Week 067 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Week 067


Blue-Book Values for Autos ... Value of scores depends on size of underlying ... Book Value (usually par) and Market Value (=PDV of future cash flows) of Loans ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Week 067

Week 06-7
  • Topics
  • Lending Process Duties of Due Diligence Include
    Calculating The Cost of Providing Risk Support
  • Use of Scoring Software
  • Credit-Risk Issues Pricing Quality in a
    Portfolio Context
  • Book-Cooking Opportunities in Loan Accounting

1st Topic Duty of Due Diligence Lending is
Banks Principal Product-Management Chain and
Counterparties are Looking for Weak Links
Important Slide All forms of dealmaking have to
be funded in part by an appropriate allocation of
FSF capital. To Assure Due Diligence at the staff
level, a Loan-Review Committee Should Ask
Deal-Making Staff to Report Four Features of
Every Deal
  • 1. What are the risks?
  • 2. What are the costs of capital and loss
    reserves that must be allocated to cover the
    portfolio risks the loan entails.
  • 3. What explicit and implicit returns does the
    proposed contract offer the firm for bearing the
    costs of supporting these risks?
  • 4. Allowing for differences in risk, how does the
    risk-adjusted return line up with other deals
    that we are or might be making?

Modern FSFs Can Outsource Some of These Questions
Each Lender Employs Multiple Technologies of
Lending Deal Formats Must Adapt to the
Informational and Regulatory Environments in
Which FSF and the Borrower Operate
  • Three Mutually Reinforcing Components Define the
    Technology Used in a Particular Lending Chain
  • Screening Mechanisms
  • Contract Structure (e.g., covenants, collateral
    rights, enhancements, amortization schedule,
    reporting requirements)
  • Monitoring Strategy

Definition Loan covenants are forms of implicit
interest that restrict a borrowers future
activities in ways designed to lessen conflicts
of interest between the borrower and lender. If
not waived, any violation of the covenant package
results in so-called technical default. 1.
Negative Covenants- restrict future production,
investment, or financing decisions
especially limitations on dividend payouts
and on future debt. 2. Affirmative
Covenants- impose contractual obligations
to submit financial statements and to
report other material issues.
Some Different Business Lending Technologies
  • Financial-Statement Lending
  • Relationship Lending
  • Business Credit Scoring
  • Asset-Based Lending (Collateralization Leasing)
  • Trade Credit
  • Factoring (Purchase of Receivables)
  • Credit Insurance (enhancements)
  • Classroom Exercise What are the Strengths and
    Weaknesses of each?

Many Business Loans and All Household Mortgage
and Auto Loans pledge property to lender as
security for a loan.
Asset-Based Lending
  • What is a mortgage loan? Who is the Mortgagor?
    ANS. The borrower. Who is the Mortgagee?
  • First Mortgages vs. Second Mortgages
  • Lender must assess prospects of borrower default
    and the possible correlation of default events
    with changes in collateral value

In All Technologies, Loan Officers Must
Efficiently Collect Appropriate Information to
Make Optimally Four Decisions About Each Customer
  • 1. How much to lend?
  • In what form i.e., with what safeguards?
  • Covenants
  • Monitoring Rights
  • Default Remedies
  • 3. At what price? implicit explicit
  • 4. On what repayment schedule?

Vocabulary Lesson
  • Holism is the belief that once an entity has
    existence its parts do not. The idea is that the
    parts stick together in an inseparable way (e.g.,
    life-force of a person vs. mortar in a brick
  • Test is reversibility.

