Title: Monitoring Data for the Team
1Monitoring Data for the Team
Slide Source Bradley J. Hilty Penn State Dairy
Alliance (814) 865-4683 bhilty_at_psu.edu
2Monitoring Data for the Profit Team
- Successful dairy businesses
- Key benchmarks for business
- Targets for teams
- Detecting bottlenecks
- Monitoring monthly
- Using resources
- Past team successes
3I. Successful Dairy Businesses
4I. Successful Dairy Businesses
- Successful dairy businesses must provide
- Adequate returns to owner labor and management,
in addition to - Adequate returns to capital investments!
5I. Successful Dairy Businesses--Profitability
Profitability - ROA
Operations Efficiency Operating Expense Ratio
Capital Efficiency Asset Turnover Ratio (ATR)
Return to Unpaid Family Labor Owner Labor and
6I. Successful Dairy Businesses --Business
Management Keys
Strategic Management Doing the RIGHT
things! Operations Management Doing THINGS right!
7Strategic Management Deals with the Big Picture
8II. Key Benchmarks for Business
9II. Key benchmarks for business
- Profitability
- ROA 8-10
- Financial efficiency
- OER lt75 for corp. lt65 other structures
- Capital efficiency
- ATR - gt.60 dairy and crops gt1 dairy only
10II. Key benchmarks for business
Profitability Return on Assets (ROA) gt10
Financial Efficiency Operating Expense
Ratio OERlt 75-Corp OERlt65 -SP/P
Capital Efficiency Asset Turnover Ratio ATR gt.6
Dairy Crops ATRgt 1.0 Dairy
Five Star Financial Benchmarks
Liquidity Term Debt Lease Coverage Ratio
(TDLCR) gt 1.20
Solvency Equity Equity gt 60
11Analyzing Reports Key Production Areas
II. Key benchmarks for business
- Management Area Benchmark Goal
- Production Milk/Cow/Day 85
- Repro Status Days in Milk 175-185
- Repro Performance Pregnancy Rate 22-24
- Udder Health SCC lt200 K
- Total Cow Management Cull Rate 25-35
- Other diagnostic benchmarks are also important.
12III. Targets for Teams
13III. Targets for Teams
Monitoring the right information helps detect and
prevent bottlenecks
14Businesense What is a Bottleneck?
Production Systems Are Pipelines
15BusinesenseWhat is a Bottleneck?
A restriction in the product pipeline
Fixing the wrong bottleneck is of no benefit.
It is important to detect correct the most
restrictive bottleneck first.
16III. Targets for Teams
17III. Targets for Teams---Using the right
- What factors are critical to success?
- Milk Volume
- Milk per cow per day
- Repro Performance
- Udder Health - SCC
- Cow numbers
- Cull Rate
- Replacement performance
- Repro Performance
18III. Targets for Teams ---What are key
- Milk per cow per day
- Milk Starts
- Peak phase milk
- Components
- Prot / Fat Ratio
- Udder Health
- Early Lactation SCC
- Culling
- Transition cow problems
19III. Targets for Teams---Monitoring information
- Milk Production Daily
- Feeding data Daily??
- SCC / Milk Quality Indicators Dairy tests
- PG rate 21 days
- Cull Rate monthly / annually
- Others see monthly monitor
20III. Targets for Teams
21Monitoring Tool
- Monthly Monitor
- Available on website or through Dairy Alliance
office at - 1-888-373-7232
Monthly Monitor 3.0.xls
22PublicationAnalyzing Your Dairy Business A
Systematic Approach to Using Benchmarks
Profit Team Tools
Contact the Dairy Alliance Office for copies
at 1-888-373-7232
23Other Profit Team Tools
- Dairy Farm Business Summary
Contact the Dairy Alliance Office for more
information at 1-888-373-7232
24PA Dairy Tool from Penn State
Contact the Dairy Alliance Office for more
information at 1-888-373-7232
25Past Profit Team Successes
- 2004 data with pilot farms.
26Pennsylvania Dairy Profit Teams Pilot Year of
- Some Key Numbers (2004)
- Herd Size 205 55-740
- Milk per Cow 20,000 12.5 K 28 K
- ROA 3.0 -16.8 - 23.8
- ATR . 40 .18 - .93
- Investment/Cow 11,000 4,700 - 20,000
- OER .80 .55 - 1.18
- Cows/FTWE 37 17 65
- Operational COP 13.80 9.15 - 18.78