Title: New Federalism
1- New Federalism
- Beginning in the 1980s, there was a dramatic
reduction in federal assistance to states and
local governments. In program after program,
federal funding has either dropped sharply or, as
with Urban Development Action Grants and general
revenue sharing, has been eliminated altogether.
The 1991 federal budget showed an overall decline
of 68 percent in dollars targeted to urban
programs over a ten-year period.
2Fiscal Effects of Devolution
- By 1980 three-quarters of the revenues in cities
like Detroit and D.C. came from the Federal
Government - This has declined steadily over the last 20-30
years. - Weir (1996) States poach from local revenue
sources - Welfare reform will reduce incomes of urban poor
3Local Financing 101
- 1. Income sources are limited
- Not all cities have the power to use sales or
income taxes. - Intergovernmental revenue is diminishing
- Voter initiatives have lowered property taxes
- Voter initiatives requiring majorities or super
majorities to pass any type of tax or fee hikes
4- 2. cities have gotten around these with creative
borrowing techniques - general bond obligations
- revenue bonds
- moral obligation bonds
- lease-purchasing agreements
- 3. other techniques
- privatization
- gambling
5- Municipal Finance and Taxes
- Four questions arise when considering municipal
finance. - 1 Why should the government provide goods and
services? - 2 Which goods and services are usually provided
by governments? - 3 How are they paid for? i.e. what is the source
of revenues? - 4 What are the planning implications of these
provisions and methods of payment?
6- Question 1. Why should Government provide goods
and services? - a. Public or Collective goods
- b. Economy of scale- Water, sewer, electricity,
postal service, telephones, etc. - c. Merit Goods - Everyone benefits e.g. education
and health. - d. Externalities - e.g. water and air pollution.
- e. Social Preference -- Public Responsibility -
libraries, jails, voting - f. Government Responsibility for Income
Redistribution. Examples public housing, school
lunches, food stamps, welfare payments, public
hospitals, Medicaid, free vaccinations etc.
7The Sexy Services
- Criminal Justice
- Police
- Courts
- Jails
- Education
- Health Welfare
- The poor
- Children services
- Mentally ill
8The Not So Sexy
- Solid Waste Disposal
- Parks
- Libraries
- Water Services
- Fire protection
- Transportation
- http//phoenix.gov/CITYGOV/stats.html
9 These services seem trivial when adequately
provided but they are vitally important to the
well being of individuals and cities.
10How to save money on services?
- Cut services
- Which ones?
- Privatization
- What sectors?
- Education
- Fire
- Ambulance
- Jails
- Airport
- Rent government office space
- Las Vegas Schools
- Growing Pains 38 new schools in three years and
1,000 new students a month. - Nevadas budget allocation per student has
historically been about 1,000 less than the
national average - The school district is the sixth largest in the
country and one of the fastest growing - The district's budget is more than 1 billion.
12Argument for Privatization
- Competition
- Circumvent civil service system
- Less capital outlays for infrastructure
- Easier to add or cut services
13Argument Against Privatization
- Not always efficient (economy of scale)
- Initial bid is low but often cost increase
- Private company cut corners-deliver inferior
services - Private sector less responsive to citizens
- Contracting reduces the expertise of government
employees - Affirmative Action issues/Union issues
14Privatization and Education
- Milwaukee
- Not difference in test results
- Little oversight of voucher schools
- East Harlem
- Gave parents a choice
- Gave teachers great autonomy
- Selection bias (outside students)/more money?
- Charter Schools
- Test results showed charter students lagged
behind traditional public schools
15- 3. How are the Services Financed?
- There are four principle sources of government
revenue - Taxes
- User Charges
- Inter government transfers
- Debt Financing.
16- Taxes
- Primarily property tax - Such taxes are dependent
upon the expertise and/or honesty of the property
assessor - Inventory tax, personal property tax (car
registration), hotel tax - Excise taxes e.g., cigarettes, liquor, jewelry,
etc. - Income taxes - Generally reserved for states and
nations - In Ohio - 60,000 annual income
- Federal (28) State (5.7) Municipal (2)
- Sales taxes - tend to be regressive
17Income Tax
Nevada's Individual and Corporate Income Tax
System Nevada assesses no corporate or
individual income tax, joining Texas, Washington,
South Dakota and Wyoming as the only states to
levy neither type of income tax.
18Property Taxes
- Oldest and most common local funding source
- Characteristics
- Easy to design taxing area to fit any purpose
- Highly unpopular
- Seen as inequitable, arbitrary
- Rates now capped due to tax revolts
- Nevadas ranking 30th highest nationally
19How much property taxes do we pay and where does
it go?
20Las Vegas and Clark County, NV
Vehicle privilege taxes Las Vegas
Beltway Gasoline taxes Streets and roads Sales
taxes Transit Aviation fuel taxes Airport access
projects Lodging taxes Las Vegas Blvd, other
tourism-related roads
Las Vegas Beltway under construction
21Motor Fuel Taxes
- Not widely used as a local tax
- Narrow base ? high marginal tax rates
- Regressive
- In most of the 15 states that allow local fuel
taxes - Expenditures restricted to roads or
transportation - Voter approval required about half the time
- Revenues put in county road/bridge funds
22Motor Fuel Taxes
23Sales Taxes
- Characteristics
- Regressive but perceived to be fair
- High revenues for low pain
- Outsiders contribute large share of revenue
24Sales Taxes
25Overall Trends
- Expanding use
- Sales taxes
- Development taxes
- Tourism taxes (hotels, restaurants, rental cars,
etc.) - No clear trend
- Fuel taxes
- Vehicle taxes
- Income taxes
- Property taxes
26Vehicle Taxes
- Two primary taxing traditions.
- Registration Tax a.k.a. Wheel Tax
- Usually flat fee, based on vehicle weight or
class - Transportation user fee
- License Tax a.k.a. Ad Valorem Tax
- Usually based on vehicle value or age
- Originated as a personal property tax
- General revenue source
- In practice, distinctions not so clear
27Vehicle Taxes
28- B. User Charges
- Direct charge to consumers for things used , e.g.
toll bridges, water, sewers, parking, licenses,
tuition, rents, fees, fines, trash collection
etc. - Works well and fits the free market ideals of
western society - Somewhat regressive in that the poor use a larger
part of their income for consumption than to the
29C. Inter governmental transfers May aid in
redistributing wealth geographically They also
allow state and federal governments to encourage
certain goods, services and behaviors by local
governments. Some transfers are restricted for
certain purposes (categorical grants) Some are
for purposes to be chosen by local governments or
states (block grants)
30- D. Debt Financing
- Many expenses are covered at about the same time
they are incurred - Some costs such as bridges, dams, reservoirs,
schools, buildings, subways, etc. create benefits
which will accrue to future generations. - These benefits may carry on for 10-100 years or
more. - Appropriate to charge future generations for them
as well as the current population by borrowing
money to pay for them now and repaying that money
over the next 10-30 years. - One way is to issue municipal bonds