Title: Ned Murray, PHD, AICP
1Community Development Strategies The
Affordable Housing Puzzle FLORIDA
18, 2006
2Assembling the Puzzle
3Affordable Housing ToolsOverview
- Ways to develop housing that is affordable
- Encourage private sector development
- Utilize good land use practices
- Layer conventional and non-conventional funds
- Create new sources of long-term financing
- Identify local strategies
4Affordable Housing ToolsDevelopment
- Incentives
- Density Bonus
- Fee Waiver
- Fast Track Permitting
- Design Flexibility
- Direct Subsidies
- Tax Abatement
- Mandates
- Inclusionary Zoning
5Affordable Housing ToolsLand Use
- Smart Growth
- Infill Development
- Urban Growth Boundary
- Advantages
- Density lowers land costs
- Mixed use reduces infrastructure needs
- Green building design lowers energy costs
- Reduces sprawl and preserves land
6Affordable Housing ToolsFunding
- Federal
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
- Can provide funding for housing (dependent upon
local needs) - Loan Guarantee Program (Section 108)
- Transforms a small portion of CDBG funds into
federally guaranteed loans for projects that will
have a large community impact - HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME)
- Provides non-amortized, low interest loans to
developers for acquisition and/or new
construction or rehabilitation of affordable
rental housing to low income families
7Affordable Housing ToolsFunding
- Federal
- Department of Housing Urban Development
- (HUD)
- Section 108
- Section 8
8Affordable Housing ToolsFunding Other Federal
- Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta
- Community Reinvestment Act
- Government Supported Enterprises
9Affordable Housing ToolsFunding
- State
- Sadowski Act
- Funded by documentary stamp tax revenue from the
sale of homes to help provide low, very low and
moderate income housing - Responsible for developing ownership and rental
housing, leveraging funds 71 and funding
programs such as SHIP and SAIL - According to the 2006 Legislative Session, only
433 million will be allocated (an additional
1.1 billion is available)
10Affordable Housing ToolsFunding
- State
- Community Workforce Housing Innovation Pilot
Program (CWHIP) - 50 million available in forgivable loans for
construction or rehabilitation of housing for
essential workers (up to 140 percent of the
area's median income ) in high-cost counties
11Affordable Housing ToolsFunding
- Local Housing Programs
- Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
- Local doc stamp
- Other Sources
- Intermediary Organizations (i.e. LISC /
Enterprise Foundation, NeighborWorks)
12Affordable Housing ToolsFunding
- Public Sector
- Dedicated source of funding
- Sales taxes
- Doc stamp
- Linkage fees
- In-lieu of fees (Inclusionary Zoning)
- Excess revenues
- Property tax increases
13Affordable Housing ToolsFunding
- Housing Trust Fund
- Capitalizes corporate and community investors and
voluntary donations from local corporations,
foundations, government, and individuals - Allows for both Restricted (i.e. Managed
Municipal Funds) and Unrestricted Funds - Advantages
- Leverages funds
- Provides capital to assist individuals (i.e.
homebuyer assistance and second/soft second
mortgages) - Provides financing and capacity building
opportunities for affordable housing developers
14Affordable Housing ToolsFunding
- Equity Fund
- Allows investors to simultaneously improve the
community while making a profit, satisfying both
a financial and social objective - Advantages
- Encourages investment within the community
- Provides capital for mezzanine and gap financing
to affordable housing developers
15Affordable Housing ToolsFunding
- Community Land Trust
- Separates the ownership of the house and the land
so that a non-profit organization holds the land
in asset and offers long-term leases to
homebuyers - Advantages
- Lowers costs of housing
- Keeps property affordable in perpetuity
- Provides access to land, the most valued
resources in development
16Affordable Housing ToolsLocal Strategies
- Initiate public outreach and education programs
- Develop public/private partnership among
stakeholders - Determine applicable policy solutions
- Advocate for policy change
- Identify long term funding sources
- Increase ability of residents to own homes while
ensuring development of rental units - Create new affordable units while preserving
existing affordable housing
17From Puzzle to Picture
- Affordable Housing Partnerships
18Broward Housing Partnership
- Formed in early 2005
- Mission Statement To pioneer new approaches,
create new tools, and influence housing policy to
improve the production and sustainability of
affordable housing through its consortium of
member organizations in Broward County.
19Broward Housing Partnership
- Public/Private Partnership
- Over 80 organizations involved
- Major Employers
- Government agencies
- Nonprofit organizations
- Housing Advocates
- Development firms
- Realtors
- Lenders
20Broward Housing Partnership
- Affordable Housing Summit
- Educated over 500 participants
- Best practices from 12 National Speakers
- Conducted a housing survey of registrants
- Facilitated consensus building session
21Broward Housing Partnership
- Potential Affordable Housing Tools
- Identified over 80 potential tools for
affordable housing development - Determining effectiveness of each solution
- Investigating improvements to each program
- Analyzing the feasibility of implementing each
solution in Broward
22Broward Housing Partnership
- Housing Needs Assessment
- Homeownership is becoming unattainable.
- The ratio of median single family home costs to
median household income is 61. - The median sale price of 361,100 requires a
household income of 90,720.
23Broward Housing Partnership
- Housing Needs Assessment
- Homeownership is becoming unattainable.
- The inventory of affordable rental housing is
decreasing. - The median rent of 1,122 requires a household
income of 45,000. - Over 22,000 units have been lost to condominium
conversions in the past two years.
24Broward Housing Partnership
- Housing Needs Assessment
- Homeownership is becoming unattainable.
- The inventory of affordable rental housing is
decreasing. - Households are becoming increasingly cost
burdened. - Approximately 50 of the workforce have annual
incomes of 25,000 or less. - Over 41 of households spend more than 30 of
their income on housing costs.
25Broward Housing Partnership
- Housing Needs Assessment
- Homeownership is becoming unattainable.
- The inventory of affordable rental housing is
decreasing. - Households are becoming increasingly cost
burdened. - Population and job growth will continue to fuel
the demand for housing. - By 2012, job growth is projected to create a
- demand for 90,000 additional housing units.
26Broward Housing Partnership
- Strategic Solutions
- Informed by
- Survey Results
- Needs Assessment
- Potential Tools Matrix
- Year long review of best practices
- Affordable Housing Summit presentations
- Consensus building sessions
- Vision Broward
- Affordable Housing Summit
- Partnership meetings
- Local housing meetings
27Broward Housing Partnership
- Strategic Solutions
- Educate the public and stakeholders
- Capitalize and operate a family of funds to
provide funding for attainable housing - Provide capacity building and technical
assistance for CDCs, developers, and government
agencies - Develop incubator for creative housing solutions
- Advocate for public policy improvements
28Contact Us
- Dr. Ned Murray
- FIU Metropolitan Center
- 305.349.1444, murrayn_at_fiu.edu
- James Carras
- Carras Community Investment
- 954.415.2022, carras_at_bellsouth.net