Title: DICOM WG-02
1DICOM WG-02 Advances in X-Ray Angiography
Projection Imaging and 3D SPIE Medical
Imaging 2009, Orlando
Authors Tim Becker European Society of
Cardiology Heinz Blendinger Siemens
Healthcare Bas Revet Philips Healthcare
Francisco Sureda GE Healthcare (Speaker)
Rainer Thieme Siemens Medical Solutions (Chair
2Presentation Outline
- Introduction
- Present and future of X-Ray Angiography in DICOM
- 2D Projection Images Presentation
- Application Cases of the Enhanced XA SOP Class
- XA 2D Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State
- 3D Reconstruction from Projections Presentation
- X-Ray 3D SOP Class
- N-Dimensional Grayscale Softcopy Presentation
State - Conclusion
3Overview of X-Ray Angiography in DICOM
Approved in the Standard
Work in Progress
X-Ray Acquisition
Follow-up of PAS by IEC MT38 62B
Supp 94 Radiation Dose Reporting
Follow-up of IHE REM Profile
2D Projection Images
Supp 139-PC Enhanced XA Informative Annex
Supp 83 Enhanced XA/XRF
Supp 140-PC Presentation State
3D Reconstruction
Supp 116 X-Ray 3D Storage
Multi-Dimensional Presentation State
4Workflow 2D X-Ray Angiography
2D Visualization System
X-Ray Acquisition System
5Enhanced XA 2D projection images
- Supplement 83 Standard 2004
- New SOP Class for Multi-frame X-Ray Projection
Angiography - Re-use of encoding mechanisms of Enhanced CT and
MR - Enhanced with new attributes to support new
applications - What can be done with this new SOP Class?
- Supplement 139 (Part 17 Informative) Public
Comments passed - Describes use cases where the Enhanced XA
provides better solutions - Provides encoding guidelines for implementors,
both creators and users of the Enhanced XA SOP
6Enhanced XA Supplement 139
- General Definitions
- Time relationships, Acquisition Geometry, Pixel
Size calibration - Application Use Cases
- Acquisition Waveform synch, Mechanical
Movement, X-Ray controls - Image Registration 3D structures projected on
2D images - Display Standard pipeline, multi-mask
subtraction, per-frame pixel shift - Review Variable review settings per group of
frames - Processing Projection pixel calibration
7Enhanced XA Time Relationships
Frame i Acquisition Datetime
Frame N Acquisition Datetime
Frame 1 Acquisition Datetime (0018,9074)
Content Date (0008,0023) Content Time (0008,0033)
Frame 1 Reference Datetime (0018,9151)
Acquisition Datetime (0008,002A)
Frame N Reference Datetime
Frame i Reference Datetime
Frame 1 Acquisition Duration (0018,9220)
Frame N Acquisition Duration
Acquisition Duration (calculated)
If Acquisition is synchronized with external time
reference then Acquisition Time Synchronized
(0018,1800) YES
Exposure Time (0018,9328) SUMi( Frame i
Acquisition Duration ) Average Pulse Width
(0018,1154) SUMi(Frame i Acquisition
Duration) / N
8Enhanced XA Time Relationships (one frame)
Frame Reference Datetime (0018,9151)
