Title: School Milk Reg 27072000 Reg 8162004
1The Dairy Industry on the Road to
Copenhagen Joop Kleibeuker, Secretary General
EDA Brussels, 29 October 2009
2Main role of dairy in EU-Society
- Essential part balanced healthy diet
- Important role in social/economic structures
rural areas
3On-going reductions environmental impact dairy
- At Farm Level
- Reduction of loss of nutrients
- Manure management/reduction NH3-emission
- Energy recovery from milk cooling
- At Processing Level
- Reduction amount of water used
- Waste-water treatment
- Energy savings
- Optimisation of packaging
- Increased transport efficiencies
4Increasing attention for GHG emission related to
animal production
- 2006 Livestocks long shadow (FAO)
- 18 of global emission
- 2006/2007 EU EIRRO/IMPRO studies
- 24 of consumption related GHG emission
- What is contribution of dairy?
5EDA / CE-Delft report
- A sustainable dairy sector
- Global, regional and life cycle facts and figures
- on greenhouse-gas emission.
- Global GHG emission at farm
- Global GHG emission up to farm gate
- Global GHG emission full dairy chain
- GHG emission per litre milk produced
- Differences between countries/dairy systems
- Developments in time
6Some main conclusions from EDA/CE-Delft report
- Global GHG emission milk production at the farm
1.2 - Global GHG emission milk production up the farm
- gate 3
- Processing, packaging, distribution 0.3 0.5
- Since 1990 reduction of milk production related
GHG emission Annex-1 countries -20 - Differences in total emissions per litre of milk
between countries/systems limited
7Broad range of projects on dairy related
GHG-emission reduction
- Cow feeding projects
- Breeding studies
- Manure management
- Manure / dairy waste digestion
- Carbon storage in dairy farm soils
- Optimalisation fertiliser use
- Use of renewable energy
- Energy efficiency / cogeneration
- Packaging recycling
8Position of dairy industry in relation to GHG
emission from Dairy
- There are relevant emissions
- The emission / needed emission reductions are
manageable - For optimal result global coordination needed
9Dairy Sustainability Initiative
- International dairy organisations
- International dairy federation, IDF
- International Federation of Agricultural
Producers, IFAP - Sustainable Agriculture Initiative, SAI
- Global Dairy Platform, GDP
- Regional dairy organisations
- Europe, EDA
- America, FEPALE
- South East Africa, ESADA
- Global Dairy Agenda for Action on Climate Change
- Green paper on projects from all over the world
- Related communications
- see www.dairy-sustainability-initiative.org
11Global Dairy Agenda for Action on Climate Change
- Commitments dairy sector
- Standard methodology for assessing carbon foot
print - Dissemination of best practices
- Development of tools for measurement / monitoring
GHG emissions up to reporting - Promotion of understanding along the full chain
- Global coordination on research
- 2 yearly reporting on progress
12 Global Dairy Agenda for Action on Climate
- Demands on authorities / policy makers
- Recognise role of dairy
- Ensure avoidance of threats to food production,
article 2 of UNFCCC - Policies to be based on robust science
- Recognise investments in science and mitigation
tools as contribution to realisation final
13Concluding Remarks
- Dairy sector recognises the obligation to work on
GHG emission reduction - Study has quantified and specified relevant
contribution to GHG emission - Significant reduction already realised since 1990
- Sector commits itself for a series of actions
that will facilitate further reduction in coming
10-20 years - Green paper will show you these are not only
nice words and good intentions, concrete actions
are on-going