Title: Using Technology to Enhance the Teaching of Nutrition
1Using Technology to Enhance the Teaching of
- Sarah J. Webb
- sjwebb10_at_comcast.net
- www.angelfire.com/falcon2/swebb
- EDUC 504
- June 27, 2005
- Click on the following link for a brief video
introduction. - WebbVideoClip.AVI
3Technology is Everywhere!
- Incorporating technology into any lesson can be
relatively easy, as it is everywhere! - What types of technology can I use?
- Internet
- Software Programs
- Hardware Digital Cameras, Recorders, Scanners,
4Benefits of Technologically Enhanced Lessons
- More resources
- Creates motivation for students
- Hands on opportunities
- Individual or group work
- Student directed activities
5What About Nutrition?
- As you may already know, the field of nutrition
is an extremely detailed area. - A simple search of the Internet can yield an
array of resourceful information to increase the
teachings. - Along with factual information, a variety of
programs are available to create interactive
6Informative Websites
- University of Illinois offers a web-based
textbook full of information to help teachers. - Click on the box to explore this site.
7Refreshing the OldUsing technology can transform
similar subject matter into much more
interesting, attention grasping material.
- The New Interactive Method
8Quick Calculations
- Since there is such a large amount of information
to cover, technology can be used to speed up the
process. - By accessing http//www.halls.md/body-mass-index/a
v.htm, student can find calculations of their
personal Body Mass Index.
To calculate your Body Mass Index, take your
weight (in kilograms), and divide by your height
(in meters) squared. ( Need a calculator? Duh..
use the body mass index BMI calculator, which
coincidentally, will convert units from imperial
to metric and back)
- For those searching for an array of tips for good
nutrition, an excellent source is
http//www.askdrsears.com/html/4/T040200.asp. - Here readers will find the ABCs of Nutrition.
- An example of one of the tips can be seen below.
- You are your child's first nutrition teacher.
Would you want your kids to copy your eating
10Technology for the Teacher
- Even when not exposed to a computer, your
students can still benefit from technology.
Visit http//school.discovery.com/ to find an
array of teacher resources, such as puzzle makers.
- When teaching the intricate subject of nutrition,
many difficulties will arise. Trouble will be
found in conveying the importance of the topic to
school aged children. By utilizing the Internet
and other technological devices, a great deal of
ease will be obtained.
- www.askdrsears.com/html/4/T040200.asp
- www.halls.md/body-mass-index/av.htm
- www.mypyramid.gov
- http//school.discovery.com/
- http//web.aces.uiuc.edu/wellnessways/Teaching.htm