Title: Introduction to Engineering Design
1Introduction to Engineering Design
Principles of Engineering Digital
Engineering Design and Development
2Project Based Learning
3- Overview of three courses.
- An in-depth look at a project.
- Relationship to the new Oregon Diploma
4Principles of Engineering
- Engineering Field Report
- Mechanisms
- Electrical Systems
- Control Systems
- Forces in Static Equilibrium
- Strength of Materials
- Trajectory Motion
Formal written report. Oral Presentation.
5Principles of Engineering
- Engineering Field Report
- Mechanisms
- Electrical Systems
- Control Systems
- Forces in Static Equilibrium
- Strength of Materials
- Trajectory Motion
Formal written report. Oral Presentation. Rube
Goldberg device. Mouse trap car.
6Principles of Engineering
- Engineering Field Report
- Mechanisms
- Electrical Systems
- Control Systems
- Forces in Static Equilibrium
- Strength of Materials
- Trajectory Motion
Formal written report. Oral Presentation. Rube
Goldberg device. Mouse trap car. Marble
7Principles of Engineering
- Engineering Field Report
- Mechanisms
- Electrical Systems
- Control Systems
- Forces in Static Equilibrium
- Strength of Materials
- Trajectory Motion
Formal written report. Oral Presentation. Rube
Goldberg device. Mouse trap car. Marble
sorter. Balsa wood crane.
8(No Transcript)
9Principles of Engineering
- Engineering Field Report
- Mechanisms
- Electrical Systems
- Control Systems
- Forces in Static Equilibrium
- Strength of Materials
- Trajectory Motion
Formal written report. Oral Presentation. Rube
Goldberg device. Mouse trap car. Marble
sorter. Balsa wood crane. Ping pong ball
10Digital Electronics
- Basic electronics
- Analog to digital conversion
- Boolean algebra
- Combinational logic circuits
- Sequential logic circuits
Robot design.
11Digital Electronics
- Basic electronics
- Analog to digital conversion
- Boolean algebra
- Combinational logic circuits
- Sequential logic circuits
Robot design.
12Digital Electronics
- Basic electronics
- Analog to digital conversion
- Boolean algebra
- Combinational logic circuits
- Sequential logic circuits
Robot design. Date of birth display.
13(No Transcript)
14Digital Electronics
- Basic electronics
- Analog to digital conversion
- Boolean algebra
- Combinational logic circuits
- Sequential logic circuits
Robot design. Date of birth display. Digital
die simulator.
15Engineering Design and Development
16Engineering Design and Development
17Engineering Design and Development
18Engineering Design and Development
19Engineering Design and Development
20Engineering Design and Development
21Engineering Design and Development
22Engineering Design and Development
23The Marble Sorter Project
Design and build a device that will sort marbles
of three different colors into separate bins.
To computer
A simple computer program.
To switches, motors and sensors
28Read and comprehend a variety of text at
different levels of difficulty
Think critically and analytically across
Write clearly and accurately.
Listen actively and speak clearly and coherently
Demonstrate personal management and teamwork
Apply mathematics in a variety of settings.
29PLTW at Glencoe
- Learning Hard Stuff
- Solving Problems
- Having Fun