Title: Academy News
1Academy News
Friday 6th June 2008
Presentation Matters
We have been busy at the Academy interviewing
staff for next year. It has reminded me of the
significance of presentation. Presentation really
does matter not just appearance but also how you
present yourself in writing. These habits are
instilled early on and both parents and teachers
need to be more demanding when considering how
students present their work. It is to the
students advantage if work is dated, titled,
labelled as class or homework, a ruler is used
and lesson objectives recorded. That way,
looking back at times of exams for example,
revision is more readily ordered and much
easier. Students should take pride in the
impression given from looking at ones own
writing in a workbook. They should be able to
read their books, sit back and say, thats me
my very best effort on that day. I am proud of
that. As we approach a time of really
important exams in which students review their
books, ask yourself what impression is given by
your work. Is it positive? Mr Ribton, Vice
Principals Commendation For Joyfulness
Each week our Principal, Miss Coates, recognises
a virtue shown by one of our students. This
week, we commend Kumal Asad in Year 7 for the way
that he greets his Science teacher with a
pleasant hello and a handshake at the start of
each lesson.
Chinese symbol for joy.
A chattering bird builds no nest.
Location Western Africa, bordering
the Bight of
Biafra, between Equatorial
Guinea and Nigeria. Population
18.5 million Capital Yaounde Major Languages
French, English, and indigenous languages. Major
Religions Christianity, Islam, indigenous
beliefs. Monetary Unit 1 CFA franc 100
centimes Major Exports Crude oil and petroleum
products, timber, cocoa, aluminium, coffee,
2Year By Year
Year 7
Year 8
This week Year 7 have been excited to find out
the location of their end of year rewards trip
which is happening in July. All details will be
revealed in the year assembly on Monday morning
so make sure you arrive on time. Ms Aitken is
also launching a talent contest for the students
which will mirror that of Britains Got Talent so
students will shortly be handing in their
nomination forms ready for the big contest. It
is however important not to forget the upcoming
end of year exams which are the current focus
within the year group. Revision for these exams
should have already begun. Ms Aitken
Well done everyone on a good first week back!
Particular praise should go to Alex Stewart,
Zabibu Juma, Jamelia Whyte, Jack Kenny and Bobbi
OMeara, who have been rehearsing hard for this
terms school play Bang Out of Order! Also, a
big thanks to all those students who came on the
Indiana Jones trip yesterday. You were a pleasure
to spend the afternoon with. Just to repeat the
message of Tuesdays assembly, our top priorities
as a year group are learning and respect. Thanks
to the vast majority of you whove been working
really hard in lessons this week, getting your
homework done, and showing respect to each other
at all times. Mr Benson
Year 10
Year 9
- With results coming in thick and fast, students
in Year 10 are now reflecting on their
performance in their recent exams. - The Arrival Education programme continued this
week with a visit to Ogilvy Advertising Agency in
Canary Wharf. Reflecting on his day in the world
of Marketing, Gytis Rakauskas commented I
learned that its better to say you dont know,
than to pretend you know and then get found out
later. Good advice for us all.
- Students in Year 9 are continuing to gain
merits to earn their place on the trip to
Chessington on Monday 7th July. Dont forget
that free places will be offered to those
students with the most merits! - Year 9 non-core exams begin next week, starting
with Geography on Monday. We wish you well, and
dont forget those revision strategies you used
for your SATs exams.
Revision Tip of the Week
Exam-busting advice from a BDA Teacher
Ms Mintey Be methodical - keep to your revision
schedule. Try a variety of techniques otherwise
you will soon become bored! Plan to take regular
breaks so that you keep up the focus for a longer
period of time.
Notice Board
Year 11 Prom
Boys Singing Group We are keen to start a boys
singing group anyone interested please see Mrs
Smith. For boys and girls, dont forget Choir
every Friday lunchtime.
On Friday 4th July the Burlington Hall will be
transformed to host the Year 11 Prom. Tickets
for this formal event, costing 10, are
available from Ms Bell.
Sports Day
Academy News is delighted to announce that our
annual Sports Day will be on Tuesday 1st July.
Parents and pupils, add this date to your diary
and look out for further details next week.
Ski Trip Last Chance
Day Trip to France The MFL department is running
a day trip to the coastal walled city of Boulogne
in northern France on Wednesday 9th July. The
cost is 48 which includes the coach and
Eurotunnel plus an excursion whilst we are there.
Students must bring a packed lunch and a maximum
of approx 20 Euros spending money if they want to
buy something at the market we are visiting. It
will be brilliant. Departure 6am and return
9.30pm. If you are interested there are still a
few places available - please see Miss Mackenzie
or Ms Casey immediately.
Mrs Smith is planning a Ski Trip to Austria in
February 2009. This is your final chance to
sign up for this Alpine adventure if you are
interested see Mrs Smith without delay.
Diary Dates - Summer Term
Achieving Through Belief
4Rewards and Sanctions
The Academy aims to promote high standards of
behaviour, self discipline and learning through
positive encouragement and reward. The most
important way that we do this is through the
Merit and Demerit System.
- Merit and Demerit System
- Each week we pay YOU 50 credits
- Every merit you earn in a week adds 5 credits to
your balance. - Getting a demerit removes 5 credits from your
balance. - Each week, well add up your credit balance and
heres what happens
- Each week is a fresh start.
- We monitor your weekly credit totals AND your
average weekly credit totals. - Merits cannot be bought remember to earn them.
A Report on your merits and demerits is sent home
weekly. Parents please check your childs sheet
and discuss his or her behaviour on a weekly
- There are other ways in which your behaviour and
attitude will be rewarded - Praising you in class
- Writing comments on your work
- Writing or telephoning home
- Awarding you high marks
- Awarding you a certificate
- OR If you fail to meet the required high
standards of the Academy then you must expect to
face the consequences of your actions through - Detentions - Break lunch end of day (up to two
hours) - Phone calls / letters home to Parents or Carers
- Community Service
- Being placed on Report Card
- Internal Exclusion
- Meeting between Senior Staff and Parents / Carers
- Saturday detention
- Fixed Term External Exclusion
- Permanent Exclusion