Historically, lending was an holistic process.
Modern Lending Deconstructs the Steps Traversed
in Making a Loan
  • Allows FSFs either to specialize in-house or to
    outsource the subset of risks and skills needed
    at each particular stage.
  • 1. Applications Generation
  • 2. Processing
  • 3. Underwriting
  • 4. Closing
  • 5. Servicing/Collection
  • 6. Insuring risk of shortfalls in payments due
  • 7. Funding (temporary vs. permanent risk
  • 8. Postloan monitoring and risk support or

Unbundled Parts of Lending Process are
Automating, Digitizing, and Globalizing
  • Outsourcing may slow some decisions intensifies
    Ethical Risk the problem of assuring due
    diligence is performed in individual functions
  • with holistic loan-officer model, a continuous
    double-checking role is played by high-level
    committees who are subject to legal penalties for
    negligence and malfeasance. Good judgment
    comes from experience. Experience comes from
    exercising poor judgment error-learning.
  • with outsourcing model, loan committee must rely
    on reputations, bonding agreements, and fraud
    negligence laws
  • We explore these Issues in the last 2 Weeks of
    the course

Even Flexible Deal-Makingmust be Supported by
Due Diligence in Prospecting, Information
Gathering, and Analysis
First Link in Chain Generating Applications
  • Referrals, Prospecting, and Prequalifications
    Computer cross-sell triggers
  • Product Selection
  • Application Completion
  • Document Collection

Due Diligence in Information Gathering uses 3d-
Party sources
  • Application Verification (must guard against
    identity theft false data)
  • Credit Investigation
  • Collateral Valuation
  • Blue-Book Values for Autos
  • Repeat-Sales Data Base (Automated Appraisal) vs.
    Custom Appraisal for Houses

Underwriting What Constitutes Due Diligence in
  • Credit Analysis standards, guidelines vs. credit
  • Pricing
  • Mortgage Insurance Decision
  • Single payment vs. cancelable
  • Commitment Issuance

Operational Links Closing and Postclosing
  • Closing
  • Document Preparation
  • Compliance with Commitment Conditions
  • Packaging and Delivery
  • Post-Loan
  • Postclosing Document Tracking
  • Set up Servicing System
  • Collections/Monitoring/Dunning

Final Link Funding Decision
  • Temporary warehousing prior to choosing how to
    permanently finance the deal.
  • Three main alternatives for permanent funding
  • Own debt and capital (intermediation)
  • Loan sales
  • whole
  • partial (syndication)
  • Securitization (pooling pricing loan packages)

The Funding Decision Also Affects the Allocation
Across the Banks Counterparties of the Risks
That Are Left Unhedged
  • Self-Insurance supporting with Loan-Loss
    reserves and Ownership Capital
  • External Credit Enhancement (partial recourse vs.
    complete risk transfer to borrower or third
  • Collateral (puts some risk back on borrower)
  • Recourse to borrower or corporate officers
  • Personal or Corporate Cosignors or Guarantors
  • Private Mortgage Insurance (Mort. Guaranty Ins.
    Corp. GE Capital Mort. Ins. Corp. United
    Guaranty Corp.)

2nd Topic Automation of Due-Diligence and
Pricing Activity Computer Scoring
  • Theme Scoring is Driving Automation of all links
    in the lending chain
  • Value of scores depends on size of underlying
    sample and representativeness of its relevant
    subsample cells.
  • Mines or Tortures Data to make them sing
    Uncover Recognizable Patterns and Convert them
    into Point scores that classify customers in
    terms of probability of some targeted form of
  • Credit scores can be fed directly into an
    implicit and explicit loan pricing matrix.
  • Targeted behavior can be anything. AI Expert
    Systems can identify loan leads, slow payers,
    deadbeats, profitable customers, volatility of
    collateral value, etc.
  • In use at all large U.S. banks most small ones.
    33 of small banks by early 2001.

Table 1Survey Results for Large U.S. Banks Using
Small Business Credit Scoring Data as of January
31, 1998
Source Frame, Srinivasan, and Woosley (2001)
When Automated Lending Works
Use of Scoring Presupposes and Shapes the
Collection and Verification of Databases
  • Individual Application input
  • External Credit Bureau Input (will score for and
    sell credit directly to customers)
  • KnowX.com and Lexis-Nexus input data on arrests,
  • Internal Credit Information File (CIF) from data
    warehouse (FSF base of information by which it
  • Lenders must address customer and legal concerns
    about privacy and accuracy

