Title: Oklahoma State Pension Commission
1- Oklahoma State Pension Commission
- Retirement System
Summary of Actuarial Reports February 11, 2009
Lynda K. Dennen, ASA, EA Research Consultant
NEPC, LLC One Main Street, Cambridge, MA
02142 Tel 617-374-1300 Fax
617-374-1313 www.nepc.com CAMBRIDGE I
FRANCISCO Registered Investment Advisors
2(No Transcript)
3System Summary - Characteristics and Assumptions
- Retirement System comprises seven plans
(Teachers, OPERS, Firefighters, Police, Law
Enforcement, Judges, and Wildlife) - Information based on July 1, 2008 Actuarial
Valuation Reports from Actuaries1 and System
Financial Statements - All plans employ Entry Age Normal funding method
- a conservative funding schedule
- All plans employ similar asset valuation method
(smoothed value) - Smoothes asset gains and losses over time
- Investment return assumptions range from 7.5 to
8.0 - All plans have in place long term amortization
schedules to fund the Unfunded Accrued Liability - Employee and Employer contribution rates vary by
- Buck Consultants, Milliman Consultants and
Actuaries, and Gabriel, Roeder, Smith Company - Greenwich Associates survey, 2008
4System Summary
- Funded status of the plans remained relatively
stable since the July 2007 valuations - Asset declines from the second half of 2008 not
reflected yet - Average of plans Actuarial value return was 7.9
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008 - Average of plans Market value return was -4.9
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008 - Asset smoothing will help dampen the losses in
next years valuations - Losses recognized over the next 5 years
- Teachers plan remains the largest and the most
poorly funded of the seven plans - 18 billion in liabilities, 9 billion in assets,
50 funded - Current contributions do not cover annual Normal
Cost (cost of one years additional benefits),
despite an increase in Employer contribution
rates - Actuaries projected that the Teachers plan will
not reach 80 funded until after the year 2050
Sources Actuarial valuation reports by Buck
Consultants, Milliman Consultants and Actuaries,
and Gabriel, Roeder, Smith Company
5Funded Status History Actuarial
- Corporate plan funding thresholds
- - - - Fully funded, 94
- - - - Benefit restrictions, 80
- - - - At Risk, 60
Source 1999 and earlier R.V. Kuhns
Associates, 2000 and later Buck
Consultants, Milliman Consultants and Actuaries,
and Gabriel, Roeder, Smith Company
6Liability and Asset History - Actuarial
Source 1999 and earlier R.V. Kuhns
Associates, 2000 and later Buck
Consultants, Milliman Consultants and Actuaries,
and Gabriel, Roeder, Smith Company
7Investment Return Actuarial Value
Asset returns declined an average of 2.2 during
the fiscal year
- Asset declines that happened after June 2008 are
not reflected this year - Asset smoothing methods will help dampen the
losses in next years valuations
Source 1999 and earlier R.V. Kuhns
Associates, 2000 and later Buck
Consultants, Milliman Consultants and Actuaries,
and Gabriel, Roeder, Smith Company
8Investment Return Teachers Plan
Actuarial Value
Market Value
- Market Value may have another steep decline as of
next years June 30, 2009 valuation - Actuarial Value will fall, but not nearly as
dramatically as MV, due to smoothing - Losses will be reflected over the next 5 years
even if market rebounds
Source 1999 and earlier R.V. Kuhns
Associates, 2000 and later Buck
Consultants, Milliman Consultants and Actuaries,
and Gabriel, Roeder, Smith Company
9GASB 25 Total Employer Cost as of Payroll
Source 1999 and earlier R.V. Kuhns
Associates, 2000 and later Buck
Consultants, Milliman Consultants and Actuaries,
and Gabriel, Roeder, Smith Company
10Employer Contributions
Source 1999 and earlier R.V. Kuhns
Associates, 2000 and later Buck
Consultants, Milliman Consultants and Actuaries,
and Gabriel, Roeder, Smith Company
11Contributions Rates Employee and Employer
- Median Employee contribution rates are 5.0 if
participating in Social Sec., 8.0 if not - Median Employer contribution rates are 8.5 if
participating in Social Sec., 11.2 if not
Source July 1, 2008 Actuarial Reports by Buck
Consultants, Milliman Consultants and Actuaries,
and Gabriel, Roeder, Smith Company Results
from the Public Fund Survey Summary Findings for
FY 2007, published November 2008 by the National
Association of State Retirement Administrators
12Summary of Major Plan Changes
13Summary of Major Plan Changes (continued)
14Retirement System Investment Return Assumptions
- Based on July 1, 2008 Actuarial Valuation Reports
from Actuaries1 - The assumed investment return assumption ranges
from 7.5 to 8.0 - Public Fund assumed investment return median is
8.02 - Distribution of investment return assumptions for
surveyed funds below2
1. Buck Consultants, Milliman Consultants and
Actuaries, and Gabriel, Roeder, Smith
Company 2. Greenwich Associates survey, 2007
15Submission of Information to State Pension
- During the 2002 legislative session, legislation
was adopted that requires information be
submitted to the State Pension Commission by the
following Retirement Boards - Teachers Retirement System
- OPERS Retirement System
- Firefighters Retirement System
- Police Pension and Retirement System
- Law Enforcement Retirement System
- Retirement System for Justices and Judges
- Valuations are performed, for informational
purposes only, using a prescribed set of
assumptions (70 O.S. 2001, Section 17-106.1,
Section H) for all plans - Interest rate of 7.5
- COLA assumption of 2
- Mortality table of RP 2000
- Set amortization period of 30 years (level dollar)
16Submission of Information to State Pension
- Use of a discount rate higher than 7.5 will
produce lower liabilities - Use of COLA assumptions lower than 2 will
produce lower liabilities - Use of older mortality tables assume people die
younger, thus will produce lower liabilities
17Submission of Information to State Pension
- Four of the seven Oklahoma state pension plans
are considered well funded from a comparative
standpoint - Median public fund plan is funded at 84.3
- 62 of US public plans are funded over 80
- In aggregate, the States plans are 60 funded
- Teachers plan is the least funded at 50, also
the largest plan - Scheduled increases in employer contribution
rates are in place for 3 of the plans - Rating agencies will be scrutinizing States and
Municipalities for debt ratings
Results from the Public Fund Survey Summary
Findings for FY 2007, published November 2008 by
the National Association of State Retirement