Title: 35 Practice Items
13-5 Practice Items
1a. What do you like to do in the summer?
There isnt any school in the summer and its hot
3 understandable response with limited re
lation to the prompt
23-5 Practice Items
1b. What do you like to do in the summer?
Hot for swim 2 awkward phrase with an impl
ied relation to the prompt
33-5 Practice Items
1c. What do you like to do in the summer?
I like to go to the zoo 5 complete sentence
with a subject and verb
43-5 Practice Items
1d. What do you like to do in the summer?
Can play 2 phrase with an implied relation
to the prompt
53-5 Practice Items
1e. What do you like to do in the summer?
Skate 3 one-word answer that is adequate to
the task
63-5 Practice Items
1f. What do you like to do in the summer?
I go with my aunt at her house
4 uses at instead of to
73-5 Practice Items
1g. What do you like to do in the summer?
April 1 no discernible relation to the prom
83-5 Practice Items
1h. What do you like to do in the summer?
My mom has a pretty blue dress
2 full, understandable response with no rela
tion to the prompt
93-5 Practice Items
1i. What do you like to do in the summer?
I like to play kickball with my friends
5 complete sentence with a subject and verb
103-5 Practice Items
1j. What do you like to do in the summer?
Watch the TV 3 short answer adequate to the
task article the is unnecessary
113-5 Practice Items
1k. What do you like to do in the summer?
I tie my shoes 2 full response with no rela
tion to the prompt
123-5 Practice Items
2a. Tell me about some things that you like to do
I go to park and play my basketball to my friends
2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â awkward response with a number of
grammatical errors
133-5 Practice Items
2b. Tell me about some things that you like to do
I like to play my bicycle 3 substitutes pla
y for ride
143-5 Practice Items
2c. Tell me about some things that you like to do
Swing 3 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â one-word answer that is ade
quate to the task
153-5 Practice Items
2d. Tell me about some things that you like to do
I like to play soccer 5 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â complete se
ntence with a subject and verb
163-5 Practice Items
2e. Tell me about some things that you like to do
The kids get up teams then we got a little ball
and throw over the street at each person the
people who gets hit and drops the ball are out
for the game 3 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â significant amount o
f language produced but with multiple grammatical
errors response is sometimes difficult to follow
173-5 Practice Items
2f. Tell me about some things that you like to do
I am playing 3 wrong verb tense constitutes
a major error in this short response
183-5 Practice Items
2g. Tell me about some things that you like to do
Soccer to play 2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â implied relation t
o prompt but very awkward
193-5 Practice Items
2h. Tell me about some things that you like to do
Play baseball 3 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â short answer that i
s adequate to the task
203-5 Practice Items
2i. Tell me about some things that you like to do
Pretty flowers 1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â no discernible rel
ation to the prompt
213-5 Practice Items
2j. Tell me about some things that you like to do
Run and play a game 4 Â Â Â implied subject
223-5 Practice Items
2k. Tell me about some things that you like to do
I want to watch television 2 Â understandab
le response but no discernible relation to the
233-5 Practice Items
3a. Tell me about what you had for breakfast
this morning.
Bacon with eggs on plate 3 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â short an
swer implied subject/verb missing article
243-5 Practice Items
3b. Tell me about what you had for breakfast
this morning.
Today for breakfast I ate sausage, waffles, and
I drink milk 4 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â inconsistent use of
verb tense
253-5 Practice Items
3c. Tell me about what you had for breakfast
this morning.
Fruit eat 2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â implied relation to pro
mpt but very awkward
263-5 Practice Items
3d. Tell me about what you had for breakfast
this morning.
Breakfast good 2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â intelligible phras
e with implied relation to the prompt vague
273-5 Practice Items
3e. Tell me about what you had for breakfast
this morning.
On breakfast eating the cereal or eggs
2 Â Â Â Â response is difficult to understand be
cause of awkwardness
283-5 Practice Items
3f. Tell me about what you had for breakfast
this morning.
At breakfast time my mom helps dress my sister
after she cooks 3 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â understandable re
sponse with limited relation to the prompt
293-5 Practice Items
3g. Tell me about what you had for breakfast
this morning.
Lunch 1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â no discernible relation to
303-5 Practice Items
3h. Tell me about what you had for breakfast
this morning.
I had a sandwich for breakfast
5 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â complete sentence with a su
bject and verb
313-5 Practice Items
3i. Tell me about what you had for breakfast
this morning.
I have for breakfast egg 3 word order is in
correct verb should be past tense
323-5 Practice Items
3j. Tell me about what you had for breakfast
this morning.
I got up and put on my clothes
2 full, understandable response with no disc
ernible relation to the prompt
333-5 Practice Items
3k. Tell me about what you had for breakfast
this morning.
Toast 3 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â one-word answer that is ade
quate to the task
343-5 Practice Items
4a. What do you do to help your family at home?
Help them clean house 4 Â Â implied subject
353-5 Practice Items
4b. What do you do to help your family at home?
Home cleaning 2 Â Â Â Â Â Â phrase with implied r
elation to the prompt
363-5 Practice Items
4c. What do you do to help your family at home?
Dust 3 Â Â Â Â Â Â one-word answer that is adequa
te to the task
373-5 Practice Items
4d. What do you do to help your family at home?
Watch TV 1 Â Â Â Â Â Â no discernible relation to
383-5 Practice Items
4e. What do you do to help your family at home?
Do my homework and eat supper
3 understandable response with limited relat
ion to the prompt
393-5 Practice Items
4f. What do you do to help your family at home?
By vacuuming the rugs 3 Â Â Â Â Â Â short answer
that is adequate to the task implied subject
and verb I help
403-5 Practice Items
4g. What do you do to help your family at home?
