Title: Lucy
2Netters standing man
Mitchell noted that the piriformis exerts an
oblique force on the sacrum. The plane of the
muscle closely approximates the frontal plane and
lies at an angle of approximately 300 to the
plane of the adjacent sacroiliac (SI) joint. As
illustrated by Retzlaff and associates, the lower
fibers of the piriformis muscle are able to
produce a strong rotary shearing force on the
S/joint. This force would tend.to displace the
ipsi/ateral base of the sacrum anteriorly
(forward) and the apex of the the sacrum
posteriorly. (Travel et al)
4Michelle, store manager
5An old business card . . .
6Da Vincis Well-Shaped Man Subluxated!
Da Vinci's "well-shaped man" features left PI
ilium, lumbar curvature, and foot flare and
probably a positive left sacral leg check.
7Relaxed standing in Greek art, I
8Relaxed standing in Greek art, II
9Relaxed stance Vesalius
11Relaxed standing in American art, I
12Relaxed standing in American art, II
13Rigid and relaxed standing
14Pelvic Torsion Biomechanics of the Lower
Extremity, I
- foot pronation
- tibia internal on foot
- femur internal on tibia
- pelvis internal on femur (ie, external rotation
of the hip) - abductor hypertonus
15Pelvic Torsion Biomechanics of the Lower
Extremity, II
- Physical findings on relaxed side
- pronated foot
- inferior hip
- increased valgus angle, knee
- internal rotation of tibia on foot
- internal rotation of femur on tibia
- internal rotation of pelvis on femur (external
rotation of the hip) - lumbar lateral curvature
16Pelvic Torsion Biomechanics of the Lower
Extremity, I
- foot pronation
- tibia internal on foot
- femur internal on tibia
- pelvis internal on femur (ie, external rotation
of the hip) - abductor hypertonus