The Odyssey and The Epic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Odyssey and The Epic


Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite really wanted it. They went to see their leader, Zeus. ... Aphrodite offered the most beautiful woman in the world. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Odyssey and The Epic

The Odyssey and The Epic
  • Background, Literary Terms, Gods, and Goddesses

Literary Terms
  • Myth A story passed down through the ages orally
    about supernatural beings half truth, half
  • Poem language arranged in lines with a rhythm
    and often a rhyme scheme.
  • Narrative Poem a poem that tells a story.

  • Epic Poem A long narrative poem on a great and
    serious subject that is centered on the actions
    of a heroic figure. The epic hero has a goal and
    typically embarks on a long journey that involves
    struggles with a natural and supernatural
    beingsgods, monsters, and other human beings
    which test the heros bravery, wits, and skill in
  • The purpose of an epic is to entertain, teach,
    and inspire the listener or reader with examples
    of how people can strive and succeed against
    great odds.

  • Epic Hero The main character of an epic. Usually
    a good example, a moral person. Has a set of
    adventures/trials larger than life reflects the
    values of the society of the time.
  • Epic Simile (Homeric Simile) An extended
    comparison, using like or as comparing heroic
    events to something simple and easily
  • Epithet Descriptive adjective or phrase used to
    characterize someone or something used

  • Archetype the best example the original
    example. Ex. the sacrificial lambJesus
  • Hyperbole Gross exaggeration. (When my mom found
    out where Id been, she hit the ceiling.)
  • Allusion A reference in literature to something
    that everyone should know. (Biblical, literature,
    music, art, etc.)

What is mythology?
  • It is the study of myths and myths are stories
    about supernatural beings, in early times handed
    down orally from one generation to another.

Greek Name Roman Name Role
  • Zeus Jupiter King of Gods
  • Hera Juno Goddess of Marriage
  • Poseidon Neptune God of Sea,
  • Earthquakes
  • Athena Minerva Goddess of Wisdom
  • War
  • Hephaestus Vulcan God of Forge/Fire
  • Hermes Mercury Messenger of Gods
  • Ares Mars God of War
  • Hades Pluto God of Underworld
  • Aphrodite Venus Goddess of Beauty/Love
  • Demeter Ceres Goddess of Agriculture
  • Apollo Apollo God of Sun/Music/Song
  • Artemis Diana Goddess of Wild Animals/
  • The Hunt

So what is The Odyssey?
  • The Odyssey is an epic poem written by Homer (not
    Simpson). Some historians say that Homer was
    blind however, some people feel that Homer must
    have had sight at one time because his poems are
    so rich in visual imagery that they are clearly
    written by someone who had observed the world

? This guy
Not this guy?
  • Homers two greatest accomplishments are The
    Illiad and The Odyssey.
  • The Illiad is an epic poem describing the events
    of the Trojan War.
  • The Odyssey chronicles Odysseuss trip home from
    the Trojan War.
  • The Odyssey is named for Odysseus, its hero.
  • The Illiad is named for Ilium, Troy, the setting
    of the action.

The Trojan War
  • In reality, the Trojan War was just another war
    that left a city (Troy) destroyed and many dead.
    Scholars believe the true reason for the war was
    economics and trade issues. However, the myth
    surrounding the Trojan War is so much better!

  • According to mythology, there was to be a wedding
    in the heavens. The goddess of discord
    (arguments), Eris, was not invited for obvious
    reasons. This angered her. She decided to get
    even. Eris hid outside the wedding and threw a
    golden apple with the inscription, For the
    fairest, into a group of goddesses. Of course,
    there was a fight for it. Hera, Athena, and
    Aphrodite really wanted it. They went to see
    their leader, Zeus. Being a smart man, he did not
    want to make the decision himself.

  • Zeus assigned the task to Paris, a Trojan prince
    and supposedly the most handsome mortal man. This
    was a no win situation. Paris would be the
    favorite of one goddess but make enemies out of
    the other two.
  • The goddesses attempted to sway Paris decision
    by bribing him. Hera promised him dominion over
    the whole world. Athena offered victory in
    battle. Aphrodite offered the most beautiful
    woman in the world.

  • Well, it is easy to guess what Paris chose
  • Of course, he chose the most beautiful woman.
    Aphrodite won the apple.
  • However, there was a problem. The most beautiful
    woman was Helen, wife of King Menelaus of Sparta.
    Oops! Paris claimed his prize and started a mess.

  • Because Greece was not a unified nation, King
    Menelaus had trouble gathering troops in a timely
    manner. Menelaus called on his brother Agamemnon
    for help. Agamemnon was a commander-in-chief of
    the Greek army and a great warrior. He gathered
    1000 ships of reluctant soldiers to fight the

  • Odysseus did not want to go because he had his
    own sweet wife at home, Penelope and a new-born
    son, Telemachus. He faked insanity and said he
    could not go. So they tested him by putting his
    son in a field and asked him to plow over him.
    They knew that if he was not crazy, he would fail
    the test. He stopped right before plowing over
    his son and had to go to war.

  • The war lasted TEN years.
  • The Greeks (Odysseus guys) camped outside the
    city of Troy. They couldnt even get in the
    gates. They pretended to give up, left a Trojan
    Horse as an apology and supposedly went away.
    But, really some soldier were inside the giant
    horse. When the Trojans opened the gates to let
    the horse inside, they also let in the hidden

  • Later that night after the Trojans were all drunk
    from celebrating their victory, the Greeks
    climbed out and destroyed the city, got Helen
    back, and set off for home.
  • Now the gods were HOT because the ransackers
    (Greeks) had not offered prayers before burning
    the temples of Troy. They were especially hot at
    Odysseus because it was his idea. This is the
    story of The Illiad also by Homer.

  • The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus long trip
    home and his trials once he does finally return.

Characteristics of an Epic
  • Hero? a figure of imposing stature, of national
    or international importance, and of great
    historical or legendary significance, the main
  • Setting? the setting is huge, covering nations,
    the world, and/or the universe
  • Action? great deeds of valor which require
    superhuman courage.

  • Supernatural forces or gods become involved in
    the action.
  • Style? formal, elevated grandly simple
  • Epic poet tells objectively the story of heroes.

The Epic Formula
  • The narrator begins telling the story in medias
    res (in the middle) of the story.
  • The narrative includes speeches by principal
    characters which reveal their personality.
    (extended formal speeches)
  • The Invocation? the narrator starts the poem by
    stating the subject and asking for inspiration
    from a guiding spirit. (muses? goddesses of art,
    music, and literature)

  • Statement of the theme
  • Catalogs (long lists) of warriors, ships, armies,

Upcoming Assignments!
  • The Odyssey and Mythology Background Test
  • The Odyssey Folders
  • Literary Terms Test
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