Clean the floor and throw garbage
3 implied subject awkward wording leads to
miscommunication of intended message
413-5 Practice Items
4h. What do you do to help your family at home?
I help them wash the chopsticks and spoons
5 Â Â Â Â Â Â complete sentence with a subject and
423-5 Practice Items
4i. What do you do to help your family at home?
I like to read books 2 full, understandable
response with no relation to the prompt
433-5 Practice Items
4j. What do you do to help your family at home?
I do the dishes 5 Â Â Â Â Â complete sentence wi
th a subject and verb
443-5 Practice Items
4k. What do you do to help your family at home?
Dinner clean and dishes wash 2 Â Â Â Â Â Â respon
se is difficult to understand because of
453-5 Practice Items
5a. Look around the room. Name something and
tell me what it is used for.
The blackboard is used for so we can practice
with the teachers 4 Â Â Â Â Â Â adds for unnecess
463-5 Practice Items
5b. Look around the room. Name something and
tell me what it is used for.
The ball is good for throwing and catching
5 Â Â Â Â Â Â complete sentence with a subject and
473-5 Practice Items
5c. Look around the room. Name something and
tell me what it is used for.
A book like I have at home 2 Â Â phrase with
an implied relation to the prompt does not
attempt to tell what the book is used for
483-5 Practice Items
5d. Look around the room. Name something and
tell me what it is used for.
Dad has a newspaper for looking at
3 understandable response that has an implied
relation to the prompt, provided there is a
newspaper in the room
493-5 Practice Items
5e. Look around the room. Name something and
tell me what it is used for.
A microwave to get the food hot
3 Â Â Â Â Â Â omitting helping verb/verb is used af
ter microwave is a major
503-5 Practice Items
5f. Look around the room. Name something and
tell me what it is used for.
Play 1 Â Â Â Â Â Â no discernible relation to pro
513-5 Practice Items
5g. Look around the room. Name something and
tell me what it is used for.
The sponge for washing dishes
3 Â Â Â Â Â Â omitting the verb constitutes a major
523-5 Practice Items
5h. Look around the room. Name something and
tell me what it is used for.
I like to go to the park 2 Â Â Â Â Â Â full respo
nse with no relation to the prompt
533-5 Practice Items
5i. Look around the room. Name something and
tell me what it is used for.
Maybe a pencil for we can put
2 awkward phrase that is difficult to unders
tand and not complete
543-5 Practice Items
5j. Look around the room. Name something and
tell me what it is used for.
A paper of write 2 awkwardness and grammati
cal errors make this response difficult to
553-5 Practice Items
5k. Look around the room. Name something and
tell me what it is used for.
Books to read 3 Â Â short answer that is adeq
uate to the task
563-5 Practice Items
6a. Tell me about what you like to do during
I do math homework when its too cold out
3 understandable response with limited/impli
ed relation to the prompt
573-5 Practice Items
6b. Tell me about what you like to do during
I help clean my room 2 Â Â full, understandab
le response with no discernible relation to the
583-5 Practice Items
6c. Tell me about what you like to do during
Swing 3 Â Â one-word answer that is adequate
to the task
593-5 Practice Items
6d. Tell me about what you like to do during
Like playing tic-tac-toe using chalk
4 Â Â implied subject
603-5 Practice Items
6e. Tell me about what you like to do during
I like to play baseball and kickball
5 Â Â complete sentence with subject and verb
613-5 Practice Items
6f. Tell me about what you like to do during
Girls on slide 2 implied relation to the pr
ompt but awkward wording and length of response
makes it difficult to understand meaning
623-5 Practice Items
6g. Tell me about what you like to do during
Water 1 Â Â no discernible relation to the pr
633-5 Practice Items
6h. Tell me about what you like to do during
Run, play on the swings, slide
3 Â implied subject list of activities with n
o connecting words like and or or
643-5 Practice Items
6i. Tell me about what you like to do during
Playing on the slide 3 Â Â response is short
and implies both the subject and the verb
653-5 Practice Items
6j. Tell me about what you like to do during
I like to jump rope and play to my friends
outside 4 Â Â substitutes to for with, which
alters the meaning of the response
663-5 Practice Items
6k. Tell me about what you like to do during
Go outside for to play ball and with her friend
2 Â Â intelligible phrases but difficult to und
erstand because of awkward wording
673-5 Practice Items
Question Please ask me what I do after work.
A. What you are doing after work
4 Error in word order B. Where do you work
2 Inappropriate question in relation to
prompt Ride a bus 1 Question answered, not c
onstructed What do you do after you are finished
working 5 Correctly constructed, no errors Wh
at is you are doing after work
3 Appropriate but awkward I dont know 1
Always receives a score point of one
683-5 Practice Items
Question Please ask me where my favorite place
to shop is.
A. Where are being your favorite shopping place
3 Appropriate but awkward
B. Sears 1 Question answered, not construct
ed Where are you shop 2 Inappropriate quest
ion in relation to prompt What store is your favo
rite place to shop 5 Correctly constructed, no
errors Where is your favorite place to shop is
4 Repeats is at end of sentence
What do you eat 2 Inappropriate question in
relation to prompt
693-5 Practice Items
Question Please ask me what I do during summer
A. What do you do when you have vacation in the
summer 5 Correctly constructed, no errors B.
What are you do in the summer
3 Appropriate but awkward
Do you go to visit your family
2 Inappropriate question in relation to
prompt Read books 1 Question answered, not
constructed What are you doing in summer vacation
4 Substituting in for during constitutes one
error Where is vacation 2 Inappropriate q
uestion in relation to prompt