question but
awkwardly stated What do you do with your family
member 2 Inappropriate question in relation
to prompt Would you tell me something about your
family 5 Correctly constructed no errors H
ow many persons in your family
2 Inappropriate question in relation to
prompt What can you tell me about family 4
Omits your between about and family
My grandmother 1 Question answered, not cons