Title: The Evolution of Instruction Assessment the UGA Perspective
1The Evolution of Instruction Assessment - the UGA
- Diana Hartle
- Deb Raftus
- Amy Watts
2What came before
- Half sheet handout to BIOL1107 (and other)
classeswww.libs.uga.edu/ref/evalform.pdf - SurveyMonkey for Academic Enhancement classes
3A dream born, a committee formed
- Charge from the University Librarian to assess
instruction program. More than attendance
numbers were desired. - Committee formed with reference and other
instruction librarians.
4Our Quiz
- Who will be assessed?
- Students in introductory level classes across the
5How do we give the quiz?
- Rejected ideas
- Internet based quiz services
- Expense
- Reliability
- Paper quizzes
- Collecting and correlating data
- Disseminating data
6WebCT is the winner!
- Availability
- Technical and administrative support
- Student familiarity with interface
- Data collection possibilities
7What to ask?
- Learning outcomes were defined by
- ACRL standards for Information Literacy
- Local concerns
8Skills / knowledge to be assessed
- Research strategies
- Moving from a question to a search strategy
- Narrowing/broadening topic
- Identifying keywords, synonyms
- Truncation and wildcards
- Boolean operators
- Choosing which database/resource to search
- Revising search based on results
9(No Transcript)
10Skills / knowledge to be assessed
- Locating full text of a journal article using a
- Direct full-text link in a database
- Link to another database (FindIt_at_UGA)
- Specialized database (Electronic Journal Locator)
- Library OPAC for print
- Using citation information and OPAC record to
identify and locate specific item needed
11(No Transcript)
12Revising the quiz after Year 1
- Merged Science/Humanities into one quiz
- Added questions for evaluative comments
- Did away with sequential elements to quiz (Based
on answer to question 2) - Added graphics to some questions
- Changed wording on some questions
- Snapshot
- 1st semester (Fall 2005)
- Humanities quiz
- 199 students, Mean score 74.7
- Science quiz
- 437 students, Mean score 83.5
14Results from Quiz 2, Fall 2006
15Results from Quiz 2, Spring 07
16Results evaluative questions
- Weeding responses determining what counts as a
valid response - Coding responses applying a standardized set of
response possibilities to valid responses - Crosscheck the coding
- If needed, combine categories
17What did they learn
18Selected responses to question 9
- I learned so much it was crazy.
- I didn't know the best way to use GALILEO. Now I
know how to use it quickly and efficiently in
order to get the results I want. - I found out how to use Galileo, which I will now
use a lot because of its credibility. - I also did not know the availability of help by
the librarians. - That it is more important how you search than
what you search. - Being more specific with searches greatly affects
how much time you have to put into a search.
19Still confused about
20Selected responses to 10
- Why we weren't told about this earlier.
- Ask me when I'm doing it on my own. I feel like
I have it now, but that doesn't mean I can do it
when I don't have someone leading me through it. - I am overwhelmed with the system and am not sure
how to find the article that I need. - Not so much as confused, but a little
overwhelmed. I like the fact that the instructor
used an example to lead us through the search. I
just think that it will take personal practice to
really understand how to use the library. - I think it would be helpful to have us work on
something outside of class immediately to see if
we have any questions and make sure we can do it
on our own. - I am not really confused about the search engines
but overwhelmed because of the amount of
information given to me in a little amount of
time. - Why I had to sit through an hour lecture . . .
when only 30 minutes was necessary.
21There must be 50 ways to spell truncation
- tranctuating
- truction
- truncationg
- trunkation
- trumcations
- trunkating
- troncation
- trunk
- trucation
- asterix trick
- asterick
- asterik
- asteric
- astricks
- asteriks
- astricts
- astericks
- asterics
22We dont know whether to laugh or to cry
- That we actually have librarians!
- Well, first off, I finally learned where the
library was. - Nothing this guy made it perfectly clear. He is
amazing. He should get a raise and take over
President Adams job. - Why would there be a physical subscription to a
journal but not an electronic when generally
speaking the electronic is or should be
cheaper... - Nothing! It was brilliant..............BRILLIANT!
- Why everyone thinks Galileo is so great. I never
have needed to use it. - All the articles I need are available any time
online through the UGA Libraries homepage. - I reviewed library skills I learned in 9th grade.
23Future of quiz
- Possible additional questions
- Year of student
- Have they had instruction session before?
- Data Analysis
- Frequency of administration
- Migrate to new version of classroom management
24Thanks for coming!
- Dont forget to take a bookmark.
- Your presenters may be contacted at
- ugaref_at_gmail.com