Title: Active Content
1Active Content
2Evolution Disconnected World
3Evolution Semi-Connected World
4Evolution Connected World
5The Evolutionary Principle Finjans Law
- Every 12-18 months, a new stage takes place
- Exploitation of a new technology
- Refinement of an existing technology
- Blending of several techniques into one attack
- Intervals between stages is shortening as
technology continues to improve at rapid pace
6The Web A False Feeling
- We know Email messages can be malicious
- . but so can Web pages
- Web threats are serious, even more than Email
7Web Threats - Infection Methods
- Almost exclusively based on Active Content
- Java Script, VB Script, ActiveX, Java Applets
- Browser vulnerabilities
- Drive-by download
- While visiting Web sites
- While reading emails via web browser
- Piggyback Installation
- Bundled as a hidden component of programs, such
as - Games, P2P, Screen savers
8Social Engineering is Epidemic
eBay, Yahoo, Microsoft All guide us to click Yes
9Social Engineering is Epidemic
eBay, Yahoo, Microsoft All guide us to click Yes
and so do Spyware sites
10Social Engineering is Epidemic
11Social Engineering is Epidemic
Drag the window to revealthe real information!
12Drive-by, While visiting Web sites
Innocent Free Games site
13Drive-by, While visiting Web sites
Innocent Free Games site
14Finjan Security Without Compromise
Best-of-breed security solutions on a single box
Behavior Blocking, Vulnerability Anti.doteTM,
Anti-Spyware, Anti-Virus, URL Filtering,
Zero-hour protection