Title: Managed Security Process
1Managed Security Vikas Khanduri
- Security Challenges
- Security Failure
- Verizon Managed Security Offering
- Why Verizon
3State of the Internet
- Today 18 of the Internet bandwidth is attack
traffic - 30,000 hi-jacked computers waiting to attack
systems - Rapid expansion of regulatory requirements
- 1998 600 laws
- 2004 1,400 and growing
- Speedy updates are essential now
- 2004 it takes 10 days from known vulnerability to
attack - 2002 it was 180 days.
- MIT study showed that an un-patched NT system can
be compromised in only 55 seconds - Computer viruses and hacking took a 1.6 trillion
toll on the worldwide economy - 266 Billion in
the US
4Regulatory Challenges
- Each of the Regulatory Requirements focus on
different data elements - HIPAA Medical Information
- GLBA Client Financial Records
- Sarbanes-Oxley Financial Records
- SB-1386 Personally Identifiable Client
Information - Regulatory compliance requires
- Confidentiality
- Data Integrity
- Identification and Authentication (IA)
- Authorization, Access Control and Audit (AAA)
- Monitoring and Incident Response
- Availabiilty
- Training
5Operational Challenges
- Expanding Perimeters?
- Remote Access
- Secure Storage
- Wireless LANs
- VoIP
- Multi-platform management?
- Disparate Networks
- Multiple Vendors
- Multiple SW License
- Multiple staff skill sets
- Change Management?
- Inventory Control
- Latest Patches
- Virus Updates
- Threat awareness?
- Latest Vulnerabilities
- Zero-day Attacks
6Existing Technology
- Firewalls and anti-virus dont provide 100
protection - Every year, 50 of all organizations suffer from
a serious security breach - 99 of organizations who suffered had both
firewalls and anti-virus in place
Source 2003 CSI/FBI Computer Crime Research
7A False Sense of Security
Firewalls and anti-virus were not capable of
stopping any of the last 4 major internet
(Add Phishing, Blaster, Sasser, etc.)
8Corporate Security Process Failure
9Verizon Managed Security Offering
10Internal Security
11Internal Security
12VPN Premise Watch
VPN Tunnel
VPN Tunnel
VPN Tunnel
VPN Tunnel
VPN Tunnel
VPN Tunnel
VPN Tunnel
VPN Tunnel
VPN Tunnel
VPN Tunnel
Data Center
VPN Tunnel
VPN Tunnel
13Value Added Data Services (VADS)
14Managed Security Process
15Why Verizon?
- Financially stable company
- Verizon Commitment
- Comprehensive security solution set
- Account reach
- Trusted Partner