Title: DIGITAL Survival Kit Empowering The Educational Leader
1DIGITAL Survival KitEmpowering The
Educational Leader
- Howie DiBlasi
- Emerging Technologies Evangelist
- Digital Journey
- howie_at_frontier.net
- www.toolsfortheclassroom.com
- Presentation 2009
Presentation 2033
Conference LinksTools For The Classroom
3NING http//toolsfortheclassroom.ning.com
- IVC Staff Development
- CDs Available
- Web 2.0 Tools
- Digital Story Telling-Visual Literacy
- 29 Google Secrets
- Teaching Brock To Search
- 21 Free Software Application for Your Classroom
- Creating Global Projects for the Classroom
5What are you reading?
6Parents around the world see the change and know
that the traditional 3 R's reading, writing,
and arithmetic are necessary, but not enough.
Their children need to become far more
responsible, creative, and tolerant of
differences. They need to increase their ability
to think for themselves, take initiative, get
along with others, and solve problems.
7Think Different..Apple 1997...17 people
8Think Different..Apple 1997...17 people
9Name the 17 people in the commercial.
10(No Transcript)
11Headlines in the news
- Schools are stuck in the 20th century. Students
have rushed into the 21st. How can schools catch
up and provide students with a relevant
education? - Marc Prensky
12- Our classrooms of today are still using methods
that we used over 30 years ago..
13Retool instruction, or U.S. will
14How do we prepare our students to become not
only readers and writers, but editors and
collaborators as well?
15We are currently preparing students for jobs that
dont yet exist . . .
16(No Transcript)
17Change Is Good-You Go First Empowering The
Educational Leader
Presentation 2033
18Who said that.
- I am not complacent at all John. I have gone
through experiences such as this for a very long
time. I know I am right. I make the good
argument, write the wise articles, and the
persuasive letters. And sometimes I feel as
though I am preaching to a stack of wood. People
do not easily embrace change. Convincing them to
turn in a new direction requires a patience and
persistence that tax everyone. It does not help
matters that the course we are attempting to
follow could get us all hanged - Ben Franklin talking to John Adams , June 7, 1776
19- Educators need to be genuine, authentic leaders
that will infuse meaning in what we do as
teachers. We all need to tell our success
stories, assist others in helping, influence and
inspire people around us.
20What does the Dept. of Commerce have to say about
education? Where does it rank ?
21Learning To Change..Changing To Learn
22What needs to change about our curriculum when
our students have the ability to reach audiences
far beyond our classroom walls?
23The fact is, our young people are woefully under
prepared for the demands of todays workplace,
Ken Kay, President of the Partnership for 21st
24Skills for successhttp//www.graduateopportunitie
- So what skills do employers seek.
- Core skills which employers seek include
25Skills for success -TOP 3
- Creative problem-solving
- Critical and analytical thinking
- Information gathering, evaluation and synthesis
26- Team work
- Adaptability
- Literacy and numeracy
- Time management and organization
- Oral and written communication
- Initiative and enterprise
- Ability to apply discipline knowledge and
concepts - Emotional intelligence interpersonal skills
- Balanced lifestyle and capacity to manage stress
levels - Community involvement
- Personal attributes such as ambition,
self-awareness and an inquiring mind.
27Is this what will happen if we do NOT provide our
Digital Kids with 21st Century Skills?Think Dan
28Is this what will happen if we do NOT provide our
Digital Kids with 21st Century Skills?
29What Are 21st Century Learning Skills
30- 1. Deal with massive amounts of information2.
Become self-directed3. Create global
communications and connections4. Create
life-long learning skills5. Collect and/or
retrieve, organize and manage information6.
Interpret and present information7. Evaluate the
quality, relevance, and usefulness of
information8. Generate accurate information
through the use of existing resources9.
Information and effective communications
skills10. Thinking, problem-solving
interpersonal skills11.Self-directional
skills12. Use digital technology tools 13.
Teach and learn in a 21st century context.14.
