Title: The World Trade Center
1The World Trade Center
- The Design, the Collapse, and Influence on the
Structural Engineering Profession
- January 6, 2004
- Lafayette College
- By Steve Kurtz, Ph.D.
- Dept. of Civil Environmental Engineering
2Main Topics
- The 1960s Groundbreaking Design of WTC 12
- The Causes of Collapse
- Influence on the Future of Structural Engineering
3WTC 1 2 A Groundbreaking Design
4WTC 1 2 A Groundbreaking Design
- In order to appreciate the landmark structural
design that was seen in the Twin Towers, we must
first study
5WTC 1 2 A Groundbreaking Design
- In order to appreciate the landmark structural
design that was seen in the Twin Towers, we must
first study
- High Rise 101
6High Rise 101 The Empire State Building
Floor Plans
7High Rise 101 The Empire State Building
Floor Plans
8High Rise 101 The Empire State Building
Columns Spaced in 30 grid Long
spans avoided for efficiency
Floor Plans
9High Rise 101
10High Rise 101
11High Rise 101
- Columns support Beams
- Beam stresses increase with their span SQUARED
12High Rise 101
- Columns support Beams
- Beam stresses increase with their span SQUARED
- This makes long spans EXPENSIVE
13High Rise 101 The Empire State Building
THEREFORE Many Interior Columns
14High Rise 101 The Empire State Building
THEREFORE Many Interior Columns Maximu
m Structural Economy
15High Rise 101 The Empire State Building
THEREFORE Many Interior Columns Maximu
m Structural Economy NOT popular with Arch
16High Rise 101 The Empire State Building
THEREFORE Many Interior Columns Maximu
m Structural Economy NOT popular with Arch
NOT popular with Developers
17Inside the Empire State Building
18Inside the Empire State Building
19Inside the Empire State Building
20Inside the Empire State Building
21Inside the Empire State Building
22High Rise 101 The Lateral System
- Lateral System the group of members (beams,
columns, and braces) that resist wind or
earthquake forces.
23High Rise 101 The Lateral System
24High Rise 101 The Lateral System
- Whereas
- Gravity forces grow linearly, with building height
25High Rise 101 The Lateral System
- Whereas
- Gravity forces grow linearly, with building
- Example A 20-story building supports about
twice as much weight of occupants as a 10-story
26High Rise 101 The Lateral System
- Whereas
- Gravity forces grow linearly, with building
- Example A 20-story building supports about
twice as much weight of occupants as a 10-story
- Lateral forces grow exponentially, with building
27High Rise 101 The Lateral System
- Whereas
- Gravity forces grow linearly, with building
- Example A 20-story building supports about
twice as much weight of occupants as a 10-story
- Lateral forces grow exponentially, with building
- Example A 20-story building may need to sustain
4 times as much wind force as a 10-story building
28High Rise 101 The Lateral System
- Hence, the amount of structural steel needed
Wind Steel
Tons of Steel
Gravity Steel
29High Rise 101 The Lateral System
- Hence, the amount of structural steel needed is
huge for tall buildings due to wind (or
Wind Steel
Tons of Steel
Total Steel
Gravity Steel
30High Rise 101 Lateral System Types
31High Rise 101 Lateral System Types
- Simple Braced Frame
- Beam-column connections do not resist moment.
- Connections designed for shear, only.
- Act as pins
Rentable Space
32High Rise 101 Lateral System Types
- Simple Braced Frame
- Beam-column connections do not resist bending.
- Connections designed for shear, only.
- Act as pins
- Bracing provides primary means of resisting
lateral forces
Bracing in the Core
Rentable Space
33High Rise 101 Lateral System Types
- Simple Braced Frame
- Resists wind by putting columns and braces in
34High Rise 101 Lateral System Types
- Simple Braced Frame
- Resists wind by putting columns and braces in
35High Rise 101 Lateral System Types
- Simple Braced Frame
- Resists wind by putting columns and braces in
- EFFICIENT, because no bending
Bracing in the Core
Rentable Space
36High Rise 101 Lateral System Types
- Simple Braced Frame
- Resists wind by putting columns and braces in
- EFFICIENT, because no bending
- But architecture may not always allow.
Bracing in the Core
Rentable Space
37High Rise 101 Lateral System Types
38High Rise 101 Lateral System Types
- Rigid Frame
- No bracing
- Beam-column connections resist bending
- Moments in beams and columns are primary means of
resisting lateral forces.
39High Rise 101 Lateral System Types
40High Rise 101 Lateral System Types
- Rigid Frame
- Resists wind by putting columns and beams in
- INEFFICIENT, because of bending
- Often requires huge beams much bigger then
needed to support the gravity loads.
41World Trade Center Lateral System
- Exterior columns spaced at 34 on center
42World Trade Center Lateral System
- Exterior columns spaced at 34 on center
- Rigid connections to very deep beams
43World Trade Center Lateral System
- Exterior columns spaced at 34 on center
- Rigid connections to very deep beams
- A kind of rigid frame,
44World Trade Center Lateral System
- Exterior columns spaced at 34 on center
- Rigid connections to very deep beams
- A kind of rigid frame, but with 1000 times less
bending deformation
45World Trade Center Lateral System
46World Trade Center Lateral System
- Columns are principally in TENSION or COMPRESSION
47World Trade Center Lateral System
- Columns so close that the entire BUILDING behaves
as one massive tube-shaped beam.
