Title: Information Systems Infrastructure (IS3314)
1Information Systems Infrastructure (IS3314)
Fergal Carton Business Information Systems
2Last week
- BIS class of 2005 what do graduates do?
- 68 in employment, 28 further study
- Of those employed 60 analysts
- 39 in consulting, 31 in Financial Services
- Difference between Accounting and Finance IS
- Accounting short term, transactional
- Finance longer term, planning
- HR processes
- Recruit, Manage, Reward, Develop
- Placement process
- Search, Contact, Send CV, Aptitude Test, Feedback
Offer - HR web-sites (eg. for placement companies)
- Compare and score strengths, weaknesses
- Schwabb case study (benefits of web based HR
applications) - eg. Holiday planning from home
3This week
- E-business and HR
- HR Management (Strategic, Tactical, Operational)
- Framework for benefits (employer, employee and
job seeker) - Schwab case study and question
- The On-line employee (handout)
- OBrien Chapter 7 section II (handout)
4Electronic business
- E-business means the use of the internet and
other networks and information technologies to
support - electronic commerce
- enterprise communications and collaboration
- web-enabled business processes
- within the enterprise with customers /
5E-business trends
- Access to information no longer a barrier
- Automate all non value-adding business processes
- Move away from standalone in-house systems
- Toward cross functional systems (eg. ERP)
- Integration has emerged as critical issue
- Inclusion of business partners (customers,
suppiers, ) - Build to order model (Just in time manufacturing)
6Human Resource Management
7Framework for benefits
- Employer
- Employee
- Job seeker
8Schweb - Technology
- Managers have access to online access to accurate
information about employees. - Online directory is easier to update maintain.
- Employees have more personalized information
about themselves, their roles, and the
organization. - Employees can find information faster, enables
them to serve customers faster and more
9Some Schweb Applications
- Learning Intranet
- eTimesheets
- Benefit forms (eForms)
10OneWorkplace Web-based HR
- Benefits of using the Web-based HR applications
was a reduction in their administrative workloads
by about 65 percent. - More time could be spent on proactive tasks, such
as developing training profiles for each position
in the organization. - Major reductions in the amount of paperwork HR
personnel had to process for employees.
11Genalytics Web-based HR
- Better control on vacation time entitlements and
usage (eBenefits VirtualHR service). - Saved time, effort, and money by eliminating the
incidences of overpayments on vacation
12BuildNet Web-based HR
- Better control and updating on key employee
milestones such as promotions, raises, etc.
(NuView Systems MyHRIS) - Saved time and effort in tracking employees to
get the paper process completed.
13Business to employee systems
- Applying some of lessons from e-Commerce to
- Reduce costs
- Improve productivity
- Create more satisfying work environment
- Treat employees as customers
- On-line People Management
- Benefits administration or health care
information - Online business processes
- (eg. Access to knowledge management databases)
- Online community services (eg. discount
14Benefits for on-line employee
- Reduced interaction costs and improved
productivity - eg. Bid online for slots on aircraft crews
- Eg. On-line manual and catalog system for
maintenance engineers working on aircraft repair
(cuts engine repair time by 50) - Employee self service
- Employee takes control
- selecting benefits
- finding and taking training courses
- scheduling work
- Mass customisation of relations with employees
- Help employees navigate through the choices
154 stages in building Business to employee systems
- Undertsand what employee really wants
- Identify a killer app
- Create an integrated corporate portal
- Monetise the human asse