Title: The Club Vision Facilitation Process
1The Club Vision Facilitation Process
2Vision Facilitation
Long Range Planning for
The Rotary Club of Nelson Bay Presented By
D-9670 Vision Facilitation Team 30th May,
3What Is Club Vision?
- Dynamic Management Tool
- Defines a shared commitment
- Provides long-term direction
- Creates a framework to establish goals and
objectives - Optimizes use of resources
4Proven Method
- the afternoon was perfect to give us creative
ideas to .setour goals and objectives. - Its amazing that we came to consensus in such a
short time from such a diverse group.
5Why Is A Plan Needed?
- Tradition of annual cycles breaks continuity,
consistency, and consensus - Clubs end up re-inventing the wheel instead of
moving forward - ..or worse.
6If you dont know where you are going, chances
are you will end up someplace else. Yogi
Failing to Plan Planning to Fail
7ConsensusSolidarity and Joint Agreement
Planning Process
Continuity Where Do We Want to be?
Consistency How Will We Get There?
- Who are we?
- Where are we?
- Where do we want to be?
- How will we get there?
- How will we know when we arrive?
9Start with the End in mind.
- Sustain and increase membership
- Implement successful service projects
- Support The Rotary Foundation
- Develop leaders in the club and beyond
10Our Outcome Today
Long Term Vision A Multi-year Plan
Annual plans, projects, programs
11The Club, not as it is, but as it has become
It is NOW the Year 2014
12Vision Exercise
The panel members of our Club, wrote a letter as
if it were the year 2014 and directed it to the
Rotary International President, explaining why
the Rotary Club of Nelson Bay deserved the
Distinguished Gold Medal Award, as recognition
for being the best of the best
This became the basis for creating the Vision
that our Club might have for itself five years
from now!
13Recording the Members Thoughts
14The Selection Process
15Vision Pursued(what does our club stand for in
the community)
- Ability to respond Willpower, Manpower,
Money - Benchmark in Community Service Positive
communication - Representative of all businesses
16Elevator Speech
- The Rotary Club of Nelson Bay Inc., fully
representative of all businesses, trade and
professions, will create bench marks in community
service through communication, the willingness to
serve and the ability to respond to community
needs by - Commitment of members
- Manpower and willpower
- Financial resources
17Club Size
- In the year 2014
- our club will have 65 members
( looking at an average age between 45 50 )
18Attributes(what are the clubs characteristics,
features or demographics)
- Willingness of members to be actively involved in
Rotary - More business people
- Energetic participation
19Club Service
- Standard of meetings ambience, decorum, social
intercourse - Annual Rotary Awareness Week
- New members invite Corporate ideas to build
relations community involvement
20Club Fundraiser
- 100,000 Rotary Health Foundation
- Stem Cell Research
21Vocational Service
- Career Study Group Youth exchange work
experience within district yr.11 school students - Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) District
wide - Aged care / general care facility support
mental health issues
22Community Service
- Major service projects on a long term basis
(i.e.. over a number of years) - Obesity Week Looz-it program for children 13
to 16 years of age - Rotary Park Sensory/Disabled access
23International Service
- Vocational exchange to school/hospital in East
Timor - East Timor Scholarship University Exchange
- Means Test Youth Exchange Educational focus /
low income background
24Foundation Success
- Regular Rotary Foundation Education
- President Elect remains Foundation Director
- 400 per member per year
- 2 to 3 Paul Harris Fellowships per year
25Public Relations
- Quality projects support in local media
- High profile speakers
- Each project is badged with Rotary Emblem
26What Follows Today
with District 9670 Vision Team Support
Actions Programs
Long Range Plan
27Action Plan
28- Rotary is not an organization for retrospection.
It is rather one whose worth and purpose lie in
future activity rather than past performance. - - Paul Harris, Founder of Rotary
29Thank you for your Commitment