Title: The uniqueSVP World
1The unique-SVP World
Shai Halevi, IBM, July 2009
- Ajtai-Dwork97/07, Regev03
- PKE from worst-case uSVP
- Lyubashvsky-Micciancio09
- Relations between worst-case uSVP, BDD, GapSVP
- Many slides stolen from Oded Regev, denoted by
- Promise the shortest vector u is shorter by a
factor of f(n) - Algorithm for 2n-unique SVP LLL82,Schnorr87
- Believed to be hard for any polynomial nc
believed hard
3Ajtai-Dwork Regev03 PKEs
Nearly-trivial worst-case/average-case reductions
4n-dimensional distributions
- Distinguish between the distributions
(In a random direction)
5Dual Lattice
- Given a lattice L, the dual lattice is
- L x for all y?L, ltx,ygt?Z
6L - the dual of L
Case 1
Case 2
- Input a basis B for L
- Produce a distribution that is
- Wavy if L has unique shortest vector (u?1/n)
- Uniform (on P(B)) if l1(L) gt ?n
- Choose a point from a Gaussian of radius ?n, and
reduce mod P(B) - Conceptually, a random L point with a
Gaussian(?n) perturbation
8Creating the Distribution
L perturb
Case 1
Case 2
9Analyzing the Distribution
- Theorem (using Banaszczyk93)
- The distribution obtained above depends only on
the points in L of distance ?n from the origin - (up to an exponentially small error)
- Therefore,
- Case 1 Determined by multiples of u ?
- wavy on hyperplanes orthogonal to u
- Case 2 Determined by the origin ?
- uniform
10Proof of Theorem
- For a set A in Rn, define
- Poisson Summation Formula implies
- Banaszczyks theorem
- For any lattice L,
11Proof of Theorem (cont.)
- In Case 2, the distribution obtained is very
close to uniform - Because
12Ajtai-Dwork Regev03 PKEs
13Distinguish?Search, AD97
- Reminder L lives in hyperplanes
- We want to identify u
- Using an oracle that distinguishes wavy
distributions from uniform in P(B)
14The plan
- Use the oracle to distinguish points close to H0
from points close to H?1 - Then grow very long vectors that are rather close
to H0 - This gives a very good approximationfor u, then
we use it to find u exactly
15Distinguishing H0 from H?1
- Input basis B for L, length of u, point x
- And access to wavy/uniform distinguisher
- Decision Is x 1/poly(n) close to H0 or to H?1?
- Choose y from a wavy distribution near L
- y Gaussian(s) with s lt 1/2u
- Pick a?R0,1, set z ax y mod P(B)
- Ask oracle if z is drawn from wavy or uniform
Gaussian(s) variance s2 in each coordinate
16Distinguishing H0 from H?1 (cont.)
- Case 1 x close to H0
- ax also close to H0
- ax y mod P(B) close to L, wavy
17Distinguishing H0 from H?1 (cont.)
- Case 2 x close to H?1
- ax in the middle between H0 and H?1
- Nearly uniform component in the u direction
- ax y mod P(B) nearly uniform in P(B)
18Distinguishing H0 from H?1 (cont.)
- Repeat poly(n) times, take majority
- Boost the advantage to near-certainty
- Below we assume a perfect distinguisher
- Close to H0 ? always says NO
- Close to H?1 ? always says YES
- Otherwise, there are no guarantees
- Except halting in polynomial time
19Growing Large Vectors
- Start from some x0 between H-1 and H1
- e.g. a random vector of length 1/u
- In each step, choose xi s.t.
- xi 2xi-1
- xi is somewhere between H-1 and H1
- Keep going for poly(n) steps
- Result is x between H?1 with xN/u
- Very large N, e.g., N2n
well see how in a minute
20From xi-1 to xi
- Try poly(n) many candidates
- Candidate w 2xi-1 Gaussian(1/u)
- For j 1,, mpoly(n)
- wj j/m w
- Check if wj is near H0 or near H?1
- If none of the wjs is near H?1 then accept w and
set xi w - Else try another candidate
21From xi-1 to xi Analysis
- xi-1 between H?1 ? w is between H?n
- Except with exponentially small probability
- w is NOT between H?1 ? some wj near H?1
- So w will be rejected
- So if we make progress, we know that we are on
the right track
22From xi-1 to xi Analysis (cont.)