Computer credit-scoring models objectify credit
standards. They input multiple proxies for
ageold Five Cs of Credit.
Intuitive Basis for Scoring
  • The 5 Cs of Credit a checklist of informational
    items that track a customers unobservable
    repayment speed and repayment probability. Scores
    should be tracked both before and after making a
    loan. Why?
  • Scores on proxy items can be used also to size
    and price a customers serviceable demand for
    borrowed funds.
  • Increasingly, computer credit-scoring models
    re-estimate the rate outstanding loan portfolios
    should carry and business loan contracts reset
    the loan rate when and as a borrowers score

  • Character customers reputation for probity and
    fairness (past willingness to pay bills can be
    checked with credit agencies)
  • Capacity projected future income of customer
    payment-coverage ratio.
  • Capital strength of customers balance sheet
  • Collateral any credit enhancement offered
    --consists of implicit and explicit guarantees,
    including right of recourse
  • Conditions re economic cycles how changing
    economic environment affects the customers other
    Cs measures of vulnerability or fragility.
  • Modern financial economists add 4 more Cs
    Regulatory Compliance Costs, Customer
    Relationships, Correlation, and Costs of a
    borrowers opportunities for hidden actions and
    hidden information disadvantage a lender.

Major External Vendors of Online Scoring Services
  • Fair Isaac (Grandaddy of scoring)
  • Fiserv
  • Credit Bureaus
  • Global national (Transunion, Experian, Equifax)
  • Local
  • Mark-It Partners credit database (shareholders
    are an evolving member of European and US
    megabanks) Partner banks supply price

About Fair Isaacs ScoresThe formula for the
Fair Isaac creditworthiness score deals only with
financial information about a borrower and
doesnt consider such factors as place of
residence, age, race, sex, or nationality.
  • Factors in determining the credit score and the
    weight they are given

How the Fair Isaac Score Works
  • Fair Isaac licenses its software to credit
  • Based on the credit information on file, the
    credit bureau uses Fair Isaacs formula to
    generate a credit score, also known as a FICO
    score. Scores are on a 900-point scale.
    Generally, a score of 640 or higher results in a
    mortgage on favorable terms subprime (prime, superprime ratings (720)
  • Lenders acquire from a credit bureau a borrowers
    credit report and FICO score to evaluate the
    applicants creditworthiness and price loans.
  • High Score High Probability of complete and
    timely performance by borrower.
  • Fair Isaac traditionally limited the information
    passed to borrower. Now, loan applicants can
    purchase their scores and use experts to improve
    their score to a lenders threshold.

in one paragraph whether you agree or disagree
with the following statements and why
  • 1. Credit-scoring software is making human loan
    officers obsolete. Software can identify several
    times as many potential losses as most
    institutions best human underwriters can.
  • 2. Credit-scoring is a new and untested idea.
  • 3. Scoring software is useful only in
    originating and pricing loans.
  • 4. Once an institution switches to
    credit-scoring software, its approval rates
    usually decrease.

  • 5. Credit-scoring software can be used only on
    loan applicants that have a prior credit history.
  • 6. Is scoring fair to immigrants and low-income
  • 7. Mortgage-Loan automation can consolidate the
    many steps on mortgage lending into a single
    virtual back office that can bid on (but not
    seal) a deal in a matter of minutes.
  • 8. It is good practice to explain and doctor
    credit scores for rejected customers.
  • 9. It should be a source of pride to some
    bankers that they dont use credit scoring.

Course Theme Reshaping of Job Opportunities and
Branch Architecture by New Lending Technologies
  • 1. Calling Officers (Salespersons or Drummers).
  • 2. Credit Analysts
  • 3. Loan Review Committee
  • 4. Workout Specialists

Business-Loan Officers Going the Way of the Dodo?
MINICASE On Morphing of Firms Employee Skillsets
(No Transcript)
3rd Topic Credit-Risk Issues
  • What is risk? The downside of a deal caused by
    its negatives.
  • What is a loans credit risk? Obverse of Asset
  • Danger that an individual counterparty wont
    perform as promised in a contract a priceable
    chance of suffering default losses - e.g., in
    loans to customers who go bankrupt.
  • Delinquent vs. truly nonperforming loans
  • workouts on partial vs. complete defaults show
    some chargeoff against bank loan reserves or
    net worth

