Title: National Center for Learning
12006 Professional Development Activities for
Grade 7-12 Teachers
The NCLT Professional Development Experience
Workshop Design
Sample Activity Touch-Based Imaging and the
Atomic Force Microscope Students understand
images at the nanoscale by using their
fingertips and magnets to detect a pattern.
Sample Activity Cutting it Down Students
understand the smallness of the nanoscale and
acknowledge the limitations involved in
manipulating matter in small scale by seeing how
many times they can cut a strip of paper half.
Program Objectives
Heighten participating teachers awareness of
nanoscience and its potential importance. Increase
teachers understanding of the concepts and
approaches that underlie nanoscience. Develop
teachers ability to appropriately fit
nanoscience concepts and ideas into existing
curricula and meet state science learning
standards. Provide teachers with concrete
examples of how nanoscience concepts may be
taught in their own classrooms in ways consistent
with recognized best practice in science
education. Increase the number of middle and
high-school teachers effectively covering
nanoscience concepts in their classrooms.
Structure of Matter
Properties of Matter at Nanoscale
Visualization and Tools
Size and Scale
Sample Activity Lego Self-Assembly Students
design a unique self-assembly system using legos
to represent molecules and magnets and Velcro to
represent intermolecular forces.
Tripartite model for teachers knowledge
Program Activities
2-week summer course UTEP 19-30 June
2006 Purdue 10-21 July 2006 2 academic year
follow-up seminars Weekend seminars on
nanoscience and/or inquiry based
instruction Implementation of inquiry-based,
nanoscience-related activities in G7-12 science
classrooms with post-lesson reflective
analysis Video recording of lessons Follow-up
interviews with teachers and students Disseminatio
n of nanoscience-related activities Local NSTA
meetings School-wide or system-wide professional
Learning Theories
Collaborative Reflection
Inquiry-Based Pedagogy
Reflective Practice
Video Analysis
Models and Simulations
Conceptual Boundaries
Science Standards
National Center for Learning Teaching in
Nanoscale Science Engineering