- With probability 1/poly(n), w is close to H0
- The component in the u direction is Gaussianwith
mean lt 2/u and variance 1/u2
23From xi-1 to xi Analysis (cont.)
- With probability 1/poly, w is close to H0
- The component in the u direction is Gaussianwith
mean lt 2/u and standard deviation 1/u - w is close to H0, all wjs are close to H0
- So w will be accepted
- After polynomially many candidates, we will make
progress whp
24Finding u
- Find n-1 xs
- xt1 is chosen orthogonal to x1,,xt
- By choosing the Gaussians in that subspace
- Compute u ? x1,,xn-1, with u1
- u is exponentially close to u/u
- u/u (ue), e1/N
- Can make N ? 2n (e.g., N2n )
- Diophantine approximation to solve for u
(slide 71)
25Ajtai-Dwork Regev03 PKEs
(slide 47)
26Average-case Distinguisher
- Intuition lattice only matters via the direction
of u - Security parameter n, another parameter N
- A random u in n-dim. unit sphere defines Du(N)
- c disceret-Gaussian(N) in one dimension
- Defines a vector xcu/ltu,ugt, namely x?u and
ltx,ugtc - y Gaussian(N) in the other n-1 dimensions
- e Gaussian(n-4) in all n dimensions
- Output xye
- The average-case problem
- Distinguish Du(N) from G(N)Gaussian(N)Gaussian(n
-3) - For a noticeable fraction of us
27Worst-case/average-case (cont.)
- Thm Distinguishing Du(N) from Uniform ?
Distinguishing WavyB from UniformB for all B - When you know l1(L(B)) upto (11/poly(n))-factor
- For parameter N 2W(N)
- Pf Given B, scale it s.t. l1(L(B)) ?
1,11/poly) - Also apply random rotation
- Given samples x (from UniformB / WavyB)
- Sample ydiscrete-GaussianB(N)
- Can do this for large enough N
- Output zxy
- Clearly z is close to G(N) /Du(N) respectively
28The AD97 Cryptosystem
- Secret key a random u ? unit sphere
- Public key nm1 vectors (m8n log n)
- b1,bn? Du(2n), v0,v1,,vm ? Du(n2n)
- So ltbi,ugt, ltvi,ugt integer
- We insist on ltv0,ugt odd integer
- Will use P(b1,bn) for encryption
- Need P(b1,bn) with width gt 2n/n
29The AD97 Cryptosystem (cont.)
- Encryption(s)
- c ? random-subset-sum(v1,vm) sv0/2
- output c (cGaussian(n-4)) mod P(B)
- Decryption(c)
- If ltu,cgt is closer than ¼ to integer say 0, else
say 1 - Correctness due to ltbi,ugt,ltvj,ugtinteger
- and width of P(B)
30AD97 Security
- The bis, vis chosen from Du(something)
- By hardness assumption, cant distinguish from
Gu(something) - Claim if they were from Gu(something), c would
have no information on the bit s - Proven by leftover hash lemma smoothing
- Note vis has variance n2 larger than bis
- ? In the Gu case vi mod P(B) is nearly uniform
31AD97 Security (cont.)
- Partition P(B) to qn cells, qn7
- For each point vi, considerthe cell where it
lies - ri is the corner of that cell
- SSvi mod P(B) SSri mod P(B) n-5 error
- S is our random subset
- SSri mod P(B) is a nearly-random cell
- Well show this using leftover hash
- The Gaussian(n-4) in c drowns the error term
32Leftover Hashing
- Consider hash function HR0,1m ? qn
- The key is Rr1,,rm? qn?m
- The input is a bit vector bs1,,smT?0,1m
- HR(b) Rb mod q
- H is pairwise independent (well, almost..)