An obverse is the positive quality that can be
obtained from a negative or the negative quality
corresponding to a positive.
Risk Management ? Risk Avoidance. Ways an
institution can price, support, diversify or
transfer credit risk introduce the concept of
financial engineering.
  • Develop and maintain an accurate and consistent
    risk-grading system.
  • Establish a credit culture that reflects the risk
    appetite of your institution.
  • Use a loan approval process, by committee or
    otherwise, that provides a formal, systematic
    review of total exposure to a borrower in
    different products.
  • Implement credit scoring, though it need not be
    the sole factor in lending decisions.
  • Establish a credit database with heavy emphasis
    on the collection and retention of risk ratings.
  • Develop a process to review and control
    exceptions to credit policy.
  • Introduce a pricing model, even a rudimentary
    one, to bring disciplined risk-based pricing into
    the underwriting and review process. Even
    better, use a pricing model, either internally or
    vendor purchased, to price your credits to
    reflect risk, relationship, and capital
  • Manage your loans as portfolio investments.
    Quantify the return relative to the risk and
    manage portfolio diversification.

Managing Risk in Loan Origination
  • Adage Every debt is paid, if not by the
    borrower, by the lender.
  • How does a lender pay for borrower defaults?
  • Lending officers may be disciplined for defaults
    or credit deterioration on loans they originate.
  • Computer scoring cannot capture every negative
    Jürgen Schneider Warning Signal Wasteful excess
    shown in personal life by CEOs gilding an iron
    fence in 1994 was used by a smart lender to be an
    indication of bad character.

Recognizing Loan ScamstersTop Ten Warning
Signs (Paul Nadler, American Banker, March
1996)Beware of Customers who
  • 10. Soft-soap you.
  • 9. Seem too dumb to fool you.
  • 8. Pride themselves on breaking rules.
  • 7. Focus on what your firm will do in the event
    of delinquency.
  • 6. Seem unusually charming.
  • 5. Seem unusually optimistic.
  • 4. Challenge your policy on overdrafts or on the
    use of uncollected funds.
  • 3. Always want to meet you on your premises.
  • 2. Whose buildings and equipment show signs of
  • 1. Who appeal to your greed.
  • 0. Seem unconcerned about payments Schedules
    and Interest Costs.

Concept of Pricing a Loan
  • Concept of a loans price as an opportunity cost
    value of all implicit and explicit compensation
    received for extending this credit.
  • Every contractual requirement is a potential
    burden. Nonprice terms is an oxymoron.
  • Benchmark-plus Pricing In practice, rates are
    set as spreads above a low-risk benchmark
    interest rate.
  • a. Libor
  • b. Treasury yields
  • c. Own CD or prime rate
  • Etymology of benchmark known height of a
    prominent landmark or some kind

Why do the following items Constitute Implicit
Interest on a Business Loan?
Explicit Interest is Not the Full Price of a Loan
  • 1. Compensating-Balance Requirements (a legal
    tying of use of deposit and loan products).
  • Does it ever make sense to pay interest on ones
    own money? Credit repairs/ money laundering
  • 2. Collateral Requirements.
  • 3. Covenant Rights.
  • 4. Monitoring requirements.
  • 5. Coercive tie-in arrangements (mostly
    unwritten) though illegal, these are alleged to

The credit risk bankers must Price and Manage
is a Portfolio Concept
  • Measures of this risk must identify and account
  • 1. Correlations in underlying risk factors
    that cause individual-customer default events
  • 2. Correlations in the size of the losses driven
    by different events and risk factors
  • 3. Last half of course will introduce the
    effects of hedging transactions that mitigate
    or transfer particular categories of loss
    exposures (hedging will be the focus of the
    middle weeks of this course).

