Title: Presentation to the Rotary Club of Chatham Sunrise
1Presentation to the Rotary Club of Chatham Sunrise
- Art Stirling
- Executive Director,
- Community Relations Fund Development
- 2009/08/11
2Childrens Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent
- established by parents of disabled children in
1948 - formerly Prism Centre for Audiology and
Childrens Rehabilitation, and before that, the
Kent County Childrens Treatment Centre - governed by volunteer board 40 employees
- core funding from the Ministry of Children
Youth Services - annual operating budget of 3 million (86
government) - member, Ontario Assn. of Childrens
Rehabilitation Services - children from birth through to age 18
- Lark Street location in Chatham, partner at Best
Start hubs across the Municipality of
Chatham-Kent - focus is on family-centred support (one window
approach) - deliver a broad range of quality paediatric
therapy services
- Physiotherapists help with the development of
movement skills from infancy through to the teen
years. To assist with movement, physiotherapists
may prescribe equipment such as standers and
4Occupational Therapy
- Self help, play and getting ready for school are
the primary jobs for children. Occupational
therapists evaluate how a child is functioning
and help children to be as independent as
possible during their daily routines. OTs also
evaluate seating, feeding and infant, preschool
and school aged development.
5Speech/Language Pathology
- Speech/language pathologists help children with
difficulties such as sound production,
understanding and use of language (words,
gestures, pictures, symbols), feeling, voice and
- Audiologists work to help clients hear well.
While children are our priority, all ages are
offered in-depth hearing assessments.
Hearing-related counselling is available as well
as an on-site hearing aid dispensary for
7Social Work
- Social workers engage children, adolescents and
their families, individually and in groups, to
provide assessments, education, support and
counselling. They provide information on how to
access community resources such as financial aid,
child care, specialized counselling or
psychological services.
- This is a short-term in-home program provided to
families who are caring for a child with special
needs. Qualified staff allows parents time out
to take care of personal needs.
9Music Therapy
- Music therapists help to develop the childs
attention span, communication as well as motor
and social skills through singing, playing
instruments and exploring expressive movements.
In the past couple years, the Nintendo Wii system
has become an integral tool in this program.
10Adapted Recreation
- Introduces children and youth to recreation and
leisure activities in the community and at the
Centre that are tailored to meet the needs of the
disabled. Programs available include sledge
hockey, sailing, boccia, golf, fishing, swimming,
dance, gymnastics, to name a few.
11Specialized Services
- Seating Equipment Clinic
- Paediatric Clinics
- Pool for Therapeutic and Recreation Use
- Infant Team
- Pre-School Stars
- School Age Team
- Summer Camps
- Infant Hearing
- Blind/Low Vision
- Lead Agency for Early
- Words Pre-School
- Speech Language
- Program
- Best Start Partner
12(No Transcript)
13Childrens Treatment Centre Foundation of
- incorporated in 2007
- granted registered charity status by CRA in late
2008 - governed by volunteer board one employee
- our mission is to increase the Centres profile
in the community and, in so doing, raise and
manage funds to ensure the sustainability and
growth of enhanced programming offered through
the Centre - annual donations, targeted campaigns, planned
giving, endowment funds, sponsorships, grants,
special events - recently launched our first campaign
14Imagine, just for a moment, what it would be
- If you couldnt verbalize your wants or needs
- If you couldnt say please or thank you, hello or
goodbye, or I love you Mom - If you couldnt order in a restaurant or answer a
question at school or visit with family at
Thanksgiving or Christmas
15That is the reality faced by many children in
our community.
- non-verbal due to medical condition or
developmental delay - require support of speech therapists,
communicative disorders assistants and
occupational therapists - can be individually assessed and prescribed with
augmentative or alternative communications (AAC)
tools to assist them with speech or writing - must do so at accredited AAC Clinic (closest is
Thames Valley Childrens Centre in London) - local option needed
16Childrens Treatment Centre to provide a local
- has embarked on an 18 month process to establish
our own General Level AAC Clinic - mentoring agreement in place with Thames Valley
Childrens Centre - must be accredited by the Ministry of Health and
Long Term Cares Assistive Devices Program - in addition to staff expertise, large amount of
costly equipment (32 separate items) must be
acquired for child assessment purposes
17(No Transcript)
18Goal of 50,000
- to establish and equip Chatham-Kents own
Augmentative and Alternative Communications
Clinic - to help children who cant speak or write to
connect with their world
19Huge benefit for families and to the community of
- will initially serve 50 complex needs children
and more than 100 mild needs children, with
opportunity to serve more children as program
grows - will greatly reduce wait times (for initial
assessment, currently 18 to 24 months) - will reduce travel requirements for families
- will facilitate more comprehensive family-centred
support with more services under one roof - will allow the development of AAC expertise
locally - will expand provincial capacity in the area of
20But most importantly .
- Will allow non-verbal children to communicate
with their - parents
- siblings and extended family
- caregivers and therapists
- teachers
- friends and peers
- Greatly increasing their self-confidence, their
independence and their quality of life.
21What do parents of special needs children in
Chatham-Kent think?
- When you have a child that cannot communicate
with words, you understand how truly precious
communication is. Having access to AAC is a true
gift. Guyanne Smoke, Pain Court - Augmentative communication for Jordan has
absolutely 100 opened up her world. Janet
Lindsay, Blenheim - Kiara is now able to manipulate a keyboard for
text or command entry and direct a pointing
device to her intended target. The change is
nothing short of miraculous. - Derek McGivern, Wallaceburg
22What do parents of special needs children in
Chatham-Kent think?
- Communication is perhaps one of the most
important tools that a person can have. It is
important that children such as our daughter
Ella, who face difficulty in this area, be given
every opportunity to full express themselves and
to fully interact with their peers. Having a
clinic here in Chatham would expedite the
assessment process and give Ella the tools she
currently needs to communicate with her teachers
and friends in the classroom. Mike Becky
Timmermans, Chatham - Candace is enjoying using the device and we have
noticed a much lower level of frustration when
trying to connect with others. - Darlene Crow, Thamesville
23Your support will make a difference.Thank you
for your attention.Any questions?