- Yay, lets use the leftover hash lemma
- ltR,HR(b)gt, ltR,Ugt statistically close
- For random R? qn?m, b?0,1m, U?qn
- Assuming m ? n log q
33AD97 Security (cont.)
- We proved SSri mod P(B) is nearly-random
- Recall
- c0 SSri error(n-5) Gaussian(n-4) mod P(B)
- For any x and error e, en-5, the distr.
xeGaussian(n-5), xGaussian(n-4) are
statistically close - So c0 SSri Gaussian(n-3) mod P(B)
- Which is close to uniform in P(B)
- Also c1 c0 v0/2 mod P(B) close to uniform
34Ajtai-Dwork Regev03 PKEs
Worst-case Search u-SVP
Regev03 Hensel lifting
AD97 Geometric
(slide 60)
35u-SVP vs. BDD vs. GAP-SVP
- Lyubashevsky-Micciancio, CRYPTO 2009
- Good old-fashion worst-case reductions
- Mostly Cook reductions (one Karp reduction)
Worst-case Search u-SVP
Worst-case Search BDD
BDD1/g ? uSVPg/2
uSVPg ? BDD1/g
GapSVPg ? uSVPg
Worst-case Decision GAP-SVP
36Reminder uSVP and BDD
- uSVPg g-unique shortest vector problem
- Input a basis B (b1,,bn)
- Promise l1(L(B)) lt g l2(L(B))
- Task find shortest nonzero vector in L(B)
- BDD1/g 1/g-bounded distance decoding
- Input a basis B (b1,,bn), a point t
- Promise dist(t, L(B)) lt l1(L(B)) / g
- Task find closest vector to t in L(B)
37BDD1/g ? uSVPg/2
- Input a basis B (b1,,bn), a point t
- Assume that we know m dist(t, L(B))
- Let B b1 bn t 0 0 m
- Let v?L(B) be the closest to t, t-vm
- Will show that the vector (t-v) mT is
theg/2-unique shortest vector in L(B) - So uSVPg/2(B) will return it
- The size of v(t-v) mT is (m2m2)1/2 2?m
Can get by with a good approximation for m
38BDD1/g ? uSVPg/2 (cont.)
- Every w?L(B) looks like wbt-w bmT
- For some integer b and some w?L(B)
- Write bt-w (bv-w)-b(v-t)
- bv-w?L(B), nonzero if w isnt a multiple of v
- So bv-w ? l1, also recall v-tm (? l1/g)
- ?bt-w ? bv-w - bv-t ? l1-bm
- ?w2 ? (l1-bm)2 (bm)2 ? infb?R(l1-bm)2(bm)2
(l1)2/2 ? (gm)2/2 - So for any w?L(B), not a multiple of v,we
have w ? mg/ 2 v ? g/2
39uSVPg ? BDD1/g
- Input a basis B (b1,b2,,bn)
- Let r be a prime, r?g
- For i1,2,,n, j1,2,,p-1
- Bi (b1,b2,,r?bi,,bn), tij j?bi
- Let vij BDD1/g(Bi,Tij), wij vij tij
- Output the smallest nonzero wij in L(B)
40uSVPg ? BDD1/g (cont.)
