Title: Development of the Ruminant Digestive Tract
1Development of the Ruminant Digestive Tract
- Readings
- Quigley and Drewry 1998. Nutrient and Immunity
Transfer from Cow to Calf Pre- and Post-Calving.
J Dairy Sci 812779-2790 - Â http//jds.fass.org/cgi/reprint/81/10/2779.pdf
- Quigley et al. 2001 Formulation of Colostrum
Supplements, Colostrum Replacers and Acquisition
of Passive Immunity in Neonatal Calves J. Dairy
Sci 842059-2065 - Â http//jds.fass.org/cgi/reprint/84/9/2059.pdf
- Beharka et al. 1998. Effects of Form of the Diet
on Anatomical, Microbial, and Fermentative
Development of the Rumen in Neonatal Calves.
J.Dairy Sci 811946-1955. - http//jds.fass.org/cgi/reprint/84/9/2059.pdf
- Longenbach and Heinrichs. 1998. A Review of the
Importance and Physiological Role of Curd
Formation in the Abomasum of Young Calves. Anim.
Feed Sci Tech 7385-97. - ISU Home Page Library Collections
e-journals Animal Feed Science and Tech.
ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals Volume
73 Pages 85-97.
2Transition from birth to functional ruminant
- Phases
- Birth to 3 weeks
- True nonruminant
- 3 weeks to approximately 8 weeks
- Transition
- Length is diet dependent
- Beyond 8 weeks
- Ruminant
- Changes
- Absorption
- Function of the reticular groove
- Enzyme activity of saliva and lower GI tract
- Development of rumen volume and papillae
- Development of rumen microflora
3Changes in absorption
- Calves born with no maternal gamma-globulins,
and, therefore, must receive them from colostrum - Composition Colostrum
Milk - Fat, g/kg 36 35
- Non-fat solids, g/kg 185
86 - Protein, g/kg 143 32
- Immunoglobulins 55-68
.9 - Lactose 31
46 - Ash, g/kg 9.7 7.5
- Ca, g/kg 2.6 1.3
- P, g/kg 2.4 1.1
- Mg, g/kg .4 .1
- Carotenoids, ug/g fat 25-45 7
- Vitamin A, ug/g fat 42-48
8 - Vitamin D, ug/g fat 23-45
15 - Vitamin E, ug/g fat 100-150 20
4Factors affecting the concentration of
immunoglobulins in colostrum
- Number of milkings
- Colostrum volume
- Increased ambient temperatures
- Dietary crude protein content during gestation
- No effect on concentration of immunoglobulins in
colostrum - Reduces absorption of immunoglobulins by calf.
5Serum Immunoglobulin concentrations
- 10 g/l serum in calves is recommended
- A 1996 NAHMS study found that 40 of dairy
heifers had less than the recommended level. - Reasons for inadequate levels of IgG
- Inadequate colostrum consumption
- Recommended that calf receive 4 L of colostrum
during first 24 hours after birth. - Reduced IgG absorption
6Factors affecting IgG absorption
- Age at first colostrum feeding
- The ability to absorb whole immunoglobulins
decreases rapidly after birth - Reasons
- Maturation of the epithelium
- Epithelium is totally replaced in first 24 hours
after birth - Development of GI tract proteolytic activity
- Should feed enough colostrum to supply 100 g IgG
as early as possible - Sex of calves
- Heifers have higher IgG than bulls
- Cattle breed
- Holsteins have more efficient Antibody Absorption
Efficiency (AEA) than Ayrshires - Method of feeding
- Feeding with nipple pail results in higher serum
antibodies than nursing because - Nursing calves consume colostrum later than
nipple-fed calves - Nursing calves consume less colostrum than
nipple-fed calves - Esophageal feeding of colostrum reduces AEA
because - Colostrum is retained in the rumen for 2 to 4
hours - AEA is greater in calves fed colostrum in 2
feedings than 1 feeding
7Factors affecting IgG absorption (Cont.)