Memory Device A Financial-Company Portfolio
Garages a Fleet of Investment and Funding Vehicles
  • With tangible long positions in, e.g.,
  • Loans
  • Marketable Securities
  • Real Estate and Equipment
  • With tangible short positions in
  • Deposit-like accounts
  • Debt
  • Explicit commitments (insurance obligations
    securities held in street names)
  • With numerous harder-to-monitor derivative and
    intangible positions

To Manage the Risk of Operating This Fleet, One
Must Understand the Dangers the Fleet Faces Its
Exposure to Deterioration in Net Value from
Various Kinds of Adversity
  • Unexpected market moves.
  • Model risk a source of hedging errors.
  • Insufficient management oversight.
  • Carrying too much risk relative to capital.
  • Internal external fraud
  • Counterparty lawsuits.
  • Unsupportable Debts.

Risk Landscape for Banks
Systemic Risk
Institutional Risk
  • Event Risk Market Risk
  • (Devaluation Risk
    (FX., interest
  • Large moves in Asset Prices) rate)

Liquidity Risk (Inability to unwind a position
without loss of value)
Credit Risk (Default counterparty Potential loss
due to change in credit quality)
Reputational Risk (environment)
Legal Risk (contracts are not documented
correctly or cannot be enforced)
Settlement Risk (not receiving funds)
Operational Risk (loss due to execution error)
Focus on Correlations is the Element in Portfolio
  • Definition Correlated items undergo mutual or
    reciprocal movements
  • Why are correlations in default and collateral
    value relevant? ANS. In Bivariate Models of
    Repayment, Expected Loss Product of
    (Probability of Default) and (Loss Given
    Default). When collateral value falls whenever
    probability of default rises, loss exposure
    worsens on both counts.

4th Topic Introduction to the Discipline and Art
of Loan Accounting
  • GAAP Allows Considerable Leeway for timing
    reported changes in economic value Example of
    deferred interest (i.e., negative amortization)
    on option ARM loans at Golden West
  • TRANSPARENCY of Accounting Reports of Bank Income
    and Net Worth is deliberately weak (opacity)
  • Book Value (usually par) and Market Value (PDV
    of future cash flows) of Loans can Diverge
    Greatly after a loan is made
  • late payments
  • changes in credit quality of borrowers
  • changes in market risk premia
  • changes in level of riskless rate

Parable can Illustrate Value to Owners and
Regulators of the Transparency (accuracy plus
meaningfulness) created by Prompt and Accurate
Provisioning In Sept. 2000, a convenience store
clerk taped up the stores security camera prior
to emptying the cash drawer and claiming that he
was held up. Critical flaw in his plan he used
transparent tape.
Age-Old Conflict Between Regulators of FSFs and
Watchdogs Who Regulate Securities Markets and
Auditing Activity
  • 1. FSF regulators adopt rules and enforcement
    systems to assure safe and sound operation of
    firms in their client industry.
  • ? These regulators want to entertain
  • industrywide reasons to justify
    unallocated LLR.
  • 2. Those whose set auditing standards are
    concerned with how to document occurrences of
    revenues and expenses in an objective and
    reproducible manner.
  • ? Prefer to emphasize historical loss
    experience or observable changes in
    activities or skillsets of each individual

  • On average, borrowers are slow. Why?
  • Expect to extract leniency
  • Many plan to move in and out of delinquency
  • Exercise In Booking Accruals, Provisions, and
    Charges stresses two kinds of nontransparency
  • Banks employ accrual accounting rather than cash
    accounting for yet-to-be-received receipts on
    slow, but performing loans. Nonperforming
    Loans are shifted to a nonaccrual status.
  • They are obliged by rules to shift to cash
    accounting only for loans on which payments are
    so far overdue that they must be classified as
    nonperforming (threshold varies across
    countries 90 days in U.S.).

