Title: Trust, Influence and Bias in Social Media
1Trust, Influence andBias in Social Media
Anupam Joshi Joint work with Tim Finin and
several studentsEbiquity Group,
2Knowing Influencing your Audience
- Your goal is to campaign for a presidentialcandid
ate - How can you track the buzz about him/her?
- What are the relevant communities andbogs?
- Which communities are supporters, which are
skeptical, which are put off by the hype? - Is your campaign having an effect? The desired
effect? - Which bloggers are influential with political
audience? Of these, which are already onboard and
which are lost causes? - To whom should you send details or talk to?
3Knowing Influencing your Market
- Your goal is to market Zune
- How can you track the buzz aboutit?
- What are the relevant communitiesand blogs?
- Which communities are fans, whichare suspicious,
which are put offby the hype? - Is your advertising having an effect?The desired
effect? - Which bloggers are influential in this market? Of
these, which are already onboard and which are
lost causes? - To whom should you send details or evaluation
4What is Influence?
- the act or power of producing an effect without
apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of
command - Measurable Influence
- The ability of a blogger to persuade another
blogger to - Take action by means of creating a new post about
the topic and commenting on the original (text
and graph mining) . - Quote the bloggers views in her post (text
mining) . - Link to the original post via trackbacks,
comments (graph mining) . - Link to the blogger through other means like
del.icio.us, digg, citeULike, Connotea, etc.
(graph mining) - Subscribe to the blog feed (graph mining) .
5What is a Community
Political Blogs
- A community in real world is represented in a
graph as a set of nodes that have more links
within the set than outside it. - Graph
- Citation Network
- Affiliation Network
- Sentiment Information
- Shared Resource (tags, videos..)
Twitter Network
Facebook Network
6Finding Communities (and Feeds) That Matter
Analysis of Bloglines Feeds 83K publicly
listed subscribers 2.8M feeds, 500K are unique
26K users (35) use folders to organize
subscriptions Data collected in May 2006
Before Merge
- Top Advertising Feeds
- 1. Adrants Marketing and Advertising News With
Attitude - 2. Adverblog advertising and new media marketing
- 3. http//ad-rag.com
- 4. adfreak
- 5. AdJab
- 6. MIT Advertising Lab future of advertising and
advertising technology - 7. AdPulp Daily Juice from the Ad Biz
- 8. Advertising/Design Goodness
- Related Tags advertising marketing mediaÂ
news designÂ
After Merge
7Feeds That Matter
- Top Feeds for Politics
- Merged folders political, political blogs
- Talking Points Memo by Joshua Micah Marshall
- Daily Kos State of the Nation
- Eschaton
- The Washington Monthly
- Wonkette, Politics for People with Dirty Minds
- http//instapundit.com/
- Informed Comment
- Power Line
- AMERICAblog Because a great nation deserves the
truth - Crooks and Liars
- Top Feeds for Knitting
- Merged folders knitting blogs
- Yarn Harlotknitting
- Wendy Knits!
- See Eunny Knit!
- the blue blog
- Grumperina goes to local yarn shops and Home
Depot - You Knit What??
- Mason-Dixon Knitting
- knit and tonic
- Crazy Aunt Purl
- http//www.lollygirl.com/blog/
8Special Properties of Social Datasets
- Long Tail
- 80/20 Rule or Pareto distribution
- Few blogs get most attention/links
- Most are sparsely connected
- Motivation
- Web graphs are large, but sparse
- Expensive to compute community structure over the
entire graph - Goal
- Approximate the membership of the nodes using
only a small portion of the entire graph.
9Special Properties of Social Datasets
- Intuition
- Communities defined by the core (A)
- Membership of rest (B) approxi-mated by how they
link to the core - Direct Method
- NCut (Baseline)
- Approximation
- Singular value decomposition (SVD)
- sampling
- Heuristic
10Approximating Communities
- SVD (low rank)
- Sampling based Approach
- Communities can be extracted by sampling only
columns from the head (Drineas et al.) - Heuristic Cluster head to find initial
communities. Assign cluster that the tail nodes
most frequently link to.
Nodes ordered by degree
11Approximating Communities
- Dataset A blog dataset of 6000 blogs.