Understand Digital Age Literacy15. Understand
Inventive Thinking 16. Produce High Productivity
31I.S.T.ENETS for administrators
- Leadership and Vision
- Learning and Teaching
- Productivity and Professional Practice
- Support, Management, and Operations
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues
324 Main Point from I.S.T.E.
- Educational leaders inspire a shared vision for
comprehensive integration of technology and
foster a culture conducive to the realization of
that vision. - Educational leaders ensure that curricular
design, instructional strategies and learning
environments integrate appropriate technologies
to maximize learning and teaching. - Educational leaders ensure the integration of
technology to support productive systems for
learning and administration. - Educational leaders use technology to plan and
implement comprehensive systems of effective
assessment and evaluation.
33Educational leaders apply technology to enhance
their professional practice and to increase their
own productivity and that of others. Educational
- A. model the routine, intentional, and
effective use of technology. - B. employ technology for communication and
collaboration among colleagues, staff, parents,
students, and the larger community. - C. create and participate in learning
communities that stimulate, nurture, and support
faculty and staff in using technology for
improved productivity. - D. engage in sustained, job-related
professional learning using technology resources. - maintain awareness of emerging technologies and
their potential uses in education.
34New report urges U.S. schools to create
21st-century environments in classrooms.
35-- students are mind-numbingly bored in class.
Listen up"I'm bored 99 percent of the time."
(California)"School is really, really boring."
(Virginia)"We are so bored." (Texas)"Engage us
more." (Texas)"My teachers bore me so much I
don't pay attention." (Detroit)"Pointless. I'm
engaged in two out of my seven classes."
37Digital Kids-Analog Schools
38Change is good
You Go First
39On or off the bus??? Good to Great by Jim
- How to change and transform a good company into
a great company. - 1. Get the right people on the bus.
- 2. Get them in the right seats- Put the right
people in the right place in the bus - 3. Get the wrong people off the bus.
- One way to find out who the wrong people are If
you have to actively manage the people they are
the wrong people.
40What can I do to change my classrooms?
41Lets look at a 21st Century Classrooms
42Change the classroom
My 21st Century Classroom
- Team of students
- Research team Google AltaVista Search
- Tutorial Team Jing (Create Screencasts)
- Curriculum Team Podcasts (Recordings)
- Scribes Team Google Docs (take class notes)
- Global team e-pals IVC- Skype
- Need 5 students each day then rotate-every
student participates in a team
43Wonder Bread "Helps build strong bodies 12
4416. Rules For Revolutionaries in the Classroom
451. Hug a GEEK
46- 2. Create a Social Network for your teachers
- Start with NING
483. Develop Problem Solving Skills
49Lets solve a problem
50Brain Sharpener
- Developing Creative Thinking and Problem Solving
51(No Transcript)
52Try These Metal Plates in Your Head
- BG8S
- 10SE
- Bill Gates
- A bouquet for you
- Dont tread on me
- Good day mate
- Tennessee
- Affectionate
54What do these words have in common?
Palindromes Backwards words spelled the same
55Problem Solving Skills A well cultivated
critical thinker ?
56Critical Thinking Skills A well cultivated
critical thinker ?
574. Start collaborating documents with Google Docs
58(No Transcript)
595. Are you providing Project Based Learning?
60Students prefer dealing with questions rather
than answers, sharing their opinions,
participating in group projects, working with
real-world issues and people, and having teachers
who talk to them as equals rather than as
61Project Based Learning?(2 min)
62Kids have almost no choices at all about how they
are educated -- they are, for the most part, just
herded into classrooms and told what to do and
when to do it.
636. Develop Information Processing Skills
64Evaluating Web Pages
- Reading Web Addresses
- Quick Tips for Boolean Searches
65(No Transcript)
66(No Transcript)
67Learning how to use the 7 key commands
- Using the LINK Command
- Using the SITE Command
- Using the HOST Command
- Using the TITLE Command
- Using the TEXT Command
- Using the INURL Command
- Using the IMAGE Command
68Searching the NET- The Good-Bad-Ugly
- Think about your search
- Checking the source
- Reading Web addresses
- Determine the page authorship
- Check vital information
- Check the content
- Assessing the Web page stability
- Is the information current?
