Title: Other Equilibrium Relationships
1Other Equilibrium Relationships Relative
2Calculation of Bubble-Point and Dew-Point
- The bubble-point temperature is the temperature
at which a liquid mixture begins to boil. - The dew-point temperature is the temperature at
which a vapor mixture first begins to condense.
3Temperature-Composition Diagram
for Ethanol-Water, P 1 atm
Two Phase
Superheated Vapor Phase
Subcooled Liquid Phase
or y
4Calculation of Bubble-Point Temperatures
- If one is given a liquid mixture, one often needs
to determine the bubble-point temperature of the
mixture. - We have done this to date using equilibrium data
for binary systems for example, from the
saturated liquid line on a T vs. x,y plot for a
given feed composition, zi. - How do we handle multi-component systems?
5Calculation of Bubble-Point Temperatures
- If the feed is in the liquid phase, the pressure
p and the composition, xis, of the liquid phase
will be given. - One then needs to determine the bubble-point
temperature of the mixture.
6Calculation of Bubble-Point Temperatures
Where do we start?
- Well, we are given the liquid-phase mole
fractions, and we know that the mole fraction
relationships for both the liquid and vapor phase
are given by Eq. (2-13)
7Calculation of Bubble-Point Temperatures
Equilibrium Relationship
- We are given the liquid-phase mole fractions,
xis, and we need to link the vapor-phase mole
fractions, yis, to the liquid-phase mole
fractions to do this, one can use the
definition for the equilibrium distribution
coefficient K, Eq. (2-10) and solve for yi
8Calculation of Bubble-Point Temperatures
Equilibrium Distribution Coefficient Relationship
- Substituting Eq. (2-10) into Eq. (2-13) yields
- K is a function of both temperature and pressure,
Eq. (2-11)
9Calculation of Bubble-Point Temperatures
Equilibrium Distribution Coefficient T,P
- One needs an expression for K as a function of T
and P. - One convenient expression for K as a function of
T and P for light hydrocarbons is the DePriester
equation, Eq. (2-12)
10Calculation of Bubble-Point Temperatures
Analytical Expression
- Substituting the Depriester equation, Eq. (2-12),
into - yields the analytical expression for
bubble-point calculations
11Calculation of Bubble-Point Temperatures
- One must solve the bubble-point expression for T.
- There are several ways to solve for T
- 1.) If the expression for K is simple enough,
one may be able to algebraically solve for T
e.g., if some of the constants in the
DePriester equation are 0. - 2.) One may use a trail and error method as
outlined in Fig. 2-13, Wankat, p. 29. - 3.) One may solve numerically.
12(No Transcript)
13Calculation of Dew-Point Temperatures
- If the feed is in the vapor phase, the pressure p
and the composition, yis, of the vapor phase
will be given. - One then needs to determine the dew-point
temperature of the mixture.
14Calculation of Dew-Point Temperatures
- Just as one may derive the bubble-point
temperature relationship, one can use a similar
derivation using the equilibrium coefficient
equation definition, Eq. (2-10), but this time
solving for xi, since one would be given the
vapor-phase mole fractions, yis - or
15Calculation of Dew-Point Temperatures
Equilibrium Distribution Coefficient Relationship
- Substituting Eq. (2-10) into Eq. (2-13) yields
- K is a function of both temperature and pressure,
Eq. (2-11)
16Calculation of Dew-Point Temperatures Analyti
cal Expression
- Substituting the Depriester equation, Eq. (2-12),
into - yields the analytical expression for
dew-point calculations
17Calculation of Bubble-Point and Dew-Point
Temperatures Numerical Solutions
- One can conveniently use numerical methods for
these types of problems, using, for example,
Mathcad. - Mathcad uses non-linear numerical methods such as
the Quasi-Newtonian or Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithms to solve equations.
18A Final Note!
- While we will solve bubble-point and dew-point
temperature problems for a given pressure, there
is no reason why this same methodology cannot be
applied to determining bubble-point and dew-point
pressure problems for a given temperature!