... discount cost of a project submitted to the SLD is NET of rebates and/or discounts? ... Check to see if the changes you desire might be covered by a Global ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
This presentation was created by Mike Beeman of Avnet and presented at a recent cross-country seminar series that included VBrick Systems as a guest partner. Avnet is a VBrick Network Certified Partner (VNCP) and offers a great deal of knowledge and expertise in the Educational marketplace. This is a great up-to-date presentation that explains the gritty details of the E-Rate program. All credit goes to Mike for this one (thanks Mike).
3 Surviving E-Rate
Steps for Survival
4 Surviving E-Rate
Who is Avnet Enterprise Solutions?
Part of Avnet, Inc. - 201 on the Fortune 500
Eighteen (18) regional AES offices across the US
One of ONLY 65 Cisco Gold Partners in the US
Cisco DVAR of the year
Hewlett-Packard Storage Partner of the Year
In the top ten of the largest providers of Internal Connections in the E-Rate program
Advanced Technology specialists
Acquisition Services (Financial) specialists
Networking Solution specialists
5 Surviving E-Rate
Who is Mike Beeman?
Part-time college teacher for 20 years
Ysleta (TX) ISD IT Director 5 years (60 schools/ 47,000 students)
Austin (TX) ISD IT Director 5 years (105 schools/78,000 students)
Avnet Enterprise Solutions 8 years
Over 400 free E-Rate seminars across the country
Over 555 million E-Rate
800-369-9130, ext. 2014
6 Surviving E-Rate
Steps for Survival
Dont Take This Lightly
Defining Ethics and Responsibilities
Planning for the Process
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Post-Funding Activities
7 Surviving E-Rate
Dont Take This Lightly
SURVIVE (per Miriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
intransitive senses (not having or containing a direct object)
to remain alive or in existence live on
to continue to function or prosper
transitive senses (having or containing a direct object)
to remain alive after the death of
to continue to exist or live after
to continue to function or prosper despite
8 Surviving E-Rate
Dont Take This Lightly (OK one time exception!)
SURVIVE (per an E-Rate participant)
nonsense (lost your object and/or your objectivity)
to remain sane or barely exist mentally
to understand what a PIA review is supposed to do?
to remain awake after reading another FCC Order
to continue to exist or live after the 471 window
to continue to function or prosper despite E-Rate seminars
to understand funding year is different than the SLD definition
to try again next year after receiving funding (reduced..)
All of the above
9 Surviving E-Rate
Defining Ethics and Responsibilities
do you use the E-Rate program wisely?
do you plan for what you need, not what you can buy?
do you conduct a fair and competitive bid process?
do you always get at least 3 responses?
how do you evaluate the winner?
do you purchase based on best price or best value?
do you have up to date bid policies?
do your bid policies encompass E-Rate guidelines?
how long do you post an RFP ?
10 Surviving E-Rate
Defining Ethics and Responsibilities
Why is it necessary to discuss ETHICS?
In the first 8 waves of year 8 funding, a total of 240.4M has been cancelled or denied, including 155.6 in Internal Connections.
Over the last few years, the SLD has experienced several instances of waste, fraud and abuse. The United States House of Representatives has an investigative sub-committee to review problems in this area, and we must do all we can, as both applicants and Service Providers to ensure we abide by the rules. Otherwise, the benefits provided within this program will disappear, hurting those schools and libraries that need these services the most.
11 Surviving E-Rate
Defining Ethics and Responsibilities
are all your entities eligible entities under Federal definitions?
does your technology plan cover all 12 months of the funding year ?
will your technology plan be approved BEFORE you start to receive goods or services?
when you file a Form 470, do you always wait at least 28 days before selecting a vendor?
when you file a Form 470 and indicate you have an RFP, is that RFP available to vendors from the first day of posting?
Do you retain all documents to prove E-Rate program compliance for 5 years?
12 Surviving E-Rate
Defining Ethics and Responsibilities
are you prepared to be audited for any application at any time?
are you applying for goods and services that are for educational purposes only?
do you agree that you or your staff have not accepted anything of value, or a promise of something of value, from either a Service Provider or a Consultant other than the services sought on the Form 470?
Have you secured access to all resources necessary to use the services requested through the E-Rate program effectively, including computers, training, software, internal connections, maintenance, and electrical capacity?
When you submit the Form 470, is it done by a person authorized to complete this task, and are you sure all statements provided are true?
