Class 2 Epic and Homer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Class 2 Epic and Homer


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Title: Class 2 Epic and Homer

Class 2 Epic and Homer
  • Appetizer

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Literature Humanities
  • Humanities C1001-C1002 Masterpieces of Western
    literature and philosophy
  • Popularly known as Literature Humanities or
    Lit Hum, this yearlong course offers Columbia
    College students the opportunity to engage in
    intensive study and discussion of some of the
    most significant texts of Western culture.

  • The course is not a survey, but a series of
    careful readings of literary works that reward
    both first encounters and long study. Whether
    class work focuses on the importance of the text
    to literary history or on its significance to our
    contemporary culture, the goal is to consider
    particular conceptions of what it means to be
    human as well as the place of such conceptions in
    the development of critical thought.

  • The principal objectives of Literature Humanities
    are to teach students to analyze literary texts
    and to construct intellectual arguments. An
    interdepartmental staff of professorial and
    preceptorial (????)faculty meets with groups of
    approximately twenty-two students for four hours
    a week in order to discuss texts by Homer,
    Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Herodotus,
    Thucydides, Aristophanes, Plato, Vergil,
    Augustine, Dante, Boccaccio, Montaigne,
    Shakespeare, Austen, Dostoevsky, and Woolf, as
    well as Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament

  • Taught by members of the Departments of Classics,
    English and Comparative Literature, French,
    German, Italian, Middle East and Asian Languages
    and Cultures, Philosophy, Religion, Slavic
    Languages, and Spanish and members of the
    Society of Fellows. Major works by over twenty
    authors, ranging in time, theme, and genre from
    Homer to Virginia Woolf. Students are expected to
    write at least two papers, to complete two
    examinations each semester, and to participate
    actively in class discussions

Contemporary Civilization C1101-C1102
Introduction to contemporary civilization in the
  • The central purpose of Contemporary
    Civilization or CC is to introduce students to
    a range of issues concerning the kinds of
    communities political, social, moral, and
    religiousthat human beings construct for
    themselves and the values that inform and define
    such communities the course is intended to
    prepare students to become active and informed

  • Founded in 1919 as a course on War and Peace
    Issues, Contemporary Civilization has evolved
    continuously, while remaining a constant and
    essential element of the Columbia College
    curriculum. The course asks students to read
    closely texts in various traditions of argument
    and to construct arguments of their own, both in
    speech and in writing, about some of the explicit
    and implicit issues these texts raise

  • Both the form and the content of the course
    contribute to the achievement of its aims. The
    discussion format is intended to respond in a
    palpable way to the existence in these traditions
    of different and often conflicting points of
    view to embody the possibility of reasoned
    discourse among people who hold disparate
    convictions and to help students sharpen their
    own skills of thought and argument about matters
    of current personal and civic concern through
    participating in and extending the debates of the

  • The Contemporary Civilization syllabus introduces
    students to a set of ideas and arguments that
    have played a formative role in the political and
    cultural history of our time, alerts them to
    ideas that have not held an influential role in
    that history, and acquaints them with some
    exemplars of critical thinking about alternative
    cultures, institutions, and practices.

  • Why does poetry exist ?What is poetry about ?
  • THE HUMAN heart has ever dreamed of a fairer
    world than the one it knows. No man, however dark
    his spirit, however cramped his senses, is quite
    without the yearning after wider horizons and a
    purer air. In a happy moment earth seems to hold
    for all the promise of larger things. The moment
    passes and the world closes in again, actual,
    bare, unyielding, as before.

  • What each of us is seeking the poet has already
    found. Poetry is the step beyond, which we were
    about to take, but were not certain of the way.
    In our experience from year to year, we are not
    without glimpses of beauty in the world, a sense
    of meaning somewhere within the shows of things.

  • Of this beauty and this meaning poetry is a
    fuller revelation. The poet gives us back the
    world we already know, though it is a world
    transfigured he draws his material from stores
    to which we all have access, but with a
    difference. His vision, clearer and more
    penetrating, transfigures the facts and discloses
    the beauty only waiting to be thus revealed.

  • The older poetry of a people takes shape around a
    story. Childhood dearly loves a tale for its
    simple heart finds the way out of a reality it
    does not understand by contriving a world of
    make-believe. The young imagination, not yet
    beset by too urgent actualities, admits no bounds
    to its wide exercise.

  • The imagination of childhood demands action,
    deeds done and stories told,high adventures of
    gods and heroes, or the tangled fortunes of
    princes and damsels, of knights and captive
    ladies, of fairies and sprites. So a fable builds
    itself out of free imaginings.

