Title: Nonequilibrium dynamics and anomalous fluctuations of Bose-Einstein condensate
1Physics 218 Vitaly Kocharovsky
Congratulations You start to study Physics
the basis of our understanding of the World !!!
- Reasons to know basic concepts of Physics
- It makes you self-reliant and stronger in this
life - It greatly facilitates your career
- To get the master or other degree
2Course info Web page http//physics218.physics.t
Prof. Vitaly Kocharovsky website
http//faculty.physics.tamu.edu/vkochar/ office
MPHY 557 tel. 862-1652 e-mail
vkochar_at_physics.tamu.edu Lectures Monday,
Wednesday, Friday 1020-1110 (sections 516-520)
and 1130-1220 (sections 509-512) Office hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1220 1320 and by
appointment Textbooks (i) University Physics",
v. 1, 12th edition by Young and Freedman (ii)
Lab manual Laboratory (Kinematics) Experiments
for Physics 218", 9th edition by Ramirez, Seidel,
and Hiebert (Hayden-McNeil Publishing) (sections
509-512) Visual Physics lab manuals at
http//visual.physics.tamu.edu/vp218/ (sections
Course grade
Note Final exam replaces the lowest midterm, if
final is higher.
WebCT at http//elearning.tamu.edu (100 score is
3Physics and Structure of Nature
Mechanics Isaac Newton (16421727) Kinematics
and Dynamics
Fields and Particles
Fundamental elementary particles (fermions)
Three families
Each quark exists in 3 colors (red, white, blue)
Observable particles barions (qqq) and mesons
James Clark Maxwell ( 1831 1879 )
Interaction of the charged particles via an
electromagnetic field is responsible for all
phenomena in chemistry, biology, medicine, and
ordinary life.
Atoms and molecules in solids, liquids, gases,
and plasmas
Electromagnetic field
5Physics as Science
- Experimental science ? Math
- Physical quantities (exactly defined and
measurable) - Elementary constituents of matter, interactions,
processes - Idealizations and models
- Math equations
- Range of validity
- Example Classical
non-relativistic mechanics
6Physical quantities and units
International System (SI) Gauss
System (CGS)
Derived units Base units
P.S. Never forget to specify units !!!
Example crash of a satellite on Mars
3 m 4 feet 4.2 m ? 7 ?
7Unit conversions
- Height H 2 m 2 3.28 feet 6.56 feet
1m3.28 feet
2. Time of light propagation from the Sun to the
Earth 8 minutes 860 s 480
s 3. Speed of a car v 36 miles/hour
1mile 1.6 km 1600 m
Dimensional analysis
Dimensions of the physical quantities are
algebraic combinations of the fundamental
dimensions of length L, mass M, and time T
. Example xvt ? L L / T T
but x ? vt2 since L
? L / T T 2 L T
8Scales and units of physical quantities
1 second 9 192 631 770 cycles of electron in
cesium-133 atomic clock
1 second 1 day /
1 year p107 seconds
3107 s 1 meter c (1 / 299792458) s ,
where a speed of light in vacuum is
c299792458 m/s 300 000 km/s.
Size of an atom La1 Angström 1Å 10-10m
c10-18s 1 light year
c1year 3108 m/s 3107 s 1016 m
Size of the Universe is
13.7 billion years c 13.7109 ly 1 kilogram
mass of a standard cylinder of platinum-iridium
alloy 1000g Proton
mass neutron mass is mp 10-24 g 10 -27 kg
Milky Way Galaxy
D 100 000 light years
Distance to the nearest star Proxima Centauri is
L4.2 ly
R 30 000 light years
Time of space travel to Proxima Centauri T L/v
4.2yearsc/v 4.2 years (300 000 km/s /
30 km/s) 42 000 years
Center of Galaxy
9Vector algebra
Scalar is a real number independent on coordinate
system mass, volume, distance, pressure,
Vector (arrow with magnitude and direction)
is a set of components which
transform as with a
basis rotation
Tail-to -head
Resolving a vector into its components
Pythagorean theorem ? Magnitude Direction
10Scalar (dot) product is a number
Vector (cross) product is a vector
Right-hand rule