Title: Solar System Astronomy
1Solar System Astronomy
- Lecture Survey of the Solar System, Part II
2Night Sky Focus of the WeekSeptember 20-24
Scorpius and Sagittarius (Zodiac constellations)
Moon is waxing quarter tomorrow night! (What time
will it rise?)
Antares (from the Greek rival of Mars) red
supergiant, distance 520 light-yrs,
3Looking S-SW at 8pm tonight
Center of galaxy
Tea kettle
1st qtr Moon
4Physics of gases (planetary atmospheres)
- Temperature atoms in motion higher temperatures
imply higher average speed
5Exam 1 questions
- Suppose you are an inhabitant of Jupiter and are
observing the Earth. At what location in Earths
orbit would its angular size be smallest? - Inferior conjunction
- Superior conjunction
- Opposition
- Greatest elongation
- Least elongation
- 2. An observer sees the Moon rising at 900 pm.
What phase is it? - Full
- New
- Waxing crescent
- Waning crescent
- Waning gibbous
6- 4. An observer on the Arctic circle (67.5? N
latitude) sees the Sun at the zenith at noon.
What date is it? - 21 June
- 21 September
- 21 March
- 21 December
- This is impossible.
- 7. Suppose the Earths rotation axis were exactly
perpendicular (at right angles) to the ecliptic
plane. What statement would be incorrect? (Ignore
effect of elliptical orbit) - There would be no seasons
- Observers at the South Pole would never see the
Sun rise above the horizon - In Iowa City there would be 12 hours of daylight
every day - Observers everywhere on the equator would see
the Sun at zenith every day at noon - Observers everywhere on the Arctic Circle would
never see the Sun set below the horizon.
- 13. When Mars is closest to the Earth, which is
not true? -
- It is in orbit around the Sun
- It is at inferior conjunction
- It is at opposition
- It is in the ecliptic
- It is in a line with the Sun and Earth
7AnnouncementsWed Sept 22
- First quiz today
- Must be registered prior to quiz!
- PRS results will on special website shortly(?)
8Escape speed of gases
- For Earth, the escape speed is Vesc is 11.2
km/s (6.8 miles/s or 25,000 mph) - Since gases have a range of speeds, a fraction
of the particles will always be above the average
speed - Eventually all particles with V Vesc
particles will escape. - Over billions of years, all gases with average
speed V Vesc will be lost - In practice, (rule of thumb) only gases with
- Vavg
- will be retained in the atmosphere
9Planetary atmosphere escape velocity speed of a
gas particle exceeds escape speed of the planet
10Escape velocity
- Depends on temperature and mean molecular weight
11- Planetary atmospheric gases escape if
N.B. Mars cannot retain water!
12Density and Pressure
About 5.5x density of water (1,000 kg/m3)
13Mean density and escape speed of the planets
Note Average density of terrestrial planets is
3x - 5x density of water Jovian planets nearly
same as water
14Gas pressure , density, temperature The ideal
gas law
P Pressure N density k constant
(Boltzmann) T temperature
Demonstration of pressure, temperature match
15AnnouncementsFriday Sept 24
- PRS quiz results delayed posted this weekend (I
hope) - Finish Chap 7 today, Chap 8 (Earth as a planet)
16Heat in planetary interiors
- The interiors of planets are extremely hot
compared with the surfaces - For Earth, the core temperature is extremely
high, about 5000?K (9,000?F) - Three sources of heat
- Accretional heating material falls in to body
during formation (most important for larger
planets) - Radioactive heating Unstable isotopes (mainly
26Al, 40K, 235U, Th) produce heat during decay.
(most important for terrestiral planets) - Sunshine only heats surface.
17Fission, Fusion and radioactive decay
- Fusion light elements fuse inot heavier elements
(e.g. Hydrogen - Helium in core of Sun,
hydrogen bomb) - Fission heavy element split into lighter
elements (e.g. Uranium - lead, First Atomic
bomb) - Radioctive decay unstable isotope releases
radiation, decay particle (e.g. radium - radon
(gas) - polonium) produces heat in planetary
18For Fusion and Fission, Mass loss Energy
E mc2
19Side bar Where does radon gas come from?
- All soil contain Uranium (few parts per million)
- U238 (92 protons, 146 neutrons) has ½ life of
4.5 billion yrs - U238 decays to thorium (Th)
- Thorium decays to Radium
- Radium decay to radon (inert gas)
- Radon eventually decays to lead (Pb)
- Radon causes lung cancer concentration in
basements in health hazard in Iowa
20Temperature of Earth versus depth and melting of
Granite melts
21Interior heating by radioactive decay in
planetary interiors
22Most important radioactive decays heating the
interior of terrestrial planetsAluminum (Al,
early)Potassium (K)Uranium (U)
23Heating planetary interiors by accretion (note
much more important for Jovian planets)
24Chemical composition of Solar System
- 93.6 Hydrogen!
- 6.3 Helium
- 0.1 all other elements
- Note This is NOT true for the Earth
25 Radiation Properties of thermal (black body)
objects (for example all planets, Sun)
- Spectrum of radiation has a peak dependent of
temperature (Wiens law) - colder bodies are redder, hotter are bluer
- Total amount of radiation dramatically increases
with temperature Stefan-Boltzmann law - Spectrum and luminosity of a black body depends
only of the temperature and surface area
26Wiens law (equation 7.3)
Example The peak observed wavelength of Plutos
spectrum is ? 58 ? (1 ? 10-6 meters). What is
the surface temperature?
27Surface temperature of the planets
Comfort zone for humans
28Stefan-Boltzmann LawThe luminosity of a black
body increases as the 4th power of the temperature
Example Asteroids A and B differ in temperature
by a factor of 2. What is the ratio of their
29Heat transport
- Radiation
- EM radiation
- Propagates in a vacuum
- Sun- Planet
- Convection
- Requires liquid or gas flow
- Dominant form of heat motion in atmospheres
- Conduction
- Motion of molecules in solids
- Speed