  • The love of a story never passes. All through its
    long history, in every land and among every
    people, poetry has not ceased to interest itself
    in all conceivable happenings of life. But the
    stream of poetry is fed by many sources, and it
    takes color and volume according to the channels
    through which it flows.

  • Iliad
  • Enoch Arden" is a poem published in 1864 by
    Alfred, Lord Tennyson, during his tenure as
    England's Poet Laureate.

  • This movement, as each nation develops its own
    art and culture, has been in the direction from
    the general to the particular, from the interests
    of the entire nation to the affairs of private

  • All nations have their own distinctive
    beginnings, and these are widely distributed in
    time the term earlier, therefore, is relative
    to each nation. Examples of such earlier poetry
    are the Iliad and the Odyssey, on the one
    handthough these represent the culmination
    rather than the beginning of an age,

  • The story is told and retold passing from lip to
    lip, it receives changes and additions. Again,
    finally, some one, unknown by name, gives it the
    form in which it is written down and so
    preserved. But it is the poetry of a people
    rather than of a man.

  • This poetry has certain traits which serve to
    mark it as popular or national. In the case of
    poems of greater scope, like the Iliad or
    Beowulf, it deals with action in the large. The
    heroes whose deeds it celebrates are the
    possession of the kindred or the race they are
    kings and men of might or valor, known to all in
    the national traditions. Even the gods are not
    absent they play a dominant part in the action.

  • One characteristic these tales have which, apart
    from their form as verse, makes them poetry. The
    world which they give back is idealized. They
    come into being in response to mens love of a
    story. But the action which they embody is not
    the petty and commonplace round of daily affairs
    the action is heightened and intensified.
  • lofty, noble, sublime

Homer and the Epic
  • EPIC poetry might be described as that in which
    fewest poets have achieved distinction.
  • Homer, Virgil, Milton
  • treated a large theme with the dignity, grandeur,
    and beauty which the heroic poem demands.

Biography of Homer
  • Little can be known with certainty. But even
    though the details of Homer's life remain and
    probably will always remain? an enigma, his great
    epics come down to us intact.
  • His works have formed a foundation for all the
    Western literature that has followed, and his
    characters and stories have had an impact on
    three thousand years' worth of readers. Facts
    about the poet's life can do little to add to
    that legacy.

Trojan War
  • No other texts in the Western imagination occupy
    as central a position in the self-definition of
    Western culture as the two epic poems of Homer,
    the Iliad and the Odyssey . They both concern the
    great defining moment of Greek culture, the
    Trojan War.

  • This war, however, fired the imaginations of the
    Greeks and became the defining cultural moment in
    their history. Technically, the war wasn't fought
    by "Greeks" in the classical sense, it was fought
    by the Myceneaens the Greek culture that we call
    "classical" is actually derived from a different
    group of Greeks, the Dorians and Ionians.
    However, the Greeks saw the Trojan War as the
    first moment in history when the Greeks came
    together as one people with a common purpose.

  • If the Greeks regarded the Trojan War as the
    defining moment of their culture, they did so
    because of the poetry of Homer. It would not be
    unfair to regard the Homeric poems as the single
    most important texts in Greek culture. While the
    Greeks all gained their collective identity from
    the Trojan War, that collective identity was
    concentrated in the values, ethics, and narrative
    of Homer's epic poems.

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  • As the Trojan War was the product of Mycenean
    culture, the Homeric poems were the product of
    the Greek Dark Ages. Whatever happened at Troy,
    the events were probably so captivating, that the
    Greeks continued to narrate the stories long
    after they had abandoned their cities and
    abandoned writing.

  • These stories probably began as short tales of
    isolated events and heroes eventually a
    profession of story-telling was
    establishedclassical scholars call this new
    professional a "bard." This new professional
    began combining the stories into larger
    narratives as the narratives grew, the technique
    of story-telling changed as well.

  • Although historical, archaeological, and
    linguistic evidence suggests that the epics were
    composed between 750 and 650 b.c., they are set
    in Mycenaean Greece in about the twelfth century
    b.c., during the Bronze Age. This earlier period,
    the Greeks believed, was a more glorious and
    sublime age, when gods still frequented the earth
    and heroic, godlike mortals with superhuman
    attributes populated Greece

  • Odyssey
  • the hero Odysseus man of deceit and trick
  • It tells the story of his nostos, or journey
    home, to northwest Greece during the ten-year
    period after the Greek victory over the Trojans.
    A tale of wandering, it takes place not on a
    field of battle but on fantastic islands and
    foreign lands.
  • Nostalgia

  • Of the two epics, the Odyssey is the later both
    in setting and, probably, date of composition.
  • Like the Iliad, the Odyssey was composed
    primarily in the Ionic dialect of Ancient Greek,
    which was spoken on the Aegean islands and in the
    coastal settlements of Asia Minor, now modern
  • .