- Engineering Terms The BUILDING has a huge
Moment of Inertia
48World Trade Center Gravity System
49World Trade Center Gravity System
- Because the entire lateral system was contained
in the exterior walls, the floor beams did not
need to resist bending.
50World Trade Center Gravity System
- Because the entire lateral system was contained
in the exterior walls, the floor beams did not
need to resist bending.
- Because the entire lateral system was contained
in the exterior walls, the floor beams did not
need to resist bending.
51World Trade Center Gravity System
- Because the entire lateral system was contained
in the exterior walls, the floor beams did not
need to resist bending.
- Small floor beams (on 114 Floors!)
52World Trade Center Gravity System
- Because the entire lateral system was contained
in the exterior walls, the floor beams did not
need to resist bending.
- Small floor beams (on 114 Floors!)
- Floor bar joists at 134 in each direction
53World Trade Center Gravity System
- Because the entire lateral system was contained
in the exterior walls, the floor beams did not
need to resist bending.
- Small floor beams (on 114 Floors!)
- Floor bar joists at 134 in each direction
54World Trade Center Gravity System
- Because the entire lateral system was contained
in the exterior walls, the floor beams did not
need to resist bending.
- Small floor beams (on 114 Floors!)
- Floor bar joists at 134 in each direction
- Very long spans! Nearly 60
- No intermediate columns in office area
55World Trade Center Gravity System
- Because the entire lateral system was contained
in the exterior walls, the floor beams did not
need to resist bending.
- Small floor beams (on 114 Floors!)
- Floor bar joists at 134 in each direction
- Very long spans! Nearly 60
- No intermediate columns in office area
- Joists spanned between exterior wall and core,
56 57- SE Corner
- Columns at 34 on-center
- Bar-Joists at 134 on center
58Details Simple Connections
59Details Simple Connections
- A simple connection acts like a pin it resists
forces but is free to rotate
60Details Simple Connections
- Two types of simple connections in the World
- Simple-Frame
- Seated Connection
61Details Simple Connections
- Two types of simple connections in the World
- Simple-Frame
- Seated Connection
62Details Simple Connections
- Two types of simple connections in the World
- Simple-Frame
- Seated Connection
- These two types of simple connections are
considered equivalent. Both are
- Designed for vertical forces only. No bending
- Widely used.
63Details Simple Connections
- WTC used Seated Simple Connections for the Bar
64 65- Exterior Wall during construction
66- Exterior Wall during construction
67The Causes of the September 11th Collapse
68- Satellite Photograph
- 9/17/02
69Sept. 11th Damage Impact
Structural Model
70Gravity Load Redistribution
71Gravity Load Redistribution
A Computer-based Structural Analysis was
performed Impacted Columns removed from the model
Result Analysis showed that remaining column
s were within limit states. Conclude Extremely
high redundancy was critical in soft
redistribution of forces
72Simple Connections, Revisited
Seated Connection
Simple Frame Connection
73Simple Connections, Revisited
Seated Connection Resists vertical forces
Simple Frame Connection Resists vertical forces
74Simple Connections, Revisited
Seated Connection Resists vertical forces Allo
ws rotation
Simple Frame Connection Resists vertical forces
Allows rotation
75Simple Connections, Revisited
Seated Connection Resists vertical forces Allo
ws rotation
Simple Frame Connection Resists vertical forces
Allows rotation Resists horizontal forces
76Simple Connections, Revisited
Seated Connection Resists vertical forces Allo
ws rotation DOES NOT Resist Horizontal Fo
Simple Frame Connection Resists vertical forces
Allows rotation Resists horizontal forces
77Sept. 11th Damage Fire
78Sept. 11th Damage Fire
High Temperatures affects the stiffness of steel
79Sept. 11th Damage Fire
High Temperatures affects the stiffness of steel
Results Reduced buckling capacity of columns
80Sept. 11th Damage Fire
High Temperatures affects the stiffness of steel
Results Reduced buckling capacity of columns
Huge stretching of beams
Stretching beams (cable action)
81Cable Action in other buildings
Simple Shear Connection (not a seated connection!
82Catenary Action in other buildings
Huge Deformations Development of Catenary
83Cable Action in WTC Towers?
Seated Connections not strong in tension.
No cable action developed. Failure of building in
itiated by falling slabs and pancaking
84Conclusions and Future Influences on Structural
85Conclusions and Future Influences on Structural
- High redundancy present in the WTC towers was
extremely critical in sustaining the initial
impact by soft redistribution of axial column
forces to adjacent columns.
86Conclusions and Future Influences on Structural
- Although simple shear and seated connections are
the same for normal design (to resist shear
forces), seated connections may not be
sufficiently strong in tension to develop
cable-like action in extreme events such as 9/11