- Let u be shortest nonzero vector in L(B)
- u S xibi , at least one xi isnt divisible by r
(otherwise u/r would also be in L(B)) - Let j -xi mod r, j?1,2,,r-1
- We will prove that for these i,j
- l1(L(Bi)) gt gl1(L(B))
- dist(tij, L(Bi)) ? l1(L(B))
41- The smallest multiple of u in L(Bi) is ru
- ru r l1(L(B)) ? g l1(L(B))
- Any other vector in L(Bi)?L(B) is longer than g
l1(L(B)) (since L(B) is g-unique) - ? l1(L(Bi)) ? g l1(L(B))
- tiju jbiS xmbm (jxi)biSm?i xmbm ?L(Bi)
- ?dist(tij,L(Bi)) ? l1(L(Bi))
- ? (Bi,tij) satisfies the promise of BDD1/g
- ? vijBDD1/g(Bi,tij) is closest to tij in L(Bi)
- wij vijtij ? L(B), since tij?L(B) and
vij?L(Bi)?L(B) - wijl1(L(B))
divisible by p
42Reminder GapSVP
- GapSVPg decision version of approxg-SVP
- Input Basis B, number d
- Promise either l1(L(B))?d or l1(L(B))gtgd
- Task decide which is the case
- The reduction uSVPg ? GapSVPg is the same as
Regevs Decision-to-Search uSVP reduction
(slide 47)
43GapSVPg n log n ? BDD1/g
- Inputs Basis B(b1,,bn), number d
- Repeat poly(n) times
- Choose a random si of length ? d n log n
- Set ti si mod B, run viBDD1/g(B,ti)
- Answer YES if ?i s.t. v?ti-si, else NO
- Need will show
- l1(L(B))gtgd n log n? vti-si always
- l1(L(B))?d ? v?ti-si with probability 1/2
44Case 1 l1(L(B))gtg n log n d
- Recall si?d n log n, tisi mod B
- ? ti is ?d n log n away from vi ti-si?L(B)
- ? (B,ti) satisfies the promise of BDD1/g
- ? BDD1/g(B,ti) will return some vector in L(B)
- Any other L(B) point has distance from ti at
least l1(L(B))-d n log n gt (g-1)d n log n - ? vi is only answer that BDD1/g(B,ti) can return
45Case 2 l1(L(B))?d
- Let u be shortest nonzero in L(B), ul1
- si is random in Ball(d n log n)
- With high probability si?u also in ball
- tisi mod B could just as wellbe chosen as
ti(siu) mod B - Whatever BDD1/g(B,t) returnsit differs from
ti-si w.p. ? 1/2
radius d n log n
46Backup Slides
- Regevs Decision-to-Search uSVP
- Regevs dimension reduction
- Diophantine Approximation
47uSVP Decision?Search
Decision mod-pproblem
48Reduction fromDecision mod-p
- Given a basis (v1vn) for n1.5-unique lattice,
and a prime pgtn1.5 - Assume the shortest vector is
- u a1v1a2v2anvn
- Decide whether a1 is divisible by p
49Reduction toDecision uSVP
- Given a lattice, distinguish between
- Case 1. Shortest vector is of length 1/n and all
non-parallel vectors are of length more than ?n - Case 2. Shortest vector is of length more than ?n
50The reduction
- Input a basis (v1,,vn) of a n1.5 unique lattice
- Scale the lattice so that the shortest vector is
of length 1/n - Replace v1 by pv1. Let M be the resulting lattice
- If p a1 then M has shortest vector 1/n and all
non-parallel vectors more than ?n - If p a1 then M has shortest vector more than ?n
51 The input lattice L
52The lattice M
- The lattice M is spanned by pv1,v2,,vn
- If pa1, then u (a1/p)pv1 a2v2 anvn ?M
53The lattice M
- The lattice M is spanned by pv1,v2,,vn
- If p a1, then u?M
54uSVP Decision?Search
Decision mod-pproblem
55Reduction fromDecision mod-p
- Given a basis (v1vn) for n1.5-unique lattice,
and a prime pgtn1.5 - Assume the shortest vector is
- u a1v1a2v2anvn
- Decide whether a1 is divisible by p
56The Reduction
- Idea decrease the coefficients of the shortest
vector - If we find out that pa1 then we can replace the
basis with pv1,v2,,vn . - u is still in the new lattice
- u (a1/p)pv1 a2v2 anvn
- The same can be done whenever pai for some i
57The Reduction
- But what if p ai for all i ?
