Chapter 12 Queuing Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 12 Queuing Theory


e = maximum number allowed in the system. f = size of customer population. 142 ... The average time per ride is 12 minutes. Calls arrive according to a Poisson ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 12 Queuing Theory

Chapter 12 Queuing Theory
  • Overview
  • Definition
  • Elements of a queuing model
  • The role of the exponential distribution
  • The birth-and-death process
  • Queuing models based on the birth-and-death
    process (Poisson queuing models)
  • Other queuing models
  • Definition the study of queues ?quantify ?
    waiting in lines average queue length, average
    waiting time in queue, and average facility

Elements of a Queuing Model
  • Description Customer(s) ?arrive?Server(s)
    choose (FIFO, LIFO, etc.)?leave
  • Elements of a queuing model
  • Arrival distribution
  • Service time distribution
  • Design of service facility
  • Service discipline
  • Customer population (size of the queue and
    customer population
  • Human behavior

Elements of a Queuing Model
  • Output information (under steady-state
  • Ls expected number of customers in the system
  • Lq expected queuing length
  • Ws expected waiting time in system
  • Wq expected waiting time in the queue
  • Input information (a/b/c), (d/e/f)
  • a arrival distribution
  • b service time distribution
  • c number of parallel servers
  • d service discipline
  • e maximum number allowed in the system
  • f size of customer population

Role of Exponential Distribution
  • Random interarrival and service times are
    described quantitatively in queuing models by the
    exponential distribution
  • In most queuing situations, the arrival of
    customers occurs in a totally random exponential
    distribution is completely random
  • The exponential distribution has the
    forgetfulness or lack of memory

The Birth-and-Death Process
  • Pure Birth Model
  • Arrivals only are allowed
  • The interarrival time is exponential with mean
  • Result the number of arrivals during a specific
    T is Poisson with mean ?T

The Birth-and-Death Process
  • Pure Death Model
  • Departures only are permitted. At time 0 N
  • The interdeparture time is exponential with mean
  • Result the probability pn(t) of n customers
    remaining after t time units is a truncated
    Poisson distribution

Queuing Models Based on the Birth-and-Death
Process Poisson Queuing Models
  • Poisson Assumptions The interarrival and service
    time exponential distribution
  • Generalized Poisson Queuing Model
  • Assumption arrival and departure rates are state
  • Given ?n, µn arrival and departure rate if n
    customers in the system
  • Determine pn steady-state probability of n
    customers in the system
  • Solution
  • Setup the transition rate diagram
  • Solve the system of balance equations and unity
    condition of probability

Poisson Queuing Models Single Server System
  • ? arrival rate of jobs per unit time, ?n
    ? ? service rate of jobs per unit time (if
    serving facility is kept busy), ?n ?
  • (M/M/1)(GD/?/?) the steady state results
  • Ws 1/(? -?)
  • Wq ?/?(1 - ?) where ? ?/? traffic
  • Lq ?Wq ?2/(1- ?)
  • Assumption ? lt1 finite queue

  • Automata car wash facility operates with only
    one bay. Cars arrive according to a Poisson
    distribution with a mean of 4 cars per hour and
    may wait in the facilitys parking lot if the bay
    is busy. The time for washing and cleaning a car
    is exponential, with a mean of 10 minutes. Cars
    that cannot park in the lot can wait in the
    street bordering the wash facility. This means
    that for all practical purposes, there is no
    limit on the size of the system. The manager of
    the facility wants to determine the size of the
    parking lot

Poisson Queuing Models
  • Multiple servers systems
  • Use formulae
  • Use tables and charts to obtain queuing

Poisson Queuing Models Multiple Servers Systems
  • (M/M/c)(GD/?/?). If c servers have an
    exponential distribution with service rate ? and
    arrival rate ?. if we let ? ?/? lt 1 then we
  • where p0 is the probability of zero customers
    in the queue,

  • A community is served by two cab companies. Each
    company owns two cabs, and the two companies are
    known to have equal shares of market. This is
    evident by the fact that calls arrive at each
    companys dispatching office at the rate of 8 per
    hour. The average time per ride is 12 minutes.
    Calls arrive according to a Poisson distribution,
    and the ride time is exponential distribution.
    The two companies recently were bought by an
    investor who is interested in consolidating them
    into a single dispatching office to provide
    better service to customers. Analyze the new
    owners proposal

Poisson Queuing Models Self-Service Model
  • (M/M/?)(GD/N/?)

?n ? µn nµ
Poisson Queuing Models Machine Servicing Model
  • (M/M/R)(GD/K/K), R K find a value of R
    repairmen (servers) for K machines that minimizes
    the total expected costs, which consist of the
    cost of failure and the cost of service. If ? is
    the rate of breakdown per machine and there are n
    broken machines, given the arrival rate
  • and the service rate is
  • Pn is the probability of n
    machines in the system. The steady-state results

Where expected number of idle repairmen
  • Toolco operates a machine shop with a total of
    22 machines. Each machine is known to break down
    once every 2 hours, on the average. It takes an
    average of 12 minutes to complete a repair. Both
    the time between breakdowns and the repair time
    follow the exponential distribution. Toolco is
    interested in determining the number of repair
    persons needed to keep the shop running smoothly

Other Queuing Models
  • Extension of Poison queuing models
  • Non-Poison queuing models
  • Queuing network
  • Priority-Discipline queuing models
  • Queuing Decision Models
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