13 Surviving E-Rate
Defining Ethics and Responsibilities
do you comply with all FCC, State and Local procurement and competitive bid requirements? Will you certify that?
are you aware that if any of your employees are convicted of criminal violations or are held to be civilly liable for acts arising from participation in this program, you are subject to suspension and debarment from this program?
have you signed all contracts for all required services except those excepted from this requirement?
do you understand that failure to comply with all rules of this program could result in criminal or civil prosecution?
14 Surviving E-Rate
Defining Ethics and Responsibilities
do you understand that if anyone on your staff takes kickbacks, it may result in suspension or debarment from the program?
do you cost allocate out ineligible items as necessary?
do you understand and agree to comply with the 2 in 5 rule?
do you understand that your applicant share cant be paid by the Service Provider?
do you understand that the pre-discount cost of a project submitted to the SLD is NET of rebates and/or discounts?
15 Surviving E-Rate
Defining Ethics and Responsibilities
All the previous items reviewed are part of the signature page and self-certifications you sign and agree to when submitting the Form 470 and Form 471.
Read and understand what you sign.
It is your responsibility.
16 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
When do you start Planning?
17 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
When Do You Start?
E-Rate Timeline
18 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Why is Planning necessary?
1.) Rules Change
2.) Needs Change
19 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Rules Change
The Federal Communications Commission, the Federal oversight agency for the E-Rate program, published their Third Order and Report on December 23, 2003. Within this report, the changes finalized by the FCC are the most significant changes in the E-Rate program since the inception of the program.
These changes are effective March 11, 2004.
The most significant part of this Order is the ruling that will permit a particular eligible entity to receive support for discounted Internal Connections products and services no more than twice in every five years.
20 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Rules Change
In the first seven (7) funding years of the E-Rate program, applicants who qualified for a high discount level, typically in the 80-90 discount range, could apply every year for equipment and services in the Internal Connections category with very good chances for being funded.
And, with few exceptions, these applicants were successful.
Conversely, applicants who qualified for discount levels below 70 were typically denied funding because all available funds had been awarded.
21 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Rules Change
For E-Rate year 8, the first year of the 2 in 5 rule, applications for Internal Connections were about 600 million less for 90 applicants over the previous year, an indication that this part of the 2 in 5 rule is working.
However, we dont know what the volume of Basic Maintenance requests are to date?
The SLD has announced that the 1st wave for Year 8 Internal Connections will be in the early September timeframe and will fund to 87. Hopefully, discounts will ultimately be awarded to those below 70.
22 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Rules Change
This 2 in 5 rule will provide applicants with discount levels less than 70 a better opportunity for funding, but a well planned 5-year strategy will be critical in order to increase your chances for funding.
Of equal importance within the FCC announcement is that maintenance for E-Rate eligible equipment will not be subject to the 2 in 5 rule, thus allowing support for those years when an applicant does not receive any E-Rate funding for Internal Connections.
23 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Additional Important Rule Changes
Applicants MUST use PRICING as the primary factor when awarding E-Rate projects
Equipment purchased with E-Rate funds MUST remain in the same location for 3 years before the equipment can be moved
Substitution requests may be granted where the new equipment is priced higher than the original, provided the applicant pays the full difference.
24 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Needs Change - Questions
What effect do these RULE changes have on your technology plan?
When do I start Internal Connections projects?
Will I be able to finish in time?
How do I measure quality?
How do I measure completion progress?
What if new equipment is introduced?
What if my focus changes?
25 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Needs Change - Answer
What effect do these RULE changes have on your technology plan?
You MUST PLAN to maintain your Technology Plan on a regular basis. It is especially important for Multi-Year and/or Voluntary Extension Contracts.
26 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Needs Change - Answer
When do I start Internal Connections projects?
You MUST PLAN when the project will start. If you cant wait until you receive the Funding Letter, you must plan to pay for the entire project in full and seek reimbursement. The reimbursement can be incremental as work is done.
27 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Needs Change - Answer
Will I be able to finish in time?
You MUST PLAN whether you will finish your project within the funding year. Always ask for the automatic 90 day extension but you must fill out a Form 500 to do this. If you need more time, determine if any extensions are automatic due to funding after March 1st, and if not you need to write an extension request. Understand the rules for extensions.
28 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Needs Change - Answer
How do I measure quality?
You MUST PLAN to have scheduled project meetings and review test results with your Service Provider(s). You should expect a professional Project Management plan and documented results.
29 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Needs Change - Answer
How do I measure completion progress?
You MUST PLAN to inform all potential Service Providers that you expect to have a written Scope of Work for every project, with a formal sign-off procedure by the Applicant before the project is completed. Progress billing milestones should be planned in advance, and no billing should occur until a signed statement of work is completed.