- Consider the basis v1,v2-v1,v3,,vn
- The shortest vector is
- u (a1a2)v1 a2(v2-v1) a3v3 anvn
- The first coefficient is a1a2
- Similarly, we can set it to
- a1-bp/2ca2 ,, a1-a2 , a1 , a1a2 , ,
a1bp/2ca2 - One of them is divisible by p, so we choose it
and continue
58The Reduction
- Repeating this process decreases the coefficients
of u are by a factor of p at a time - The basis that we started from had coefficients ?
22n - The coefficients are integers
- ?After ? 2n2 steps, all the coefficient but one
must be zero - The last vector standing must be ?u
59Regevs dimension reduction
60Reducing from n to 1-dimension
- Distinguish between the 1-dimensional
61Reducing from n to 1-dimension
- First attempt sample and project to a line
62Reducing from n to 1-dimension
- But then we lose the wavy structure!
- We should project only from points very close to
the line
63The solution
- Use the periodicity of the distribution
- Project on a dense line
64The solution
65The solution
- We choose the line that connects the origin to
e1Ke2K2e3Kn-1en where K is large enough - The distance between hyperplanes is n
- The sides are of length 2n
- Therefore, we choose K2O(n)
- Hence, dltO(Kn)2(O(n2))
66Worst-case vs. Average-case
- So far a problem that is hard in the worst-case
distinguish between uniform and d,?-wavy
distributions for all integers dlt2(n2) - For cryptographic applications, we would like to
have a problem that is hard on the average
distinguish between uniform and d,?-wavy
distributions for a non-negligible fraction of d
in 2(n2), 22(n2)
- The following procedure transforms d,?-wavy into
2d,?-wavy for all integer d - Sample a from the distribution
- Return either a/2 or (aR)/2 with probability ½
- In general, for any real a?1, we can compress
d,?-wavy into ad,?-wavy - Notice that compressing preserves the uniform
distribution - We show a reduction from worst-case to
- Assume there exists a distinguisher between
uniform and d,?-wavy distribution for some
non-negligible fraction of d in 2(n2),
22(n2) - Given either a uniform or a d,?-wavy distribution
for some integer dlt2(n2) repeat the following - Choose a in 1,,2?2(n2) according to a certain
distribution - Compress the distribution by a
- Check the distinguishers acceptance probability
- If for some a the acceptance probability differs
from that of uniform sequences, return wavy
otherwise, return uniform
- Distribution is uniform
- After compression it is still uniform
- Hence, the distinguishers acceptance probability
equals that of uniform sequences for all a - Distribution is d,?-wavy
- After compression it is in the good range with
some probability - Hence, for some a, the distinguishers
acceptance probability differs from that of
uniform sequences
70Diophantine Approximation
71Solving for u(from slide 24)
- Recall We have B(b1,bn) and u
- Shortest vector u?L(B) is u Smibi, mi lt 2n
- Because the basis B is LLL reduced
- u is very very close to u/u
- u/u (ue), e1/N, N ? 2n (e.g., N2n )
- Express u S xibi (xis are reals)
- Set ni xi/xn for i1,,n-1
- ni very very close to mi/mn ( nimn miO(2n/N)
72Diophantine Approximation
- Look for mnlt2n s.t. for all i, nimn is 2n/N away
from an integer (for N 2n ) - z is the uniqueshortest in L(M)by a factorN/2n
- Use LLL to find it
- Compute the mis and u
1 n1 1 n2
1 nn-1 1/N
m1 m2 mn
O(2n/N) O(2n/N) ... O(2n/N) O(2n/N)
basis M
integer vector
short lattice point z
73Why is z unique-shortest?
- Assume we have another short vector y?L(M)
- mn not much larger than 2n, also the other mis
- Every small y?L(M) corresponds to v?L(B) such
that v/v very very close to u - So also v/v very very close to u/u (2n/N)
- Smallish coefficient ? v not too long (22n)
- ? v very close to its projection on u (23n/N)
- ? ? c s.t. (vcu)?L(B) is short
- Of length ? 23n/N l1/2 lt l1
- ? v must be a multiple of u