Frame Acquisition Datetime (0018,9074)
X-ray FRAME i Frame Acquisition Number
(0020,9156) i
Detector Activation Offset from Exposure
Frame Acquisition Duration (0018,9220)
Detector Active Time (0018,7014)
Cardiac Trigger Delay Time (0020,9153)
Last R-peak prior to the X-ray FRAME i
NOTE Positioner angle values, table position
values etc are measured at the Frame Reference
9Enhanced XA Acquisition Techniques
- Values per frame are in the Per-frame Functional
Groups Seq. (200,9230) - In the Frame Content Sequence (0020,9111)
- Frame Acquisition Duration (0018,9220) in ms of
frame i Dti - In the Frame Acquisition Sequence
(0018,9417) - KVP (0018,0060) of frame i kVpi
- X-Ray Tube Current in mA (0018,9330) of frame
i mAi
10Enhanced XA Acquisition Geometry
System set up
Image Transformation
X-Ray Acquisition
Pixel Data Storage
PATIENT position on the Table
FOV Rotation Horiz Flip
TABLE movement
Detector Binning
Patient Position Description
X-Ray Table Description
X-Ray Positioner Description
FOV Description
Detector Description
- ? X-Ray Field of View Macro
- ? XA/XRF Acquisition Module
- X-Ray Detector Module
- Image Pixel Module
- ? X-Ray Isocenter Reference System Macro
- ? X-Ray Geometry Macro
11Enhanced XA 3D/2D Registration
12Enhanced XA Standard Display Pipeline
Shape IDENTITY if (0028,0004) MONOCHROME2
Shape INVERSE if (0028,0004) MONOCHROME1
Modality LUT
TO_LINEAR is required if Pixel Intensity
Relationship (0028,1040) LOG
13Enhanced XA Variable Review Settings
Frame Display Sequence (0018,7022)
DICOM ENCODING XA/XRF Multi-frame Presentation
14Enhanced XA Pixel Shift per frame
Mask Subtraction Sequence (0028,6100)
15Enhanced XA Pixel Shift per frame
DICOM ENCODING Frame Pixel Shift per frame
Item 2
Frame 2
gtFrame Pixel Shift Seq (0028,9415)
Item 3
Frame 3
gtFrame Pixel Shift Seq (0028,9415)
16Enhanced XA Pixel Shift per frame
DICOM ENCODING Frame Pixel Shift per frame
Item 2
Frame 2
gtFrame Pixel Shift Seq (0028,9415)
Item 3
Frame 3
gtFrame Pixel Shift Seq (0028,9415)
17Enhanced XA Pixel Shift per frame
DICOM ENCODING Frame Pixel Shift per frame
Item 2
Frame 2
gtFrame Pixel Shift Seq (0028,9415)
Item 3
Frame 3
gtFrame Pixel Shift Seq (0028,9415)
18Enhanced XA - Projection Pixel Size Calibration
How to convert from image pixels to object mm
in patient
- Px Object size in image pixels
- D Object size in mm
- TH Table Height (0018,1130)
- TO Dist. Table to Object (0018,9403)
- Beam Angle (0018,9449)
- SID Dist. Source-Detector (0018,1110)
- ISO Dist. Source-ISO (0018,9402)
- DPx Imager Pixel Spacing (0018,1164)
19XA/XRF Projection Presentation State
20Supplement 140 new XA GSPS IOD (for 2D)
Information that may be used to present
angiographic projection images It includes
capabilities from the Grayscale Softcopy
Presentation IOD for specifying a. the output
grayscale space in P-Values b. grayscale
contrast transformations including VOI LUT c.
