Title: Interpreting Kappa in Observational Research: Baserate Matters
1Interpreting Kappa in Observational Research
Baserate Matters
- Cornelia Taylor Bruckner
- Vanderbilt University
- Paul Yoder
- Craig Kennedy
- Niels Waller
- Andrew Tomarken
- MRDD training grant
- KC Quant core
- Agreement is a proxy for accuracy
- Agreement statistics 101
- Chance agreement
- Agreement matrix
- Baserate
- Kappa and baserate, a paradox
- Estimating accuracy from kappa
- Applied example
4Framing as observational coding
- I will be framing the talk today within
observational measurement but the concepts apply
to many other situations e.g., - Agreement between clinicians on diagnosis
- Agreement between reporters on child symptoms
(e.g. mothers and fathers)
5Rater accuracy A fictitious session
- Madeline Scientist writes a script for an
interval coded observation session where the - Presence or absence of target behavior in
interval - Two coders (Eager Beaver and Slack Jack), blind
to the script, are asked to code the session. - Accuracy of each coder with the script is
6Accuracy of Eager Beaver (EB) with session
(interval data)
7Accuracy of Slack Jack (SJ) with session
(interval data)
8Who has the best accuracy?
- Eager Beaver of course.
- Slack Jack was not very accurate
- Notice that accuracy is about agreement with the
occurrence and nonoccurrence of behavior.
9We dont always know the truth
- It is great when we know the true occurrence and
nonoccurrence of behaviors - But, in the real world we deal with agreement
between fallible observers
10Agreement between raters
- Point by point interobserver agreement is
achieved when independent observers - see the same thing (behavior, event)
- at the same time
11Difference between agreement and accuracy
- Agreement can be directly measured.
- Accuracy can not be directly measured.
- We dont know the truth of a session.
- However, agreement is used as a proxy for
accuracy - Accuracy can be estimated from agreement
- The method for this estimation is the focus of
todays talk
12Percent agreement
- Percent agreement
- The proportion of intervals that were agreed upon
- Agreements/agreementsdisagreements
- Takes into account occurrence and nonoccurrence
agreement - Varies from 0-100
13Occurrence and Nonoccurrence agreement
- Occurrence agreement
- The proportion of intervals that either coder
recorded the behavior that were agreed upon - Positive agreement
- Non-occurrence agreement
- The proportion of intervals that either coder
recorded a nonoccurrence that were agreed upon - Negative agreement
14Problem with agreement statistics
- We assume that agreement is due to accuracy
- Agreement statistics do not control for chance
agreement - So agreement could be due only to chance
15Chance agreement and point by point agreement
Nonoccurrence agreement
Occurrence agreement
16Agreement matrix
17Using a 2x2 table to check agreement on
individual codes
- When IOA is computed on the total code set it is
an omnibus measure of agreement - This does not inform us on agreement on any one
code. - To know agreement on a particular code the
confusion matrix needs to be collapsed into a 2x2
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20Baserate in A 2x2 table
Eager Beaver
All other emotions
Slack Jack
All other emotions
- Defined accuracy
- Described the relationship between chance
agreement and IOA - Creating a 2x2 table
- Calculating a best estimate of the base rate
- Kappa is an agreement statistic that controls for
chance agreement - Before kappa there was a sense that we should
control for chance but we did not know how - Cohens 1960 paper has been cited over 7000 times
23Definition of Kappa
- Kappa is the proportion of non-chance agreement
observed out of all the non-chance agreement - K Po-Pe
- 1 - Pe
24Definition of Terms
- Po The proportion of events for which there is
observed agreement. - Same metric as percent agreement
- Pe The proportion of events for which agreement
would be expected by chance alone - Defined as the probability of two raters coding
the same behavior at the same time by chance
25Agreement matrix for EB and SJ with (chance
Po .36.18 Pe .33 .15 k
26What determines the value of kappa
- Accuracy and base rate
- Increasing accuracy increases observed agreement
therefore kappa is a consistent estimator of
accuracy if base rate is held constant - If accuracy is held constant, kappa will decrease
as the estimated true base rate deviates from .5
27Obtained kappa, across baserate, for 80 accuracy
Accuracy 80
28Obtained kappa, across baserate, for 80 and 99
Accuracy 99
Accuracy 80
29Obtained kappa, across baserate, from 80 to 99
30Bottom line
- When we observe behaviors that are High or Low
baserate our kappas will be low. - This is important for researchers studying low
baserate behaviors - Many of the behaviors we observe in young
children with developmental disabilities are very
low baserate
31Criterion values for IOA
- Cohen never suggested using criterion values for
kappa - Many professional organizations recommend
criterions for IOA - e.g., The Council for Exceptional Children
Division for Research Recommendations 2005 - Data are collected on the reliability or
inter-observer agreement (IOA) associated with
each dependent variable, and IOA levels meet
minimal standards (e.g., IOA 80 Kappa .60)
32Criterion accuracy?
- Setting a criterion for kappa independent of
baserate is not useful - If we can estimate accuracy
- And I am suggesting that we can
- We need to consider what sufficient accuracy
would be
33Criterion accuracy cont.
- If we consider 80 agreement sufficient than
- Would we consider 80 accuracy sufficient?
- If we used 80 accuracy as a criterion
- Acceptable kappa could be as low as .19 depending
on baserate
34Why it is really important not to use criterion
- There is a belief that the quality of data will
be higher if kappa is higher. - This is only true if there is no associated loss
of content or construct validity. - The processes of collapsing and redefining codes
often result in a loss of validity.
35Applied example
- See handout for formulas and data
36Use the table on the first page of your handout
to determine the accuracy of raters from
baserate and kappa
- Calculate agreement for each code using a 2x2
table - Use the table to determine the accuracy of
observers from baserate and obtained kappa - Report kappa and accuracy
39Software to calculate kappa
- Comkappa, Developed by Bakeman to calculate
kappa, SE of kappa, kappa max, and weighted
kappa. - MOOSES, Developed by Jon Tapp. Calculates kappa
on the total code set and individual codes. Can
be used with live coding, video coding, and
transcription. - SPSS
- The challenge is to change the standards of
observational research that demand kappa's above
a criteria of .6 - Editors
- PIs
- Collaborators