Title: Is it the Truth,
1Is it the Truth, The Standard Model Truth, And
Nothing but the Truth? A Review of Top Physics At
the Tevatron
For the CDF and DØ Collaborations
Charles Plager UCLA
The Fermilab Users Meeting - June 1, 2006
2Roadmap To The Truth
- The Tevatron
- The CDF and DØ Detectors
- Top Mass and Single Top
- Review of the Top Quark
- Top Pair Cross Sections
- Top Quark Properties
- Top Lifetime
- Top Charge
- Resonant Pair Production
- W Helicity in Top Decays
- Looking Forward
Already Covered
3Top Quark History
- CDF and DØ Run I announced the top quark
discovery March, 1995. - This discovery did not just happen
- Other experiments had been looking for the
previous 20 years with no (real) top quark
discovery. - PETRA (DESY) ee-
- SppS (CERN) pp
- LEP I (CERN) ee-
- Run I was in its fourth year (after three years
of Run 0 and many years of designing, building,
and commissioning the detectors).
4Top Quark Review
- Top the Golden quark ( 175 GeV/c2)
- Only fermion with mass near EW scale.
- 40 times heavier than the bottom quark.
- Very wide (1.5 GeV/c2)
- The top quarks decay before they can hadronize.
- We can study the decay of the bare quark.
- Up to now Only observed in pairs.
- Fundamental question
- Is it the truth, the Standard Model (SM) truth,
and nothing but the truth? - Did we really find the top quark?
- Is it the SM top quark?
- Is it only the SM top quark?
tt Pair Lepton Jets Decay
5What Can We Study About Top Quarks?
Top physics is very rich
Branching ratios Rare decays Non-SM decays Decay
kinematics W helicity Vtb
W helicity
Production cross section Resonance
production Production kinematics Spin polarization
Production cross section
Resonance production
Top charge Top spin Top lifetime Top mass
Top charge
Top lifetime
Anomalous couplings
In This Talk
6A Quick Note About Scale
Cross Sections at Ös 1.96 TeV
Since we are not all intimately familiar with
Tevatron High PT Physics Top 1 in 10
Billion Reducing and Understanding Backgrounds
is the key.
7Top Pair Decay Modes
- According to the SM, top quarks (almost) always
decay to Wb. - When classifying the decay modes, we use the W
decay modes - Leptonic
- Light leptons (e or ?)
- Tauonic (?)
- Hadrons
8Important Tool B Jet Tagging
- Since we expect t ? W b,
- b jet tagging is a very important tool.
- Most backgrounds do not have b jets.
- We rely on the long b quark lifetime.
- B hadrons can travel several millimeters before
decaying. - Note Not all tracks in a b jet are displaced
tracks. - Complicates b jet tagging algorithms.
CDF Event Close-up View of Layer 00 Silicon
1.2 cm
9Top Pair Cross Sections
- Why do we need to measure the top pair cross
section at all? - Can we confirm the SM cross sections (and
kinematic distributions)? - These samples are the basis for every other top
properties measurement. - Why do we measure this using different channels?
- Different channels have different strengths.
- New physics can affect different channels
differently. - e.g., Higgs boson more likely to couple to taus
than light leptons. - How do we measure top pair cross sections?
- Choose event selection to reduce as well as
accurately estimate the backgrounds. - Acceptance and Efficiency determined from known
branching fractions and leading order Monte Carlo
10B Tagged Lepton Jets Cross Section
- Counting Experiment
- Lepton jets with b jet tagging
- Good compromise between backgrounds and
acceptance. - W Heavy Flavor (HF) Jets is dominant
background. - Signal Region
- Light lepton (e or ?).
- Missing transverse energy (neutrino)
- 3 or more jets
- At least one b tagged.
Control Region
Signal Region
W HF Jets
W LF Jets
11Kinematic Lepton Jets Cross Section
- Lepton jets with no b tagging requirement.
- W jets dominant background
- Signal Region
- Light lepton (e or ?)
- Missing transverse energy (neutrino)
- 3 or more jets
- Uses Neural Net to distinguish between signal and
background. - Uses 7 variables, including
- Total transverse energy (HT)
- Aplanarity
- Minimum dijet mass
- Takes correlations between variables into
account. - Cross section is measured from fit to neural net
12Inclusive Dilepton Cross Section
- Instead of cutting out main dilepton backgrounds,
measure them at the same time. - tt ? dileptons X
- WW ? dileptons X
- Z ? ?? ? dileptons X
- Other Drell-Yan and fake leptons biggest
backgrounds - Use binned 2-D Missing Transverse Energy versus
Jet Multiplicity shapes to distinguish between
the three signals and background. - More restrictive event selection criteria are
used in ee and ?? final states to reduce Z? ll
background. - ? Z ? ?? ? dileptons only fit in e? data.
13Inclusive Dilepton Cross Section (2)
14Inclusive Dilepton Cross Section (3)
15Cross Section Summary
CDF Run II Preliminary
New Result
Red ?
16Top Quark Properties
- There are many analyses studying top properties
at CDF and DØ. - Top mass and single top have already been
covered. - With only 20 minutes for this entire talk, I will
not be able to cover everything about top
physics. - Will not cover many interesting analyses, such
as - Search for a massive fourth generation quark, t.
- Search for charged Higgs in top decays (t ? Hb).
- Search for anomalous kinematics in top dilepton
decays. - Measurement of the branching fraction, Br (t ? W
b). - If you can read this line, you do not need your
eyes checked. -
- Many new analyses are in the pipeline at CDF and
DØ as well.
