Title: Solvay Public Library
1Solvay Public Library
2- Only in popular education can man erect the
structure of an enduring civilization. - --- Andrew Carnegie
3Andrew Carnegie donates 10,000 to Solvay Public
Library to build a new village library.
4Frederick Hazard, President of Solvay Process
Company, donates the land and 10,000 to match
Carnegies grant.
5Carnegie grant form.1902
6- The man who enters a library
- is in the best society
- the world affords.
- - Andrew Carnegie
71,689 Carnegie libraries were built across the
United States, including the downtown library in
Syracuse (top center).
9Original circulation desk. 1905
101908 postcard view of main room
11- Tolle lege
- (Take up and read.)
- - St. Aurelius Augustinus, A.D. 386
12Circa 1960s
13(No Transcript)
15Circulation desk before 1979 renovations. Tile
floor, window shades.
16Circulation desk after 1980 renovation. New
curtains, carepting, new desk. Note no computers!
17Library trustees during the 1979 renovations,
(l-r) Julia Bianco, Irma March, Nelson Hatch,
Beverly Darrow, Daniel Casey
19By the 1980s the library is using the front
lawn for book sales.
20Library serves as outplacement center for Pass
Seymour in late 1980s.
21By mid-1990s, the library still has the 1970s
orange and is getting more and more cramped for
222000 Overgrown plants obscure grand view.
23Computers add to overcrowded conditions.
24Successful storyhours are cramped for space.
25Around 2000, the Community Room has serious
damage from water seepage and flooding into the
foundation requiring thousands of dollars in
262002 Emergency repairs are needed for corroding
foundation caused by poor drainage around aging
building. Cost 18,000.
27Popular cultural and education programs force
patrons to park blocks away or illegally.
Library parking does not meet Village code.
28A variety of cultural events take place both
inside and outside of the library. Here a large
crowd awaits the Ithaca ballet.
2920001 Solvay Centennial Committee donates
historical marker.
30In 2002, Library Trustees hired architects to
develop a plan to address drainage, handicap, and
space issues.
31Over the 100 year history of the library, despite
cramped space and difficult work conditions,.
32the staff have maintained friendly, conscientious
service to our community.