Title: Authoring Processes for Advanced Learning Strategies
1Authoring Processes for Advanced Learning
- Jana Trnková
- Telecooperation Research Group, TU Darmstadt,
Germany - jana_at_tk.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
- Wolfgang Theilmann
- SAP Research, CEC Karlsruhe, Germany
- wolfgang.theilmann_at_sap.com
- Learning environment L3
- Metadata
- Authoring
- Strategies and Navigation
- Experiences with L3
- Summary
- Future Research
- Navigation Preview
- Strategy Editor
- Standard conformance
3Learning environment L3
- Content Aggregation Model
- Learning network
- Learning object
- Instructional Element
- Test
- Hierarchical
- Refers to
- Belongs to
- Precedes
- Prerequisite of
content holders
Test Parameters
Knowledge Types
- Orientation (know what)
- Action (skills, know how)
- Explanation (know why)
- Reference/Source (know where)
- Pre test
- Exercise
- Self test
- Post test
4Learning environment L3
Authoring Environment
To explore the structure of the course
To organize the content and define relations
between the nodes
To specify knowledge type (x)or test parameters
and other metadata for the current node
5Learning environment L3
Learning Path and Navigation
- Dynamically generated according to the authors
settings and user preferences (learning
strategy) - Only a recommendation, user can leave the
learning path whenever he/she wishes - Navigation support for the better orientation of
the learners
Current element
Recommended element
Finished element
Current node
Element not yet recommended
- structure of the course can be hidden user can
simply follow the learning path by clicking on
forward/back buttons
6Learning environment L3
Learning Strategies
Learning strategies adjust the learning path
according to the learners preferences, taking
existing relations into account.
- Orientation only
- Orientation first
- Action oriented
- Explanation oriented
- Example oriented
- Index
7Experiences with L3
- Research Pilot L3
- WiBA-Net
- Commercial Product SAP Learning Solution (SAP LSO)
- Main problems during the authoring process
- Creating of self-contained reusable learning
units - Predicting the behaviour of the course under
different learning strategies - Understanding of different pedagogical concepts
and creating a reasonable structure for the
course adaptive to the specific learning needs
of student
8Future Research
- Renewed structure of authoring environment
- Course editor
- Editing of the course itself, might be based on
some template - Navigation preview
- Preview of course structure under different
strategies - Template editor
- Editing of the structure of the course
(containers, KT of IE, relations) access to
strategy editor - Strategy editor
- Editing of micro-strategies (within LO)
9Future Research
Navigation Preview
- The authors have difficulties to predict the
behavior of the course under different strategies - In separate window contains update button
- Preview of the navigation path as in the
learning environment - Buttons forward, back, index
- Course structure
- Simulation of course progress visited,
recommended, passed (as defined by author) - The tool has to allow switching between the
different strategies - The tool has to be faster and more flexible than
starting the whole content player
10Future Research
Strategy Editor
- to define own learning strategy
- How to keep the plurality of learning process and
adaptability together with support of specific
learning strategies defined by authors? - Also incorporate the choice to allow certain
strategies to use with the template? - How to assist authors in enhancing their course
material to be applicable for several strategies?
11Standard Conformance
Future Research
- Current state
- SCORM 1.2 RTE Conformance
- LOM Conformance
- SCORM 1.2 Test Conformance
- SCORM 1.2 CAM Conformant import export
- Future plans
- SCORM 1.3 RTE Conformance
- SCORM 1.3 CAM Conformance
- Including export of learning strategies
12Thank you for your attention!
- Any questions? Any comments?
- Contact
Jana Trnková jana_at_tk.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de W
olfgang Theilmann wolfgang.theilmann_at_sap.com