30 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Needs Change -Answer
What if new equipment is introduced?
You MUST PLAN in advance of the project starting whether any equipment originally ordered could or should be replaced with more current equipment. If so, plan early to create a Service Substitution request. Check to see if the changes you desire might be covered by a Global Substitution request by the manufacturer.
31 Surviving E-Rate
Planning for the Process
Needs Change - Answer
What if my focus changes?
You MUST PLAN to review Advanced Technologies pertinent to your environment. If you elect to move in this direction, start with your technology plan and revisit all previous steps we have just reviewed.
Justify changes with financial analysis in addition to technology advances.
32 Surviving E-Rate
15 Minutes
33 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Best Practices
Pick the best time to apply.
How do you apply?
Make sure your technology plan still fits.
Is your Free and Reduced Lunch count optimized?
Adopt an FRN strategy.
Line up your budget.
Is your application BONDED?
To RFP or NOT? That is the question!
Always MAINTAIN your posture!
34 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Pick the Best Time to Apply
What did you apply for in E-Rate year 8?
How can we predict when the best chance for funding will be?
Funding history how desperate are you?
What is your Technology Position vs. your plan?
Apply for MAINTENANCE every year!
35 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6
2009 N/E N/E N/E N/E YES YES
2011 YES YES N/E N/E N/E N/E
2012 N/E N/E YES N/E N/E N/E
36 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Does Your Technology Plan Apply?
Keep your Technology Plan constantly updated.
Applicants MUST have a 5-year plan, including a contingency if funds are not received when expected.
Plan for Solutions, not equipment. Be sure your E-Rate requests are a reflection of your technology plan.
Plan for Advanced Technology it aint whether, but when
37 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
How Do You Apply?
Do you create an RFP?
Do you use purchasing co-operatives?
Do you use State Master Contracts?
38 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Is your Free and Reduced Lunch Optimized?
Do you do an annual Free and Reduced application process?
Do you do sibling matches?
Timing is always an issue
SLD is always behind
Alternate mechanisms available
39 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Do you have an FRN Strategy?
How do you break your project(s) up?
Do you break by site or type?
How do you segregate ineligible products?
Are you always aware of the 30 rule?
Do you separate out partially eligible products?
What about Advanced Technologies?
End of Life products?
40 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Is your Funding Aligned?
Do you have your projects approved?
Do you have your applicant share quantifed?
Can you find a copy of your budget page quickly if asked to produce for a PIA inquiry?
Are you prepared to monitor and track your expenditures?
41 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
To RFP or NOT? That is the Question!
Do you like doing RFPs every year for Internal Connections?
Do you like doing RFPs every year you request Basic Maintenance Services?
Do you create a committee to review bid responses and evaluate proposals received?
Do you argue over weighting criteria and the evaluation procedure you have adopted?
Do you wish you could just make the selection without involving other non-technical people?
42 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
To RFP or NOT? That is the Question!
Do you like preparing an extensive presentation every year to provide to the Board and it never addresses the questions they ask?
If your technology plan changes, do you need to do a new RFP and go out to bid again? Do you create a committee to review bid responses and evaluate proposals received?
43 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
To RFP or NOT? That is the Question!
There is an answer.
Consider Voluntary Extensions!
44 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Is Your Application BONDED?
When is your next infrastructure BOND issue?
Are you planning to leverage BOND funds vs. E-Rate funds received?
Can you leverage other grants vs. your BOND issue?
45 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Is Your Application BONDED?
Plan in conjunction with E-Rate application
Understand the time frames involved when bond money is available
Develop Auxiliary plan to utilize excess funds
Sell Auxilliary utilization internally to Supt/Cabinet
Long term planning necessary
Work with bond planning committee
46 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Is Your Application BONDED?
Leveraging Example
Bond Issue 10 Million E-Rate Application 10 Million
Assume Bond Issue passes, E-Rate application is funded!!!
Transfer 5 Million ---------------? Applicant share 5 Million
Balance of Bond 5 Million Available E-Rate 10 Million
The smoothing effect will set in within the first couple of years and then all Internal Connections applicants should be funded every year.
Your true strategy should include a 10 year E-Rate funding pattern, supplemented by your maintenance and operations budget, planned E-Rate eligible maintenance, potential bond issues that include technology, and other grants for specific issues.
Be aware of changes that may occur within the E-Rate program that could affect you.
Select vendors with more to offer than just pricing.
