Title: Harnessing Research Partnerships for Diversity Outcomes
1Harnessing Research Partnershipsfor Diversity
Michael Wright Center for Hierarchical
Manufacturing University of Massachusetts Amherst
2(No Transcript)
- A diverse society needs a diverse ST workforce
- Broad participation is essential
- Centers have an obligation to lead
- It takes a strategy
- Everyone must be involved
4Data Fall 2006 Doctoral Students
- Minorities
- Only 19 out of 834 applicants were minority (2)
- Only 1 new minority student enrolled in 2006
(down from 7 new minority students enrolled in
2005) - No new Black/African American or Hispanic/Latinos
- Females
- 28.7 of applicants were women students (26.8 in
2005) - 27.5 of entering grad students are women this
year (down slightly from 30.4 in 2005)
- Departments
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Polymer Science Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Electrical Computer Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
5Data Fall 2006 Faculty
- No net change in past year
- One Hispanic male faculty hired in PSE
6Our Approach
- Develop a strategic diversity plan for CHM
- Hire Director of Education and Diversity
- Teamwork with Northeast AGEP at UMass Amherst
- Develop relationships with selected institutions
- Invest in a multi-dimensional, long-range,
integrated program - Create a culture and community
Alliance Institutions
Partner Institutions
8Seven Stages Framework
9Diversity Plan
- Goals
- More women and minority students pursuing
nanotechnology-related studies - More women and minority faculty pursuing
nanotechnology-related research and teaching - More women and minority individuals involved in
all aspects of the Center - Build from existing opportunities
- Create new opportunities
- Develop a well-reinforced ongoing program
- Evaluate
10Student Recruitment Marketing
- Selected institutions
- 38 Northeast US institutions with high minority
populations - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras and
Mayaguez - Mount Holyoke College
- Northeast AGEP recruitment efforts
- Informational materials
- National and regional events
- REU program marketing
- IGERT program marketing
11University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
- Collaboration Meetings with UPR in 2006
- February 17 and May 17 (in San Juan)
- June 8-9 and August 14 (in Amherst)
- UPR Researchers Visiting Campus and Participating
in CHM Meetings - Ileana Gonzalez (Prof. C. Cabrera)
- Marilin Perez (Prof. G. Morell)
- Joel de Jesus (Prof. R. Katiyar)
- UPR-UMass Partnership in UPR EPSCOR Proposal
The collaboration with UPR has expanded to an
inter-institutional MOU, as UPR advances its
nanotechnology research strategy for the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
12Student Recruitment Tools
- Combining budgeted recruitment efforts from NSEC
and IGERT programs - Marketing plan for events
- Undergraduate Nanotechnology Research Conference
- Support for students traveling to UMass for CHM
events - Support for faculty outreach and relationship
building - Visiting researchers program
- NEAGEP Fellowships
- 21st Century Nanoscholar Fellowships
13Student Support
- Knowing our nanotechnology students better
- Cooperation (example REU)
- IGERT Program in Nanotechnology Innovation
- Mentoring program
- Student organization
14Summer Undergraduate Research
- 2006 was first year, with 6 participants
- 2007 REU program 9 applications for 5 positions
- NEAGEPs SPUR program--two additional slots for
CHM - Upgraded to best campus housing, streamlined
stipends, two additional weeks
15Outreach in Education Activities
- Director of Education and Diversity has broad
responsibility for outreach - Inbound and outbound field trips
- Recruiting urban science teachers for summer
workshops - Springfield Tech CC curriculum development
partnership - Undergraduate Nanotechnology Research Conference
16Faculty Recruitment and Involvement
- Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing wants to be
helpful - Bridge program introduces faculty to CHM research
- 18,000 per year, increasing to 30,000 in Years
3-5 - NEAGEP extended postdoc program with UPR
- Campus planning for 250 new faculty over 5 years
- Campus process for approving and conducting
faculty searches
Prof. Derrick Swinton of Lincoln University spent
9 weeks during Summer 2006 in collaboration with
CHM faculty in the UMass Chemistry Department, as
part of the CHMs outreach commitment to NEAGEP
Partner Institution faculty and students.
17Summary Research Partnerships
- Northeast AGEP
- U. of Puerto Rico
- Faculty relationships
- Partnership process is ongoing