- Metabolic or respiratory acidosis reduces AEA
- Causes of metabolic acidosis
- Dystocia
- Low CationAnion balance in diet of dam during
pregnancy - Extremely cold ambient temperatures reduce AEA
- Increased plasma glucocorticoids will increase
AEA - Increased serum colostrum IgG concentrations will
increase AEA - AEA can be improved in low to medium quality
colostrum by adding bovine serum protein - Reasons
- Overcome competition with other proteins
- There may be factors in colostrum that stimulate
closure of the epithelium to antibody absorption
8Change in the function of the reticular groove
- Reticular groove is composed of two lips of
tissue that run from the cardiac sphincter to the
reticulo-omasal orifice - Purpose
- Transport milk directly from the esophagus to the
abomasum - Reflex
- Action occurs in two movements
- Contraction of longitudinal muscles that shorten
the groove - Inversion of the right lip
- Neural pathway
- Afferent stimulation by the superior laryngeal
nerves - Efferent pathway by the dorsal abdominal vagus
9Stimuli for contraction of the reticular groove
- Suckling
- Consumption of milk proteins
- Consumption of glucose solutions
- Consumption of sodium salts
- NaHCO3
- Effective in cattle, but not sheep
- Presence of copper sulfate
- Effective in lambs
10Effects of age on reticular groove reflex
- Reflex normally equal in bucket-fed and
nipple-fed calves until 12 weeks of age - Reflex normally lost in bucket-fed calves by 12
weeks - Reflex normally lost in nipple-fed calves by 16
weeks of age, but effectiveness decreases - Considerable variation
- Advantages of nipple-feeding compared to
bucket-feeding - Positioning of calf
- Arched neck
- Rate and pattern of consumption of milk
- Slower and smaller amounts consumed
- Increased saliva flow
11Nutritional implications of the reticular groove
- More efficient use of energy and protein
- No losses of methane, heat of fermentation or
ammonia - Requirements (100 kg gaining 1 kg/day)
Metabolizable Digestible -
energy protein -
(MJ) (gm) - Preruminant 32.5
280 - Ruminant 35.1
290 - Require B vitamins
- Unable to utilize nonprotein nitrogen
12Changes in digestive enzymes
- Proteases
- Pepsin
- May or may not be secreted as pepsinogen by
newborn calf - HCl secretion is inadequate in newborn calf to
lower abomasal pH enough for pepsin activity - Calf born with few parietal cells
- Number of parietal cells increase 10-fold in 72
hr - Number of parietal cells reach mature level in 31
days - Pancreatic proteases
- Activity is low at birth
- Activity increases rapidly in first days after
birth - Mature levels of pancreatic proteases reached at
8 to 9 weeks after birth
13Effect of age on the volume and composition of
gastric and pancreatic secretion
Age (days) -
7-10 24-31 63-72 - Estimated apparent secretion
- (Saliva, gastric, and bile)
- Volume (l/12 hr) 2.2
2.2 2.7 - Cl- minus Na (mmol/l) 95
140 122 - Pancreatic
- Secretion (ml/l diet) 88
107 122 - Trypsin activity (mg/l diet) 42
42 45 - Total protease (g/l diet) .3
.7 1.0
14- Rennin
- A protease secreted by the abomasum
- Activity low at birth, but increases rapidly
- Actions
pH optima -
Rennin Pepsin - Proteolytic activity
3.5 2.1 - Curd formation
6.5 5.3 - Curd formation
- Forms within 3 to 4 minutes
- Slows rate of passage to increase digestion
- Specific for the protein, casein
- Implies that use of proteins other than casein in
milk replacers may result in digestive upset and
reduced growth - Necessity somewhat controversial beyond 3 weeks
of age
15Effects of feeding non-milk proteins in milk
- Less gastric secretion
- Less gastric and pancreatic proteolytic activity
- Less coagulation
- Increased rate of gastric emptying
- Reduced protein digestibility
- Putrefactive scours
- Undigested protein
- Development of Coliform bacteria
- Results
- Damage to intestinal mucosa
- Increased osmotic pressure in digesta from amines
- Diarrhea
- Alkaline pH
- Particularly a problem before 3 weeks of age
16Use of non-milk protein sources in milk replacers
- In 1995, only 11 of milk replacers contained