- Are links made from the site relevant?
- Who links to the site, and why?
- What organization/person is behind site?
697. Give Kids A Global Voice and Globalize the
70e-Pals16 million users
71(No Transcript)
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758. Discover RSS and subscribe to a Podcast or
76(No Transcript)
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78Develop Critical Thinking Skills
79A well cultivated critical thinker
- raises vital questions
- assesses relevant information
- comes to well-reasoned solutions
- thinks open-mindedly
- thinks about the implications
- thinks about practical consequences
- communicates effectively with others
80A well cultivated critical thinker(3rd Grade
- Room 208 Podcast)
81Critical Thinking Skillshttp//fantasticcontrapti
8210. Teach Our Students to Be Self-Directed
83Lisa Shuba-Durango Colorado
84Young People Urgently Need New Skills to Succeed
in the Global Economy
- Headline in the news Nov. 6. 2006
85Create Collaborate - Communicate Project
Colorado Books Awards
86Colorado Book Awards Park Elementary
8712. Discover Delicious. Social Book marking
88(No Transcript)
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9013. IVC Interactive Video Conferencing
91IVC - Skype Global Connections
92I.V.C. Equipment
Polycom VSX 7000 Camera 4,000-includes all items
Tandberg videoconferencing Solutions
Remote Control
WEB Cameras - 19.95 - 89.95
- 49.99 camera SkypeIVC-WebCast
94Check out a IVC
95Span-O-Ramics-Durango High School
96Virtual Field Trip
9714. Integrate Web 2.0 Tools Into Every Aspect of
the Curriculum
98What is Web 2.0.In The Cloud
- Ning
- Delicious
- Google Docs
- VoiceThread
- gCast
- Ustream
- ePals
- Blogs
- Wikis
- Podc asts
- Photo Sites
9915. 11 Computer Initiative
- C.D.I
- Canada 1-888226-5727
100Staff developmentOn site-District
BasedConferencesMarket PlaceWorkshopsAdministr
ator AcademyEducational Leaders
101What is 21st century professional development?
102Professional Development 21st Century Models
- How to retain good teachers
- -effective professional development
- Workshops That Focus on Real Needs... -
Face-to-face presentations - Don't Forget the Administrators
- - Well-trained leaders are key to
the success - Topics for staff development
- - center on academic goals
- School administrators are being targeted in
technology-based professional development
initiatives - School principals celebrate completing a "Laptops
for Leaders" course - Professional development for superintendent is
a step they never leave out
103National Education Technology Standards for
Administrators (cnets.iste.org/tssa)
- Superintendent take a 50-hour technology literacy
course along with other administrators - Progressive superintendents and executive leaders
can and should lead the way. -
105- Inform people in advance
- Explain the overall objectives
- Ask them to participate in all stages of the
change process - Be flexible
- Demonstrate your belief and commitment
- Appreciation and recognition to those
implementing the change - Show people how it will benefit them
106And finally
- Is the leadership capable of bringing about this
107If you are that Leader..
- from the book The Backdoor to Enlightenment
- Eight Steps to Living Your Dreams and Changing
Your World
108Will you be the 10th person?
- For every nine people who denounce innovation,
only one will encourage it. - For every nine people who do things the way they
have always been done, only one will ever wonder
if there is a better way. - For every nine people who stand in line in front
of a locked building, only one will ever come
around and check the back door. - Our progress as a species rests squarely on the
shoulders of that tenth person. The nine are
satisfied with things they are told are valuable.
- Person 10 determines for himself what has value.
109Lets Change The World
110Empowering The Educational Leader
Change Is Good-You Go First
- Howie DiBlasi
- Emerging Technologies Evangelist
- Digital Journey
- howie_at_frontier.net
- www.toolsfortheclassroom.com
- Presentation 2009
Presentation 2033
111(No Transcript)