  • After the unrelenting tragedy and carnage of the
    Iliad, the Odyssey often strikes readers as comic
    or surreal at times. This quality has led some
    scholars to conclude that Homer wrote the Odyssey
    at a later time of his life, when he showed less
    interest in struggles at arms and was more
    receptive to a storyline that focused on the
    fortunes and misadventures of a single man

Odysseuss World Ancient Greece
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  • Greece, unlike Egypt or Mesopotamia, is not a
    place that is easy to live in.
  • Infertile soil
  • Lots of mountains
  • Less fresh water
  • Coastline/beaches/numerous islands

  • Good sailing VS lousy farming
  • Such environment made Greeks try to get living
    from seas.
  • Sailors/ soldiers / pirate/ traders / adventurers
  • Trojan War piracy/raiding

  • The Greek landscape is beautiful but austere.
  • Laurence Durrell
  • You should see the landscape of Greece. It
    would break your heart.
  • Spirit of Place

  • The lands dazzling variety of colors, textures,
    temperatures, sounds and smells, constantly
    surprises the eye, the ear, the nose and the
    heart. But Greece has no harsh extremes. There
    are no hot deserts or frozen tundra here, no
    great plains or soaring mountains, no grand
    canyons or giant volcanoes.

  • Everything seems to be made in a smaller, more
    human scale. The bright sunlight caresses every
    surface to expose the deepest blue of the sea,
    the startling white of stones and houses, the
    brilliant green of pine forests, wheat fields and
    olive groves, the richest red and yellow of

  • The ubiquitous smell of the sea blends smoothly
    with the pungent smell of mountain oregano, thyme
    or pine it mixes well with the sweet scent of
    jasmine, lavender, basil (?? ) or bay(???), and
    brings out the best aromas from vineyards,
    wineries, orange groves or freshly baked bread.

  • Nicholas Gage
  • The red unpromising soil was sown with stones,
    but it brought forth
  • the gods, the heroes, and the philosophers, the
    literature, the architecture, and the art. These
    people (Hellenes) created one of the brightest,
    longest lasting, and most

  • Yet when you walk among the stones of Greece and
    experience that combination of light and water
    and earth that is the Greek landscape, it all
    becomes inevitable. No other land could have
    produced such a people, and this land could have
    produced nothing else.
  • Portrait of Greece

Highlight of Landscape Agora
  • "Agora" in Greek literally means "a place of
    gathering" and the Agora of Athens was the heart
    of Athenian life in Ancient times. For centuries
    It served as a busy marketplace where merchants
    and artisans had congregated to offer their goods
    to all who gathered, and it also provided a
    platform for the Athenian political and
    intellectual life.

  • This is the place where Aristocrats and Tyrants
    enforced their rule on their Athenian subjects,
    and where later the concept of "direct democracy"
    was born and flourished. The Agora was the
    physical place where every Athenian citizen
    gathered to conduct their business, participate
    in their city's governance, decide judicial
    matters, express their opinion for all who cared
    to listen, and elect their city officials.

  • For every free Athenian citizen, participating in
    such "common" activities was not merely a duty,
    but instead it was a privilege and an honor. In
    fact, the term "idiot" (idiotishe who acts on
    his/her own) was used to mock those who avoided
    participation in the common citizen activities.

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Odysseus' Journey
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Delos, birthplace of Apollo and Artemis
Corfu Island
  • Homers Odyssey describes Corfu as the island of
    the hospitable Phaeikes, who enabled him after a
    ten years journey to return home to Ithaca.

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Plot Overview
  • A large and rowdy mob of suitors who have overrun
    Odysseuss palace and pillaged his land continue
    to court his wife.
  • Prince Telemachus
  • The beautiful nymph Calypso
  • Athena, Odysseuss strongest supporter among the
  • Poseidons wrath

Character list
  • Nausicaa, the Phaeacian princess
  • the Land of the Lotus Eaters
  • his battle with Polyphemus the Cyclops,
  • his love affair with the witch-goddess Circe, his
    temptation by the deadly Sirens,
  • his journey into Hades to consult the prophet
  • his fight with the sea monster Scylla.

Major Themes
  • Home, wandering, and fidelity
  • Cunning and disguise
  • Women as predatory
  • Odysseus' character flaws
  • The power of the gods
  • Hospitality

Textual Reading
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