Title: Welcome to The UBCRitsumeikan Academic Exchange Program
1Welcome toThe UBC-Ritsumeikan Academic Exchange
- Dr. Ken Reeder, Academic Director
- Dr. Bill McMichael, LLED Coordinator
- Meet the program staff
- Have a short tour of the UBC Vancouver campus
- Learn about the Rits 19 academic program
- Learn what to bring for computer support
- Learn about life in Vancouver and at UBC
- Ask questions and learn more
3Yokoso to UBC !
4The program staff welcomes you!
5The UBC Vancouver Campus
6The UBC Vancouver Campus
7The UBC Vancouver Campus
8A research-intensive university
9The UBC Vancouver Campus
10The UBC Vancouver Campus
11The UBC Vancouver Campus
12The UBC Vancouver Campus
13Program Components
- Optional Early Arrival Program in August
- Canadian culture, people, and English practice
- More details from International Education RU
- Core courses in Language Literacy Education
(LLED) - Nine core courses! See the brochure.
- Arts components
- Term One Intro to Canadian Studies
- Term Two Arts Studies/Geography
- Academic electives (by competition), 3-6
credits, usually in Term 2.
14The Rits 19 Academic Year
Mid Term Break Feb 15-26, 2010
15(No Transcript)
16List of Computer Accessories for UBC / Rits AEP
StudentsSome advice fromSanjeev Kaushik,Rits
Lab Manager
17a. Windows or Mac Restore / Operating System
- This can be Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Mac
OSX. This is one of the easiest and quickest
fixes for software problems. - Note Order a disk for yourself if your new
system did not come with one.
18b. RJ45 Networking cable at least 6 feet (2 m)
19c. Wireless Networking Key or Adapter
- If the laptop does not have a built-in wireless
adapter then purchase a Wireless Networking Key
or adapter. - The brand name should be Linksys, and of 802.11G
standard. If you cannot purchase the key in
Japan, then the UBC / Rits AEP Lab Manager can
purchase it for you for the market price. No
other brands can be supported by our Lab.
20d. CD/ DVD Drives
- If your laptop does not have an internal CD /
DVD drive then purchase an external one and make
sure it works with your system.
21e. Memory Stick for Data Storage
22f. Old Computers?
- Please do not bring an old laptop or computer
with you as they tend to fail a lot, and also can
not run the applications required in the courses.
23Learn more about your program
- www.UBCRitsumeikan.com
- ken.reeder_at_ubc.ca
24LLED coursesfor Rits 19andLife at UBC and in
VancouverDr. Bill McMichael