Title: Whats a Good Job
1Whats a Good Job?
- A guide to selecting, preparing for, evaluating,
and landing one.
2What are my choices after high school?
- Work force
- Military
- Technical College
- University
- Public
- Private
- Specialized
- Other
3What are some factors that determine the quality
of a job?
- Pay
- Health Insurance
- Dental Insurance
- Vision Insurance
- Paid Vacation
- 401 K
- Sick Days
- Emergency Days
- Personal Days
- Location
- Hours
- Type of work
- Work environment
- Advancement Chances
- Paid Training
- Enjoyable Work
4How are workers usually paid?
- Hourly wage (possibility of overtime)
- Annual Salary
- Commission
- Piece work
- Other (combinations)
5Hourly Wage
- Advantages
- Possibility of OT (1 1/2)
- Disadvantages
- Inconsistent income
6Annual Salary
- Advantages
- Consistent Income
- Same pay regardless of hours worked
- Disadvantages
- No possibility of OT
- Same pay regardless of hours worked
7Commission/Piece Work
- Advantages
- High income potential
- Rewards for good performance
- Disadvantages
- Inconsistent income
- Poor performance/Low pay.
8How much pay is enough?
In order to be happy, I need to make ________
per year.
- 5.15/hour ___________ year
- 8.00/hour ___________ year
- 10.00/hour ___________ year
- 12.00/hour ___________ year
- 15.00/hour ___________ year
- 20.00/hour ___________ year
- 25.00/hour ___________ year
9Wage X 40 hours/week weekly wageWeekly wage x
50 weeks yearly wage
Hourly Wage/Annual Salary
10How much pay is enough?
- Rent/Mortgage
- Car Payment
- Groceries
- Phone
- Taxes (15-35)
- Retirement
- Heat
- Electricity
- Household supplies
- Water
- Car Insurance
- Rent/Mortgage Insurance
- Toys
- Clothing
- Furniture
- Spending Money
- Gas
- Medical/Medicine
11Now how much is enough?
- Total Monthly Costs
- Required Monthly Income
- Wage/Salary Required
12What about other benefits?
- Medical Benefits
- Dental Benefits
- 401 K
- Sick, Personal, Emergency Days
- Others
In a good job, you benefits account for 33 of
your overall compensation?
13Lets compare!
- Average earnings w/ high school diploma
_________________ - Average earnings w/ an associates degree
__________ - Average earnings w/ a bachelors degree
14How much does an education cost?
- Associates Degree
- Bachelors Degree
15How much does not pursuing an education cost?
- Lifetime Earnings
- Retirement Earnings
- Social Security Earnings
- Interest Earnings
16What choice will you make?
- The type of job I hope to have will
17What choice will you make?
- The type of job I hope to have will