Title: Defending Against Flooding Based DoS Attacks : A tutorial
1Defending Against Flooding Based DoS Attacks A
- - Rocky K.C. Chang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University - Presented by Ashish Samant
- Denial of Service (DoS) Attack An incident that
disables a victim from receiving or providing
normal service. - Relies on consuming limited or non-renewable
system resources. - Can be launched by using system design
weaknesses, CPU intensive tasks, or flooding. - Examples ping of death, teardrop, smurf.
4Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
- Do not depend on system or protocol weaknesses.
- DDoS use the computing power of thousands of
vulnerable, unpatched machines to overwhelm a
target or a victim. - Compromised host are gathered to send useless
service requests, packets at the same time. - The burst of traffic generated, crashes the
victim or disables it.
5Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
- Hard to detect and stop.
- Can spread within a few minutes.
- Usually period of flooding lasts for a few hours,
and is sporadic. - IP Spoofing makes it harder to identify
attackers. - This is a critical problem because of its
potential of use in cyber warfare and ability to
disrupt essential government services.
6Timeline (http//staff.washington.edu/dittrich/mi
sc/ddos/timeline.html )
- May/June, 1998 First primitive DDoS tools
developed in the underground -- small networks,
only mildly worse than coordinated point-to-point
DoS attack. - August 17, 1999 Attack on the University of
Minnesota reportedly using trinoo. Campus
disconnected from the Internet for 3 days. - Early October 1999 CERT reviews hundreds of
Solaris intrusion reports and finds many match
the trinoo analysis. They arrange the Distributed
System Intruder Tools Workshop. - February 8 - 12, 2000 Attacks on eCommerce
sites. Yahoo, eBay, Amazon hacked. - 2002 DoS attack on the 13 core root Internet DNS
Servers. - 2000-2001 Melissa, I Love You, Anna Kournikova.
2002 Code Red 2003 Slammer
7Direct DDoS Attacks
- Direct Attacks ( flooding of request packets )
- Attacker sends out packets directly towards the
target. - Uses TCP, UDP, ICMP packets and uses random
spoofed IP addresses. - Only a few compromised machines are sufficient.
- Examples
- TCP SYN flooding based on TCP three way
handshake, the final ACK from source to victim
never arrives. - Congesting a victims incoming link using TCP RST
packets, ICMP control packets or UDP packets. - TCP ( 94 ) , UDP (2), ICMP ( 2)
8Reflector DDoS Attacks
- Reflector Attacks ( flooding of response packets
) - Attackers initiate an attack that is relayed to
reflector machines, such as routers, web servers
etc. - Reflectors may or may not be aware.
- In response to requests by attackers, reflectors
flood victims with reply packets. - Address of victim spoofed in requests to
reflectors. - Examples
- Smurf attacks. ICMP echo packets with spoofed
victim addresses are broadcast. - TCP SYN ACK flooding.
- Bandwidth amplification , attack requests that
send response packets of much larger size to the
9Direct and Reflector Attacks
10DDoS Attack Setups
11Summary of Reflector Attacks
12Amount of SYN Packets Needed
13Solutions to DDoS
- Attack Prevention and Preemption
- Prevent hosts from becoming masters/agents this
is hard and inadequate. - Regular patching and security updates.
- Attack Source Traceback
- Identify source of attack and block it. Routers
need to store packet source info. - After the fact measure, cannot stop active
attack. - Cannot always trace packet origins.
- Ineffective against reflector attacks, because
reflectors are legitimate.
14Solutions to DDoS
- Attack Detection and Filtering
- Identify attack packets using anomaly or misuse
detection. - Drop suspect packets.
- False Positive Ratio (FPR), False Negative Ratio
(FNR) measure efficiency of detection. - While filtering packets, dropping of useful
packets should be minimum measured by Normal
Packet Survival Ratio (NPSR).
15Ideal location for detection/filtering
16Internet Firewall Approach
- Packet detection and filtering at source and
victim networks not adequate. - Internet Firewall approach
- Global defense mechanism that is deployed at the
core and drops packets before they reach the
victim. - Potential to maintain a victims normal service,
even during an attack. - Based on Route Based Packet Filtering (RPF) and
Distributed Attack Detection (DAD).
17Route Based Packet Filtering (RPF)
- Move the ingress packet filtering from source
networks and next level ISP networks to the
Internet core. - Check to see if each packet arrives on the
correct link, with respect to the source and
destination address in the packet. - Drop packet if it arrives from an unexpected link.
18Route Based Packet Filtering (RPF)
- Drawbacks
- About 18 of ASs need to be equipped with
filters. This is a lot and will increase ! - BGP messages need to also carry source addresses,
which increases their size. - Reflected packets and packets with legitimate
source addresses will still survive.
19Distributed Attack Detection (DAD)
- Extend the packet detection function from the
victim network to the core. - Distributed Systems (DSs) are used that work
locally to identify attack patterns and then
collaborate to identify global attacks. - Uses anomaly or misuse detection.
- Must process packets at a high speed. DSs must be
placed strategically.
20Distributed Attack Detection (DAD)
- Once an attack is confirmed, packet filters are
installed and upstream networks notified to drop
packets. - The DSs must be available at all times and be
able to flood other DS networks with attack alarm
messages. - Not very effective in stopping DDoS attacks that
last for short periods. - Not effective in stopping Degradation of Service
(DeS) attacks. - Consumes time to arrive at global decisions.
21Comparison of DDoS Solutions
- Ubiquitous Ingress Packet Filtering (UIPF)
- Loacted at the ISP networks that connect to the
leaves, spread towards the edges. - Route Based Packet Filtering (RPF)
- Located at the core , away from the edges.
- Local Area Detection (LAD)
- Victims local network or their upstream ISP.
- Distributed Attack Detection (DAD)
- DSs spread in the core of the Internet.
22Comparison of DDoS Solutions
- UIPF, RPF based on spoofed IP addresses and
routing info. - LAD, DAD based on traffic pattern anomalies and
misuses. Less deterministic than UIPF, RPF, hence
more false positives. - All susceptible to false negatives because of
problem of reflector packets. - RPF, DAD require new protocols.
- UIPF difficult to deploy, huge number of hosts
need to be covered. - DAD requires highest computation , hence longest
delay in detection.
- Current approaches inadequate.
- Attack mechanisms and tools continue to improve.
- A global defense mechanism, Internet Firewall may
work. - Internet Firewall has deployment issues.
- 1 http//dslab.csie.ncu.edu.tw/93html/paper/pdf/De
- 2 http//staff.washington.edu/dittrich/misc/ddos/
timeline.html - 3 http//www.denialinfo.com
- 4 http//www.cagle.com/news/hackers/hacker5.asp