Title: Rechartering A Z
1Rechartering A - Z
Fall 2007
2Rechartering A Z
- You need a P.L.A.N.
- P reparation
- L eadership
- A ttitude
- N o excuses
- Before you start and general considerations
- Internet Recharter System demonstration
- Recharter Completion
- Reports
- Follow-up
- Final submission
4Getting Ready
- The online process goes a lot more quickly and it
wont lock out your unit for updates
- Remember that you must have your recharter
packets signed by the Charter Institutional Head
(not your Charter Organization Rep)
- Make an appointment with this person (and the
COR) to ensure they will not be out of town when
you need them
- If you are missing any applications (youth or
adult), you will need time to get them from the
individual, signed by all the appropriate people
and then signed by the relevant authority (Unit
Leader and/or COR) - Accurate and late beats almost accurate and on
time (within reason)
- An error in the recharter packets will cause a
MINIMUM of one month delay in the charter
submission sometimes up to three months
- Potentially 6 handoffs and 6 returns
- Each of these is an opportunity for delay and
record loss
- If there a multiple units chartered by the same
Charter Institution, they will have the same
Charter Organization Representative (COR)
- There is only one COR per Charter Organization
- Whichever unit gets submitted first, the COR
specified on that recharter will be the COR for
the CO it is recommended that this be decided
by the CO beforehand
5General considerations
- Each unit must consist of a minimum of 5 primary
(i.e. paid in the unit) youth and 5 primary
adults (4 for Venture Crews)
- If the scout is registered in a Venture Crew AND
a Scout Troop, we suggest that they register as
primary with the Crew
- It is no longer a requirement to have one Den
Leader per rank
- NO transfers are allowed during recharter
- A transfer is intended to allow the current
membership info (including payment) to swap to
another unit
- Since recharter establishes the new membership
for the coming year, there is no current
membership info to transfer
- In order to accomplish this, either transfer
before or after the recharter process, or allow
the membership to lapse with the old unit and
join the new unit - All of these options will of course require a new
- Packs remember to recharter your Webelos II
- This is always confusing to Packs
- If you do not recharter these scouts, they will
be out of the program (not covered by insurance)
- If you do not recharter these scouts, they will
have to rejoin with their chosen Troop after
6Now the Fun Begins
- Units have/will receive an online recharter
- These are supposed to be given/sent to the
Charter Institution
- Often, however, they are distributed at a
Roundtable by the District Commissioner staff,
typically a couple of weeks prior to their
earliest log-in date - On the outside of the packet, the unit number and
unit name will be printed on a label, along with
two numbers
- The first 9-digit number is the unit-specific
confidential access code for the Internet
Recharter System this access code changes every
year - Once you sign on, you will be asked for a
password you should share the access code and
password with anyone who will also be working on
the online recharter with you - The second number is the Internet Advancement
(and Good Turn for America) sign-on
- You can use the Internet Advancement to get a
current roster of your scouts and the adult
- You should use this as a reference point before
you go on-line
- Anyone who is not listed here, is probably not on
ScoutNet, so get going on getting a new
application from them
- Atlantabsa.org Program/Services and then
7How to get to Internet Advancement
8How to get your roster from Advancement
9How to get your roster from Advancement
10How to get your roster from Advancement
11More Fun
- If you lose your access code for some reason, you
should contact your Unit Commissioner who then
can get it from the District Commissioner who has
a complete list of access codes - Please note that the above access code will allow
you to access and complete your recharter process
during the three months before your charter
expires - Most District charters in the AAC expire at the
end of either December or January
(Cherokee-Pickens, Three Rivers and Covered
Bridge all have one odd unit tat expires in the
other timeframe) - No unit within a District will be able to access
the recharter system except during this window
- You must complete your online recharter prior to
the closing date for the District
- The tutorial is active throughout the year
12New Recharter Packet Envelope
- This year you will see an updated Recharter
packet envelope
- simplified information
- ? allows for time stamping of handoffs
13Using a Package to Maintain Your
Data?PackMaster/TroopMaster, ScoutSoft or Rank N