Original Adjacency
Heuristic Approximation
Modularity 0.51
12Approximating Communities
Similar Modularity
Lower Time
More Time
Low Modularity
- Advantages faster detection using small portion
of graph, less memory - Complexity SVD O(n3), Ncut O(nk), Sampling
O(r3), Heuristic O(rk) where n blogs, k
clusters, r columns
13Approximating Communities
Additional evaluations using Variation of
Information score
14- Tags are free meta-data!
- Other semantic features
- Sentiments
- Named Entities
- Readership information
- Geolocation information
- etc.
- How to combine this for detecting communities?
15Social Media Graphs
Links Between Nodes and Tags
Links Between Nodes
Simultaneous Cuts
16Communities in Social Media
A community in the real world is identified in a
graph as a set of nodes that have more links
within the set than outside it and share similar
17SimCUT Clustering Tags and Graphs
WebKDD 08
Fiedler Vector Polarity
ß 0 Entirely ignore link information ß 1 Equal
importance to blog-blog and blog-tag, ßgtgt 1 NCut
18SimCUT Clustering Tags and Graphs
WebKDD 08
Clustering Only Links
Clustering Links Tags
ß 0 Entirely ignore link information ß 1 Equal
importance to blog-blog and blog-tag, ßgtgt 1 NCut
- Citeseer (Getoor et al.)
- Agents, AI, DB, HCI, IR, ML
- Words used in place of tags
- Blog data
- derived from the WWE/Buzzmetrics dataset
- Tags associated with Blogs derived from
del.icio.us - For dimensionality reduction 100 topics derived
from blog homepages using LDA (Latent Dirichilet
Allocation) - Pairwise similarity computed
- RBF Kernel for Citeseer
- Cosine for blogs
20Clustering Tags and Graphs
Clustering Only Links
Clustering Links Tags
21Varying Scaling Parameter ß
ß gtgt 1
Accuracy 36
Accuracy 62
Accuracy 39
Only Graph
Only Tags
Graphs Tags
Higher accuracy by adding tag
information Simple Kmeans 23 Content only,
binary Content only 52 (Getoor et al. 2004)
22Effect of Number of Tags, Clusters
- Mutual Information
- Measures the dependence between two random
variables. - Compares results with ground truth
Link only has lower MI
More Semantics helps
Similar results for real, blog datasets
23Influence in Communities
Communities detected using Fast algorithm for
detecting community structure in networks, M.E.
J. Newman
24Authority and Popularity
- Authority
- contributes to influence
- Influence may be subjective.
- A source, authoritative in one community could
influence another community negatively. - Within a community, an authoritative source is
- Popularity
- Authority and popularity often treated equally
- On blog search engines, authority is measured
using inlinks, which is at best popularity - Popularity doesnt mean influence
- Dilbert is extremely popular but not influential
25Link Polarity Sentiment
26Link Polarity and Bias
- Linking alone is not indicator of influence
- Polarity (/- sentiment) indicates type of
influence - Consistent negative/positive opinion indicates
bias - Link polarity/citation signal helps determine
Strong Negative Opinion
Strongly Positive opinion
Mildly Negative opinion
Democrat Blog
Republican Blog
27Propagating Influence
- Based on work of Guha et al1 for modeling
propagation of trust and distrust. Framework - Mij represents influence/bias from user i to j.(0
lt Mij lt 1) - Mij is initialized to the polarity from i to j.
- Belief Matrix M (sparse) represents initial set
of known beliefs - Goal is to compute all unknown values in M
- Belief Matrix after ith atomic propagation
- Mi1 Mi Ci
- Combined Operator
- Ci a1 M a2 MTM a3 MT a4 MMT
- a 0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1 represents weighing factor
- 1 Guha R, Kumar R, Raghavan P, Tomkins A.
Propagation of trust and distrust. In
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International World
Wide Web Conference, New York, NY, USA, May 2004.
ACM Press, 2004.