48 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Things you MUST know
Service Substitutions Impact of Increased Auditing Oversight
Fourth Order and Report Recovery and Enforcement
Fifth Order and Report Strong E-Rate Support Tighter Rules
Fifth Order and Report Applicants must pay within 90 days
More Audits 1,000 authorized target 500K and above
Reduction of award at Service Provider invoice time
Records must be kept for 5 years
49 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Things you MUST do
Understand Your State Competitive Bidding laws
Have written binding agreement or Contract before 471 submitted
Must have price as PRIMARY factor
Get FCC Registration Numbers for all entities
Use ROI and Solution oriented tools/analysis
Have a formal evaluation matrix categories and weighting
50 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Things you MUST do
Sample Weighting Matrix (total 100 points)
Purchase Price 20 points
Vendors K-12 and E-Rate expertise 10 points
Vendors Financial Status 10 points
Vendor reputation and years in the Network business 10 points
Quality of the Vendors Goods and Services 10 points
The extent to which the goods or services meet your needs 10 points
Vendors past relationship with the applicant 10 points
Quality of the Project Management offered by the vendor 10 points
Vendors certifications and knowledge of advanced technologies 10 points
100 points
51 Surviving E-Rate
Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
Use Common Sense
Know the rules
Know your environment
Vision know where you want to go
Pick the right strategic partner
Use E-Rate as one of several funding sources
52 Surviving E-Rate
Post Funding Activities
Survival Issues
SPIN Changes
Service Substitutions
Form 486 and 500
BEAR filings
Audits and Findings
53 Surviving E-Rate
Post Funding Activities
SPIN Changes
Operational SPIN Change
Must be allowed under your state and local procurement rules
Must be allowable within the terms of any contract between the applicant and its original Service Provider
The applicant has notified its original Service Provider of its intent to change Service Providers
54 Surviving E-Rate
Post Funding Activities
Service Substitutions
For Internal Connections projects, the SLD will automatically provide a 90 day extension every year. The applicant MUST file a Form 500 to accept that extension.
If your FCDL is issued after March 1st, the SLD will extend your project an additional year. The applicant Must file a Form 500 to accept that extension.
An extension can be requested beyond the 90 day automatic extension if reasons can justify a longer extension. The reason must not be the fault of the Service Provider.
Service substitutions FREEZE the FRN. Timing is everything.
55 Surviving E-Rate
Post Funding Activities
Forms 486 and 500
The Form 486 must be filed within 120 days of the FCDL or it is possible funding could be reduced.
The SLD recommends filing the Form 486 within the 1st 10 days after the FCDL.
Most applicants are funded several months late, and it is almost routine to file the Form 500 for the 90 day extension. However, many applicants wait until the end of the funding year to file the Form 500, and some forget. Our suggestion
File the Form 500 at the same time you file your Form 486.
56 Surviving E-Rate
Post Funding Activities
Form 472 the BEAR form
For Internal Connections, most applicants wait until the FCDL is issued before starting the project. However, sometimes it is imperative the project is started prior to the receipt of the FCDL.
Remember, if you start any project prior to receiving the FCDL, you have selected the BEAR method of payment, and you MUST stay in that payment form throughout the completion of that FRN.
57 Surviving E-Rate
Post Funding Activities
Audits and Findings (per E-Rate Central)
Applicants are not aware of or have not contacted their State E-Rate Coordinator.
Applicants are not aware they should label their Universal Service funded equipment.
An inventory/asset register did not exist
Applicants do not receive the Quarterly Disbursement Report and would like to be able to specify where to receive the report.
Applicants are unaware of the availability of Universal Service training materials and resources
58 Surviving E-Rate
Post Funding Activities
Audits and Findings (per E-Rate Central)
Applicants are unaware of the 5 year retention rule.
Applicants do not have a Universal Service recordkeeping system that includes forms, tech plans, Free/Reduced support, bids, bid selection process documents, inventory records, payments and invoices. They did not know that 5 years retention is from the last date to receive service in the funding year. Filing systems should be color coded.
Applicants do not use a tracking system for invoices and bills. The system should track correct discounts, time it takes for BEAR form payments, and when applicant makes payments.
59 Surviving E-Rate
Post Funding Activities
Audits and Findings (per E-Rate Central)
Applicants are unaware of the hot line for Code 9 calls.
Applicants are unaware of the ease of filing on-line.
Applicants could not describe the competitive bid process.
Applicants were unaware of their discount level.
Applicants do not have an understanding of the consequences of falsely certifying their application forms.