In U.S., Lightly Disciplined Judgments Shape
Loan-Loss Reserves (LLR) and Allowances for Loan
and Lease Losses (ALLL)
  • Bathtub Analogy for LLR ALLL is spigot
    Chargeoffs are the drain.
  • Dedicated LLR are a contra-asset deducted
    promptly from a loans principal (and therefore
    NW) to get the book value of net loans (BVL).
  • Assigning loss reserves when loans are made and
    adjusting them as circumstances change is called
    prompt provisioning
  • Chargeoffs When losses on uncollected loans are
    recognized, they are usually charged against
    the LLR until LLR is exhausted, then against
    income or capital.
  • Notation It is instructive to designate the
    level of LLR that insiders would understand to be
    a fair and accurate measure of expected loss
    exposure as LLR.

Examiner Criticism May Sometimes Force a Loan
into Nonaccrual Status
  • A four-way categorization of criticized loans
    is used by examiners special mention,
    substandard, doubtful, loss.

  • Definitions of Examiner categories of troubled
  • Substandard loans have one or more well defined
    weaknesses that jeopardize full collection of
    that loan, and have a high probability of payment
  • Doubtful loans have all the weaknesses inherent
    in those classified as substandard with the added
    characteristic that the weaknesses make
    collection or liquidation in full, on the basis
    of currently existing facts, conditions, and
    values, highly questionable and improbable.
  • Loss loans are considered uncollectible and of
    such little value that their continuance as bank
    assets is not warranted. Any recovery is likely
    to occur only after lengthy recovery efforts such
    as litigation.
  • Special Mention loans show distinct weaknesses,
    but collectibility still seems likely.
  • Substandard, doubtful, and loss loans are
    collectively referred to as adversely classified
  • Resemble categories in weekly NFL injury
    reports probable, questionable, doubtful, out.
  • Loss and out are the most-reliable
  • 4. Regulators just postponed an effort to
    adopt a new nomenclature.

Workout Personnel Use a Different Vocabulary From
  • A slow loan is one whose payments are
    noticeably or habitually in arrears (in practice,
    late or past due by 30 days or more). Bank
    Accountants accrue (I.e., credit) interest on
    these loans when earned rather than when payment
    is received.
  • A nonperforming loan is one whose payments are
    overdue enough (90 to 180 days or more) to be
    deemed severely delinquent. Interest income on
    these loans is shifted from accrual to a cash
    basis. Interest can no longer be credited until
    it is actually received by the bank.
  • An impaired loan is one whose principal value has
    come into serious question. FAS 114 defines a
    loan as impaired when, based on current
    information and events, the loan is judged less
    than fully collectable.

Chart 1 Aversely Rated Credits Over Two Business
Cross-Country Variation in the Timing and LLR
Impact of NPLs Status
Source World Bank
Exercise in Booking Accruals, Provisions, and
1. Eagle Bank lends 200,000 to BC Company on
January 1 at 7 percent simple interest to be paid
quarterly on the unpaid balance. Payments of
50,000 plus quarterly interest are due on March
30, June 30, September 29, and December 30. a.
Calculate the payments due at each payment date
(in thousands).
March 30 June 30 September 29 December 30
b. Suppose the first payment is made on time and
no further payments are received until the
following year. Assuming a 180-day threshold for
putting a slow loan into nonaccrual status, what
would the bank initially report as current
revenue on the loan in each quarter of the
current year ( thousands)?
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
2.625 (Credited but not received)
152.625(.07/4)2.671 (Credited but not received)
-5.296 (2Q 3Q Accruals must be reversed at year
end and 2.718 in unpaid interest added to the
outstanding balance
1Q 4Q
3.5 - 1 (in provisioned funds on Jan. 1) 2.5
-5.296 1 (in chargeoffs) -4.296
3. Suppose on February 1 of year 2 federal bank
examiners forced Eagle Bank to restructure the
loan and write off 10 percent of the principal
including unpaid interest to this date still
due on the loan against its net worth account.
Suppose also that the new contract structure
required the BC Company to make only a single
payment of 155,000 on June 15 of year two. How
would these events affect the banks income in
the first quarter and how would the timely
receipt of the settlement payment affect the
income in the second quarter of year two?
Year 2, 1Q -15.893 end-of-year
principal accrued interest 158.934 Year 2,
2Q 155 158.934 -
15.893 11.959
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