28Recognizing subjectivity sentiment
- Weve developed ?TFIDF as a simple
feature-engineering technique to increase the
accuracy of subjectivity detection and sentiment
analysis - Our preliminary analysis shows that ?TFIDF
- Works well in different subject domains
- Improves accuracy for documents of varying sizes
sentence fragments, sentences, paragraphs and
multi-paragraph documents - Helps on text classification tasks other than
sentiment analysis
29Feature Engineering for Text Classification
- Typical features words and/or phrases along with
term frequency or (better) TF-IDF scores - ?TFIDF amplifies the training set signals by
using the ratio of the IDF for the negative and
positive collections - Results in a significant boost in accuracy
Text The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
white dog. Features the 2, quick 1, brown 1, fox
1, jumped 1, over 1, lazy 1, white 1, dog 1, the
quick 1, quick brown 1, brown fox 1, fox jumped
1, jumped over 1, over the 1, lazy white 1, white
dog 1
30?TFIDF BoW Feature Set
- Value of feature t in document d is
- Where
- Ct,d count of term t in document d
- Nt number of negative labeled training docs
with term t - Pt number of positive labeled training docs
with term t - Normalize to avoid bias towards longer documents
- Gives greater weight to rare (significant) words
- Downplays very common words
- Similar to Unigram Bigram BoW in other aspects
31Example ?TFIDF vs TFIDF vs TF
- ?tfidf tfidf tf
- , city angels ,
- cage is angels is the
- mediocrity , city .
- criticized of angels to
- exhilarating maggie , of
- well worth city of a
- out well maggie and
- should know angel who is
- really enjoyed movie goers that
- maggie , cage is it
- it's nice seth , who
- is beautifully goers in
- wonderfully angels , more
- of angels us with you
- Underneath the city but
15 features with highest values for a review of
City of Angels
32Improvement over TFIDF (Uni- Bi-grams)
- Movie Reviews 88.1 Accuracy vs. 84.65 at 95
Confidence Interval - Subjectivity Detection (Opinionated or not)
91.26 vs. 89.4 at 99.9 Confidence Interval - Congressional Support for Bill (Voted for/
Against) 72.47 vs. 66.84 at 99.9 Confidence
Interval - Enron Email Spam Detection (Spam or not)
98.917 vs. 96.6168 at 99.995 Confidence
Interval - All tests used 10 fold cross validation
- At least as good as mincuts subjectivity
detectors on movie reviews (87.2)
33Link Polarity Experiments
- Domain
- Political Blogosphere
- Dataset from Buzzmetrics2 provides post-post
link structure over 14 million posts - Few off-the-topic posts help aggregation
- Potential business value
- Reference Dataset
- Hand-labeled dataset from Lada Adamic et al3
classifying political blogs into right and left
leaning bloggers - Timeframe 2004 presidential elections, over
1500 blogs analyzed - Overlap of 300 blogs between Buzzmetrics and
reference dataset - Goal
- Classify the blogs in Buzzmetrics dataset as
democrat and republican and compare with
reference dataset
- 2 Lada A. Adamic and Natalie Glance, "The
political blogosphere and the 2004 US Election",
in Proceedings of the WWW-2005 Workshop - Buzzmetrics www.buzzmetrics.com
34Evaluation of Link Polarity
Polarity Improves Classification by almost 26
Confusion Matrix
- Accuracy 73
- True positive (Recall) 78
- False positive (FP) 31
- True negative (Recall) 69
- False negative (FN) 21
- Precision (R) 75
- Precision (D) 72
35Trust Propagation Sample Data
- Compensates for initial incorrect polarity
(DKAT) - Doesnt change correct polarity (AT-DK)
- Assigns correct polarity for non-existent direct
links (AT-IP) - Numbers in italics are problematic (MM-AT)
- Improve sentiment detection ?
36MSM Classification Results
37Interesting Observations
- 24 of 27 sources correct-ly classified
- guardian, foxnews, human-eventsonline,
mediamatters - Outliers The Nation Boston Globe
- Left and right leaning blogs talk negatively
about ny times abc news and positively
about raw story and examiner
38Identifying Bias using KL Divergence
- Using topic, social structure and opinions we can
develop a model for influence, bias and trust in
social media - We apply this framework on real-world data and
describe techniques for identifying influence - Splogs are a big issue we have developed
efficient techniques to detect them in near real
time - Does the Game Theoretic Nature of this system
raise fundamental new challenges for Data Mining
41Assets Good, Bad and Wanted
- How the assets (data, APIs) were helpful?
- Where these assets failed to be helpful and why?
- Since we go beyond search, search data not that
useful ? - Which research questions you would like to
address if you had unlimited access to assets? - Unlimited livespaces link and content data to
validate some of our approaches. - Use to place ads on social media sites