only casein because of cost of casein containing
ingredients - Substitution levels
Digestibility Substitution -
CP, (3 wk) for casein - Whey 40-90
61-67 Up to 100 - Soy flour 50
51 20 - Soy protein concentrate 70
73-89 40 to 100 - Performance of calves fed milk replacers with
different protein sources -
Daily gain - Age, wk Casein Soy protein conc
Whey protein conc - 0-6 13.8 kg 2.8
kg - 4-15 199.1 kg 74.6 kg
- 0-10 -.42 kg/d .09
kg/d - 0-6 20.6 kg
12.5 kg - 0-9 23.2 kg
26.5 kg - 0-9 .54 kg/d
.56 kg/d - 0-8 20.4 kg
20.3 kg - 0-6 .19 kg/d
.25 kg/d
17Rationale for efficacy of utilization of non-milk
proteins in milk replacers
- Factors affecting gastric emptying of digesta
- Coagulation of milk proteins
- Fat content of diet
- Fat in duodenum will stimulate cholecystokinin
- Presence of glucose in duodenum
- Presence of amino acids in duodenum
- Processing and compositional factors affecting
milk replacer protein utilization - Heating
- Excessive heating inhibits protein coagulation
- Fat content of diet
- Fat (20 of the DM) may improve clotting
- High fat levels may stimulate diarrhea by
themselves - Fat processing of diet
- Low temperature dispersion may result in more
effective protein use than homogenization
18Changes in digestive enzymes
- Carbohydrases
- Intestinal lactase
- Activity high at birth
- Decrease in activity after birth is diet
dependent - In ruminant calves, activity drops to mature
levels by 8 weeks of age - In pre-ruminant calves, activity at 8 weeks is
10x greater than ruminant calves - Pancreatic amylase
- Activity is low at birth
- Activity increases 26x by 8weeks of age
- Mature levels not reached until 5 to 6 months of
age - Intestinal maltase
- Low at birth
- Increases to mature levels by 8 to 14 weeks of
age - Independent of diet
- Intestinal sucrase
- Never any sucrase
- Fructose is not absorbed
19Implications of changes in carbohydrases
- Digestibility
Digestibility (28 days) - Lactose
95 - Maltose
90 - Starch
50-80 - Sucrose
25 - Fermentative scours
- Undigested carbohydrates stimulate excessive
production of VFAs and lactic acid which cause
diarrhea - Feces have an acidic pH
- Causes
- Non-lactose carbohydrates in milk replacers
- Overfeeding lactose as milk or milk-based milk
20Changes in digestive enzymes
- Lipases
- Pregastric esterase
- Secreted in the saliva until 3 months of age
- Activity is dependent on method of feeding and
composition of feed - Activity is increased by nipple-feeding
- Activity is greater in calves fed milk than those
fed hay - Hydrolytic activity is adapted to milk fat
- Specifically releases C4 to C8 fatty acids from
triglycerides - Equal activity to pancreatic amylase for C10 to
C14 fatty acids - No activity on longer chain fatty acids
- Although secreted in saliva and the pH optimum of
PGE is 4.5 to 6, most PGE activity occurs in the
curd in the abomasum - 50 of the triglycerides in milk is hydrolyzed
within 30 minutes - Importance of PGE is questionable
- Pancreatic lipase
- Secretion is low at birth
- Increases 3x to mature levels by 8 days
- Hydrolyzes both short and long chain fatty acids
21Implications of the lipase activity in
- Preruminants can make effective use of a variety
of fats -
Digestibility - Butterfat
97 - Coconut oil (Cant be fed alone) 95
- Lard 92
- Corn oil 88
- Tallow 87
22Additional considerations with fats in milk
- Fat must be emulsified to a particle size less
than 4 um with lecithin or glycerol monostearate - Vitamin E and/or antioxidants must be
supplemented if unsaturated fatty acids present - Fat is replacers may reduce diarrhea
- Fat reduces concentration of lactose and protein
- Fat reduces rate of passage
- Increasing fat concentration in a replacer may
increase calf fat reserves for early weaning
23Metabolic changes occurring as a preruminant
develops into a ruminant
- Energy source
- Energy source
- Fetus Glucose
- Calf Fat
- Cow
VFAs - Blood glucose
Blood glucose, mg - Calf
100 - Cow
60 - Liver enzymes associated with glucose utilization
decrease - Enzymes involved in glycolysis