- Be very careful about the names in your database
- Discrepancies between peoples names is the
number of cause of recharter rejects and
additional Registrar work
- Check the roster that comes from ScoutNet against
the names in your database
- Change the information in the package to match
the roster
- Nicknames can be added in the package and it will
refer to the scout by the nickname
- Avoid multiple member names either delete the
multiple member or change their name (ScoutSoft
in particular)
- If one of your members name is wrong in ScoutNet
(and there is no way around this)
- No not try to change the name in the online
system the system will accept it but it will
cause the entire unit recharter packet to reject
later in the process - If you need to change the name, then drop the
scout from the roster (do not renew) and add him
with the new name this will necessitate a new
application - If you do this, you must contact the registrar to
transfer the advancement records over to the new
- Avoid commas
- The transfer file is a comma-separated file so
commas mess things up
- Watch out for a comma being entered in the street
address line in front of an apt and at the end
of a person's name where there is II or III being
14How to add a nickname - sample
15Before you start the Internet Recharter
- There are two ways to enter information into the
online system
- Download information from ScoutNet to your PC,
edit it there and submit
- This would mean that anyone helping you would
have to use the same PC for editing the data
- Upload data from PackMaster/TroopMaster,
ScoutSoft or Rank N File
- Note that the fourth approved software package
Scoutmate has decided to close down
- There are migration routines available to get
data over to PackMaster/TroopMaster and to
Scoutsoft, if you are a current user
- If you plan to upload, you must generate the
input file before you sign on to the internet
Recharter System
- For ScoutSoft, use the Maintenance Rechartering
subsystem to create the transfer file
- For PackMaster/TroopMaster, use the Reports
Scout/Unit General Council Recharter Annual
Recharter subsystem
16Generating an input file from TroopMaster
17Generating an input file
- Note that when specifying the file location, you
are simply specifying the folder in which to
place the file, not the filename
- The file itself is a comma-separated value (.csv)
file, whose name is in the form CHTxnnnn.csv
- where x C for Cub Pack
- S for Scout Troop
- P for Venture Crew or Ship
- V for Varsity Team
- E for Explorer Post
- and nnnn unit number
- For example, CHTS2143.csv Troop 2143s transfer
- This file is automatically produced in the format
compatible with ScoutNet
- Not only is there no need to edit this file, you
will mess it up if you do so
- If you need to change the information, go back to
ScoutSoft or PackMaster/TroopMaster, make the
changes and regenerate the file
18Internet Recharter System
- Going through the tutorial ahead of their actual
recharter will help you a lot
- https//scoutnet.scouting.org/help/tutorial/main.h
- It is somewhat out of date because there is an
extra screen step just before the Submit Phase
- Give a reason for scouts who are dropping
- Note that this tutorial will not be updated until
- The Atlanta Area Council has put the link to the
Internet Recharter system and its tutorial on the
home page www.atlantabsa.org
- If that link does not work for you for any
reason, you can click on the Programs/Services
box at the top of the home page
- Then on the left menu, move the cursor over the
Commissioners box and then click on
- Internet Rechartering Tutorial or
- Internet Rechartering
19How to get to Internet Rechartering (1)
For the tutorial
For the system
20How to get to Internet Rechartering (2)
21Internet Recharter System Look Feel
22Internet Recharter Tutorial
23On-line Tutorial Demo
24Missing Screens from the Tutorial
25Missing Screens from the Tutorial
26Missing Screens from the Tutorial
27Missing Screens from the Tutorial
28Missing Screens from the Tutorial
29Missing Screens from the Tutorial
30Missing Screens from the Tutorial
31Internet Recharter System
- After completing your recharter and submitting it
on the Internet Recharter System (Stage 5)
- Print three copies of your completed charter
- Have each of the copies signed by the Charter
Organization Head and the Unit Leader
- Attach any youth and adult applications that you
are instructed by the System to have with you
- Do not write any checks at this point
- Bring four blank signed checks with you to
Recharter Day along with your completed packet
(see below for Recharter Day details)
- You will turn all your paperwork and money in at
your Districts Recharter Day event (see below)
- If your District does not have a Recharter Day,
then turn the packet into your District Executive
32Before you go to Recharter Day
- How many times do we have to be told?
