Title: Bubbles Line Breaker
1Bubbles Line Breaker
As you read, think about how the poem was put
2Bubbles Line Breaker
How did the author decide about line breaks?
Look at the end word for each line. What do you
Bubbles Floating holes Reflecting spheres Little
rainbow heads Glued together like magnets Liquid
crystal balls Silent popcorn Bubbles
3Bubbles Line Breaker
Look at the word that begins each line. What do
you notice now?
Bubbles Floating holes Reflecting spheres Little
rainbow heads Glued together like magnets Liquid
crystal balls Silent popcorn Bubbles
4Bubbles Line Breaker
Why does the poem have no punctuation?
Bubbles Floating holes Reflecting spheres Little
rainbow heads Glued together like magnets Liquid
crystal balls Silent popcorn Bubbles
5Bubbles Line Breaker
How does changing the line breaks change the poem?
Bubbles Floating holes reflecting Spheres, little
rainbow heads Glued together like Magnets,
liquid crystal balls Silent popcorn, bubbles
6Bubbles Line Breaker
Notice the poems shaperound like a bubble. Do
you think the author did this on purpose?
Bubbles Floating holes Reflecting spheres Little
rainbow heads Glued together like magnets Liquid
crystal balls Silent popcorn Bubbles
7Bubbles Line Breaker
What can you say about how the poet used line
breaks? How do the line breaks affect the way it
sounds, the way it looks, and what it means?