17Top Lifetime
- The SM top quark has a predicted lifetime of
about 10-24 s (3 ? 10-16 m). - This value is smaller than we could ever see here
at the Tevatron. - A measured deviation from zero lifetime could
mean - A much larger top lifetime,
- Anomalous top production by a long-lived parent
particle, or - A long-lived background to SM top.
- Any evidence of a non-zero top lifetime
- ? New Physics
- Use LeptonJets top pair sample with a b tagged
jet. - Measure signed lepton impact parameter (d0)
- Calibration
- Used Drell-Yan events near Z resonance to
understand the d0 resolution. - Confirmed technique correctly measures tau
lifetime. - Used Z ? ?? events
18Top Lifetime (2)
- Backgrounds
- Prompt Wjets, Drell-Yan, Diboson
- Displaced lepton W/Z decaying to ?, semileptonic
b c decays, photon conversions - Results
- Using 157 events
- 32 expected background
First Direct Limit On Top Lifetime
19Top Charge
- Why check top charge?
- Is it really the SM top quark (2/3 ? e
charge)? - t ? W b could mean that top has charge -4/3 ?
e. -
- How do we check top charge?
- Use an algorithm for determining the
- charge of b jets.
- Double b-tagged lepton jets sample.
- Use kinematic fit to pair lepton with
- correct b jet. ? 17 events.
- Two entries per event
b jet charge tagging on bb sample with other jet
tagged with ? charge.
Corrected for B mixing and charm contamination
20Top Charge (2)
- Create two templates
- top with 2/3 charge and background
- top with -4/3 charge and background
- Use likelihood ratio
- Using pseudo-experiments, the probability of
seeing l 11.5 or greater when the top charge
-4/3. - Occurs less than 6.3 of the time.
- ? 93.7 C.L. that top has 2/3 charge.
- CDF result with 1 fb-1 coming soon.
(17 events)
First Direct Limit On Top Charge
21Resonant Top Production
- Are top pairs produced directly from a virtual
boson, or is there a real intermediate resonance
involved? - Basic strategy of search
- Search for top pairs.
- Fully reconstruct both top quarks and measure top
pair invariant mass. - Both CDF and DØ
- Use lepton jets data sample.
- Convert their results into mass limits on a
leptophobic X0. - Assume X0 width 1.2 ? X0 mass.
- See, for example, Harris, Hill, Parke
22Resonant Top Production (2)
23Resonant Top Production (3)
24W Helicity
- Examines the nature of the tWb vertex,probing
the structure of weak interactions at energy
scales near the Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking
scale. - Stringent test of V-A interaction in SM. Standard
Model expectations - F0 0.7, F- 0.3 and F 0.0
VA is Suppressed in the SM
25W Helicity (2)
Angle between charged lepton and top direction in
W rest frame.
- Want to measure whether W has
- V-A (70 long., 30 left handed), or
- VA (70 long., 30 right handed) couplings.
- Use the invariant mass of the lepton and the b
jet. - Assuming mbottom 0,
- Three data samples used
- Single b tagged lepton jets
- Double b tagged lepton jets
- Dilepton
26W Helicity (3)
- With one lepton and one b tagged jet, it is clear
what invariant mass to use. - With one lepton and two b tagged jets, there are
two choices - Lepton with leading b jet ? x axis
- Lepton with second b jet ? y axis
- With two leptons and two jets, there are four
choices - Same values as above for each lepton ? 2 entries
per event. - Use variable bins to account for differences in
1D And 2D Lepton Jets Double Tag Templates
V - A
27W Helicity (4)
- Results
- Both CDF and DØ have many other
- W helicity results.
- All consistent with V-A coupling.
28Looking Forward
- Lots of exciting top physics happening at the
Tevatron. - CDF, DØ, and the Tevatron are all running very
well. - A lot of room to grow.
- We have a good handle on the top pair cross
sections. - Rapidly approaching 10 precision.
- Top Properties is becoming a precision field.
- So far, everything is frustratingly consistent
with the SM.
1 fb-1
8 fb-1
29Future Prospects
In This Talk
Branching ratios Rare decays Non-SM decays Decay
kinematics W helicity Vtb
Branching ratios
Done in Run II
Rare decays
Coming Soon (1 fb-1)
Non-SM decays
Decay kinematics
W helicity
Production cross section Resonance
production Production kinematics Spin polarization
Production cross section
Resonance production
Production kinematics
Top charge Top spin Top lifetime Top mass
Top charge
Spin polarization
Top lifetime
Top mass
Anomalous couplings
30Backup Slides
31The Tevatron
- Proton-antiproton collisions at
- 1.96 TeV (Run I 1.8 TeV)
- Peak Luminosity gt 1.41032 cm-2 s-1.
- Whats new for Run II?
- Main Injector 150 GeV proton storage ring.
- Recycler Antiproton storage ring
- Working well.
- Electron Cooling established.
- Total Integrated luminosity
- Currently, over 1 fb-1.
- Should have between 4 fb-1
- and 9 fb-1 by 2009.
Chicago ?
32The Run II CDF Detector
- Similar to most colliding detectors
- Inner silicon tracking
- Drift Chamber
- Solenoid
- EM and Hadronic Calorimeters
- Muon Detectors
- New for Run II
- Tracking 8 layer silicon and drift chamber
- Trigger/DAQ
- Better silicon, calorimeter and muon coverage
33The Run II DØ Detector
- Brand new L0 Inner Silicon!
- New central tracking inside 2 T solenoid
- Silicon vertex detector
- b-tagging
- Scintillating fiber tracker
- New forward muon system
- New readout / trigger electronics