selection of the area of the image to display ,
rotate, flip d. image and display relative
annotations, graphics, text and overlays
21Supplement 140 new XA GSPS IOD (for 2D)
Specific capabilities are provided for the
presentation of angiographic projection
images a. shutter specifications on a
frame-by-frame base, b. mask subtraction
including regional pixel shift c. presentation
of sets of frames Similar to the XA/XRF
Multi-Frame Presentation Module of the Enhanced
22XA Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State
- Grayscale Contrast Transformations
- The sequence of transformations from stored pixel
values into P-Values is explicitly defined in a
conceptual model
- Shutter per frame
- The shutter coordinates per-frame may be modified
in post-review
Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
Frame 5
23XA Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State
? mask subtraction regional pixel shift
If Pixel Intensity Relationship is not LOG
Contrast Frame(s)
Pixel Shift Anatomic Background Visibility
If Pixel Intensity Relationship is not LOG
Mask Frame(s)
24XA Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State
? Regional pixel shift
Applicable pixel shift in case of multiple pixel
shift regions
25Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Mask frame non-injected structures (bones,
26Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Contrast frame injected vessels background
structures moved since the mask acquisition
27Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Subtraction without pixel shift background
structures are visible
28Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Regional Pixel Shift Select region 1
29Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Mask Pixel Shift (Column)
Mask Pixel Shift (Row)
Regional Pixel Shift Apply shift to mask on
region 1
30Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Mask Pixel Shift (Column)
Mask Pixel Shift (Row)
31Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Mask Pixel Shift (Column)
Mask Pixel Shift (Row)
32Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Mask Pixel Shift (Column)
Mask Pixel Shift (Row)
until background structures are not visible
33Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Regional Pixel Shift Select region 2
34Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Mask Pixel Shift (Column)
Regional Pixel Shift Apply shift to mask on
region 2
35Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Regional Pixel Shift Select region 3
36Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Mask Pixel Shift (Column)
Regional Pixel Shift Apply shift to mask on
region 3
37Sup 140 Example of Regional Pixel Shift
Subtraction with regional pixel shift background
structures are not visible anymore
383D X-Ray Angiography
39Workflow 3D X-Ray Angiography
3D Reconstruction System
X-Ray Acquisition System
3D Visualization System
40X-Ray 3D Angiography
- Supplement 116 In standard 2007
- New SOP Class for Multi-frame X-Ray 3D from
projections - Re-use of encoding mechanisms of Enhanced CT and
MR - Re-use volumic descriptions of Enhanced CT and MR
- Additional information of the reconstruction from
projections - What can be done with this new SOP Class?
- Basic 3D visualization (slices)
- References to 2D projections
- Description of the reconstruction application
- Relationship to the Equipment Coordinate System
- ...
41X-Ray 3D Angiography Rotational Acquisition
Frame 5 X-ray settings 5 Geometry settings 5
Frame 4 X-ray settings 4 Geometry settings 4
Frame 3 X-ray settings 3 Geometry settings 3
Frame 2 X-ray settings 2 Geometry settings 2
Frame 1 X-ray settings 1 Geometry settings 1
42X-Ray 3D Angiography Reference to 2D
2D Projection SOP Instance A
Contributing Sources Sequence (0018,9506) SOP
Instance description
X-Ray 3D Acquisition Sequence (0018,9507) Acqui
sition description
X-Ray 3D Reconstruction Sequence
(0018,9530) Reconstruction description
Per-Frame Func Groups Sequence
(5200,9230) Frame description
X-Ray 3D SOP Instance
43X-Ray 3D Angiography - Relationship to Equipment
44X-Ray 3D Angiography Presentation State
45X-Ray 3D Angiography Presentation State
- Needs for 3D Angiography Presentation
- Presentation features common to all 3D
- Speficic presentation of X-Ray 3D Angiography
- Acquisition 3D shutter for collimation
- Volume Subtraction and voxel shift
- Stabilized point in all volumes (e.g. cardiac
wall motion, stent stabilized) - Catheter tracking trajectory in one volume
- 2D-3D blending presentation (3D conic projection
on 2D fluoroscopy) - N-Dimensional Presentation State
- Work Item 2008-04-C. Addresses needs of
multi-modalities - Led by Working Group 11, participation of Web3D
and other working groups - Supplement in progress...
- Supplement 139 Enhanced XA application cases
- In Public Comments. Informative (DICOM Part 17)
- Will facilitate the adoption of the Enhanced XA
(Sup 83) - Supplement 140 XA/XRF Presentation State
- In Public Comments. Enables
- shutter on a frame-by-frame base,
- mask subtraction including regional pixel shift
- presentation of set of frames
- X-Ray 3D Angiography
- New IOD approved in Standard 2007 (Sup 116)
- 3D Presentation State on-going...
Contact WG-02 chairman francisco.sureda_at_med.ge.co