- Check and double check that all the correct
signatures are on all the documents
- Recharter renewal
- Executive officer (not COR)
- Recharter packet
- Unit Leader and Executive Officer (not COR)
- Adult applications
- Adult, Committee Chair and COR
- Youth applications
- All but Venturing Parent and Unit Leader
- Venturing (and Ships) Venturer and Crew
33Recharter Day - ChecklistYou need to bring the
- One complete recharter online printout
- Printed out from Stage 5 (not before)
- Signed by the Charter Organization Executive
Officer (not the COR)
- Signed by the Unit Leader
- Charter Agreement (multi-part form) signed by the
Charter Organization Executive Officer (not COR)
- Applications for all adults and youth listed as
new on the printout from step 1
- If the Council/other lost it, were sorry but get
over it just bring the applications (copy wont
- New youth applications are complete including
grade, date of birth, Tiger Partner date of birth
(if appropriate), and signed by parent and unit
leader - New adult applications are complete including
SSN, DOB and three references, signed by
Applicant, Committee Chair and Chartered
Organization Representative - Bring 3-4 signed blank checks (Recharter fees and
other related Council/District expenses depending
on what your District includes at Recharter Day
and a spare) - Alternatively, bring your Treasurer
34Recharter Day - ChecklistYou need to bring the
- These depend on if and when your District
supports these programs () and/or if your
Recharter Day includes the turn-in
- National Camping Award application (Troops and
- Based on the number of nights camping
- District Award of Merit nomination(s)
- Unit Godsend recipient name
- Scoutmaster Award of Merit nomination packet (if
- Troops updated Merit Badge Counselor list
- Updated Yellow Pages/Contact List entries
- FOS presentation date
- OA registration list (Adults all units, and
Youth Troops only)
- Centennial Quality Unit Award Commitment Form
- With attainment numbers
- Signed by Unit Leader and Unit Commissioner
- Honor Unit Booklet
- Filled in with achievements
- Score tabulated
- Signed by Unit Leader and Unit Commissioner
Depends on District check with your Unit
35Recharter Day Possible Station Set-upTailored
for Online Recharter Manual Recharter will take
a custom walk-through
Station 4b Online Recharter Applications Review
Station 5 Packs Only Crossover Baseline
Station 6 Troops Only Merit Badge Counselors
Station 7 Yellow Pages Update
Station 8 Awards Submission
Station 4a Online Recharter Applications Review
Station 9 FOS Sign-up and OA Registration
Station 3 Online Recharter Packet Update
Station 10 Quality and Honor Unit Application C
Station 2 Online Recharter Packet Review
Station 11a Registration and Money Turn-in
Station 11b Registration and Money Turn-in
Station 1 Self-Assessment
Exit ?
36Recharter Completion - Reports
- From December 1st through March 31st, the
Assistant Council Commissioner for Recharter
(Recharter ACC) will produce a weekly report, by
District, indicating the status of every unit
within that District - Summary chart of all Districts
- District Name
- Unit Type and Number
- Initial Login date
- Whether or not the Unit uploaded a file (Y or N)
- Highest stage that the unit has completed (1
through 5)
- If submitted, the date on which the unit
submitted their charter
- This occurs once the unit has completed Stage 5
- If the recharter was submitted manually, this
column will contain Manual
- This report is sent to the District Commissioner,
the District Executive and the Service Area
Commissioner, if requested
- A summary report of all Districts is also sent to
the Council Commissioner and several Council BSA
37Recharter Completion Follow-up
- District Commissioner should distribute the
weekly progress report to all Unit Commissioners
(or their equivalent)
- Unit Commissioners (or equivalent) will follow up
with all units to ensure that they are making
- District Commissioner will respond to the
Recharter AAC with
- Units that have already ceased operation prior to
recharter (aka Dropped)
- Units that will not be rechartering in this round
and why
- New units that chartered during the year that are
not on the report
- Indicate the expiration date for each of these
new units (they could have chartered for more
than a year)
38Recharter Completion Registrar
- District Executive ensures that the packets are
properly received and logged in at the AAC
Program Center
- District Executive makes an appointment with the
- The Registrar checks each individual packet for
completeness and accuracy
- If not complete, the DE goes back to resolve
issues(s) with the District Commissioner/ Unit
Commissioner/ Unit Leader
- Once resolved, DE returns to the Registrar to
work the packet through to submission
- When the recharter packet is complete and
correct, the Registrar will release the recharter
for ScoutNet update
- When ScoutNet returns a successful message, then
the recharter is finally considered complete
- Once the recharter is complete, the registration
cards will be printed and mailed to the
Chartering Institution
- At the January 2007 Commissioners Conference, we
held a breakout on the subject of Recharter and
we captured many suggestions
- Set up a District Help Desk function
- Set up local computer centers (Charter
Organizations, churches, schools etc) with
experienced people to get rid of the technology
barrier - Council training should be Train-the-Trainer
- Council ? DEs ? UCs ? Leaders
- Start training earlier than we have in the past
- Have more training sessions than we have had in
the past
- DEs and/or UCs to print out rosters ahead of
- Introduce incentives and consequences for on-time
- These have not been introduced as yet
- Any other suggestions?
- Were all ears
40 Atlanta Area Council Contacts
- Geoff Barnes
- Assistant Council Commissioner for Recharter
- Cell (770) 329-7137
- email gwb999_at_bellsouth.net
- Tom Wilson
- Atlanta Area Council Director of Support
- Office (770) 989-8821
- email twilson_at_atlantabsa.org