- Fructose-1,6-diphosphate adolase
- Glucose 3 phosphate dehydrogenase
- Enzymes involved in pentose phosphate shunt
- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
- 6 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
- Enzymes involved in fatty acid synthesis from
glucose - Citrate lyase
- Liver enzymes associated with gluconeogenisis
24Changes in rumen size and papillae
- As a preruminant animal develops, the relative
size of the reticulorumen and omasum increases
while that of the abomasum decreases -
Age, wk -
1 3 5 14 Adult
of stomach
weight - Reticulorumen 34 48
65 70 64 - Omasum 10 16 12
18 25 - Abomasum 56 36
23 12 11 - Factors affecting development of the ruminant
stomach - Age
- Diet
25Effects of diet on development of rumen
- Chemical effect
- Volatile fatty acids produced during carbohydrate
fermentation cause development of rumen
epithelium and papillae - Mechanism
- Volatile fatty acid metabolism in the epithelium
- Metabolism of butyrate to acetoacetate and
Beta-OH-butyrate causes hypoxia which stimulates
blood flow and nutrient transport - Volatile fatty acids stimulates insulin secretion
- Insulin stimulates DNA synthesis
- Moderate levels of volatile fatty acids
stimulates mitosis - Increased volatile fatty acids in the epithelium
increases osmotic pressure in cells - Effect (20 wk old calves)
Tissue - Diet
Epithelium Muscle - Chopped hay, kg wet
1.2 .8 -
57.7 42.3 - Concentrate, kg wet
2.5 .9 -
74.3 25.7
26- Implications of the effects of volatile fatty
acids on epithelial development - For early weaning programs, a starter concentrate
should be offered as early as possible - Calves should not be weaned until they are
consuming 1 lb starter/day
27Effects of diet on development of rumen
- Physical form of diet
- Volume
- Addition of bulk or fiber stimulates the rate of
increase in stomach volume -
Volume, l -
Reticulorumen Omasum Abomasum - Newborn
1.5 .1 2.1 - 13 weeks
- Milk only
7.4 .2 3.2 - Concentrates
30.0 .9 2.5 - Hay
37.1 1.2 3.8 - Mixed hay-concentrate 28.2
1.8 3.1 - Presence of fiber in the diet does not affect
mature volume
28- Normal epithelial and papillae structure
- Inadequate long fiber results in
- Parakeratosis of rumen epithelium
- Branched papillae
Hay -
Fine Intermediate Course - Empty weight, g
- Reticulorumen
994 904 931 - Omasum
338 225 211 - Abomasum
386 422 296 - Mucosal layers, um
- Keratin
16 11 6 - Total epithelium
53 79 75 - Muscle layers, um
- Inner
933 1005 1062 - Outer
688 799 736 - Papillae
- Length, um
2218 1621 1097 - Width, um
311 273 280
29(No Transcript)
30- Implication
- Adequate long fiber is necessary in the diet of
the growing calf to ensure normal epithelial and
papillae growth
31Development of rumen microflora
- At birth, rumen contains no microorganisms
- Normal development pattern
- Appear Peak
Organisms - 5-8 hours 4 days E.
Coli, Clostridium welchii -
Streptococcus bovis - ½ week 3 weeks
Lactobacilli - ½ week 5 weeks
Lactic-acid utilizing bacteria - ½ week 6 weeks
Amylolytic bacteria -
B. ruminicola week 6 - 1 week 6 to 10 weeks
Cellulolytic and Methanogenic -
bacteria - Butyrvibrio week 1
Ruminococcus week 3 -
Fibrobacter succinogenes week 6
- 1 week 12 weeks
Proteolytic bacteria - 3 weeks 5 to 9 weeks Protozoa
- - 9 to 13 weeks Normal
microbial population
32Factors affecting development of rumen microbial
- Presence of the organisms
- Normal population of bacteria and protozoa is
established by animal-to-animal contact between
ruminant and preruminant animals - Bacteria will still establish if calves are kept
separate from mature animals. - Protozoa will not
- Favorable environment for growth
- Presence of substrates
- Includes intermediate substrates
- CO2
- Ammonia
- H2
- Branched-chain VFA
- Aromatic growth factors
- Phenylpropanoic acid
- B vitamins
- Increased ruminal pH
- Digesta turnover
3325 alfalfa hay75 grain Age,
2 4 6
Rumen pH Fine
6.25 5.35
5.6 Chopped
6.65 5.70 6.0
bacteria, x 1010 /gm DM Fine
1.05 1.2
1.3 Chopped
.2 1.1 1.2
Cellulolytic bacteria, x 106/gm DM Fine
.3 30 Chopped
.18 2.0