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Carolingian Empire
South East Asia
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
5What is the mainland region that extends
southward from the Chinese border?
6Malay Peninsula
7What is the nickname for archipelago?
8Golden Islands or Golden Region
9The Chinese finally conquered Dai Viet in what
10111 B.C.
11What is the name of the Islamic state that
started to form around 1400 A.D. in the Malay
13What is the name of the most famous temple that
was built during the Khmer Empire?
14Angkor Wat
15What is a wergild?
16An amount of money paid by the wrongdoer to the
family of the person he or she had injured or
17What is an ordeal?
18A physical trial to determine innocence.
19What is an abbesses?
20A woman that headed a convent.
21What is a fief?
22The grant of land made to the vassal.
23What is a wardship/
24oversee personal affairs and family if vassal
dies in service.
25Who is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church?
26The Pope
27Christianity became the main religion of Roman
empire by what century?
284th Century
29Who made the rules/schedule of the monks?
30Saint Benedict
31Which pope played the biggest part in the
strengthening of the papacy?
32Gregory I
33Who was the first Bishop of Rome?
34Peter the Apostle.
35Who was Charlemagnes father?
36Pepin the Short.
37Who acted as the Kings chief local
38Missi Dominici
39What was the Carolingian Renaissance?
40It was the renewed interest and curiosity in the
Latin and classical works.
41What did the coronation of Charles the Great
42It symbolized the joining of Roman, Christian and
Germanic elements.
43- When did the Carolingian Empire begin and end?
44768 - 814
45Who were the Norsemen?
46They were a Germanic people known as the Vikings.
47What caused feudalism to become common in Europe?
48The government found it harder and harder to
protect their people because they were under
attack from all sides.
49How many days a year did a vassal have to serve
in the military for their feudal lord?
5040 60 days a year
51What army was the first to initially use chain
52The Frankish army
53Feudalism arose between what years?
54800 900 A.D.
55Final Jeopardy
Make your wager
56Final Answer
57Final Question