Title: Template-Based Face Detection
1- Lecture 7
- Template-Based Face Detection
- Principal Component Analysis (part 1)
CSE 6367 Computer Vision Spring 2010 Vassilis
Athitsos University of Texas at Arlington
2Face Detection
- We will make a few assumptions, to simplify the
problem - The face is fully visible.
Example cases where the face is not fully visible
3Face Detection
- We will make a few assumptions, to simplify the
problem - The face is fully visible.
- We see a frontal view of the face, i.e., the face
is facing towards the camera.
Example cases where the view of the face is not
4Face Detection
- We will make a few assumptions, to simplify the
problem - The face is fully visible.
- We see a frontal view of the face, i.e., the face
is facing towards the camera. - The face is more or less in an upright
Example of a face not in an upright orientation
5What is a Template?
- A template is an example of how an object looks.
- What example would be appropriate if we are
looking for a face?
6What is a Template?
- A template is an example of how an object looks.
- What example would be appropriate if we are
looking for a face? - An average face.
7Computing an Average Face
- We need aligned face images
- In this case, aligned means
- same size
- significant features (eyes, nose, mouth), to the
degree possible, are in similar pixel locations.
an example set of aligned face images
8Computing an Average Face
Note that filenames is a cell variable (look it
up!). Using cells is a good way to define a set
of strings. filenames '4846d101.bmp' '4848d101
.bmp' '4851d101.bmp' '4853d101.bmp' '4854d101.bmp'
number prod(size(filenames)) image_vertica
l 100 image_horizontal 100 total
zeros(image_vertical, image_horizontal) for
index 1 number image read_gray(filenames
index) total total image
disp(index) end average_face total / number
9Result Average Face
10Defining a Face Template
- Keep the parts of the average face that are most
likely to be present in all faces - Exclude background.
- Exclude forehead (highly variable appearance, due
to hair). - Exclude lower chin.
face template
average face
11Using a Template to Find Faces
- How can we use a face template to perform face
detection in an image?
12Finding Matches for the Template
- How can we find good matches for a given template?
13Using Normalized Correlation
function result vector_normalized_correlation(v1
, v2) function result vector_normalized_corr
elation(v1, v2) centered_v1 v1 -
mean(v1) centered_v2 v2 - mean(v2) norm1
norm(centered_v1) norm2 norm(centered_v2)
result centered_v1 . centered_v2 / (norm1
- Function normxcorr2(template, image) returns a
matrix of normalized correlation scores between
the template and each template-sized subwindow of
the image.
14Invoking normxcorr2
photo read_gray('vassilis1g.bmp') result
normxcorr2(face_filter, photo)
result gt 0.6
- It found the face!
- The result of normxcorr2 has larger size than the
input. - The face in photo matched the scale of the
- A wrapper around normxcorr2.
- The result has the same size as the image.
- Border values are zero.
16function result normalized_correlation(image,
template) function result
normalized_correlation(image, template)
Returns a matrix containing normalized
correlation results between template and all
template-sized subwindows of image.
image_rows, image_columns size(
image) template_rows, template_columns
size(template) row_start floor(template_rows /
2) 1 row_end row_start image_rows -
1 col_start floor(template_columns / 2)
1 col_end col_start image_columns - 1
result normxcorr2(template, image) result_row
s, result_columns size(result) result(1templa
te_rows, ) 0 result((result_rows-template_rows
1)result_rows, ) 0 result(,
1template_columns) 0 result(,
) 0 result result(row_startrow_end,
17Invoking normalized_correlation
photo read_gray('vassilis1g.bmp') result
normalized_correlation(photo, face_filter)
18A Trick for Visualizing Results
photo read_gray('vassilis1g.bmp') result
normalized_correlation(photo, face_filter) visual
ization max((result gt 0.6)255, photo 0.7)
19Problem Different Scales
photo read_gray('vassilis1e.bmp') result
normalized_correlation(photo, face_filter) visual
ization max((result gt 0.35)255, photo 0.7)
20Solution Multiscale Search
function ... result, max_scales
multiscale_correlation(image, template, scales)
function result multiscale_correlation(image,
template, scales) for each pixel, search
over the specified scales, and record - in
result, the max normalized correlation score for
that pixel over all scales - in max_scales,
the scale that gave the max score
21Solution Multiscale Search
function ... result, max_scales
multiscale_correlation(image, template, scales)
result ones(size(image)) -10 max_scales
ones(size(image)) -10 for scale scales
for efficiency, we either downsize the image,
or the template, depending on the current
scale if scale gt 1 scaled_image
imresize(image, 1/scale, 'bilinear')
temp_result normalized_correlation(scaled_image,
template) temp_result
imresize(temp_result, size(image), 'bilinear')
else scaled_image image
scaled_template imresize(template, scale,
'bilinear') temp_result
normalized_correlation(image, scaled_template)
end higher_maxes (temp_result gt
result) max_scales(higher_maxes) scale
result(higher_maxes) temp_result(higher_maxes)
22Results of multiscale_correlation
photo read_gray('vassilis1e.bmp') scales
0.50.13 result2, max_scales ...
multiscale_correlation(photo, face_filter,
scales) visualization2 max((result2 gt
0.6)255, photo 0.7)
23Handling Rotations
load face_filter photo read_gray('vassilis2b.bm
p') result, boxes ...
template_detector_demo(photo, face_filter,
0.50.13., 0, 1)
24Handling Rotations
load face_filter photo read_gray('vassilis2b.bm
p') resultb, boxes ...
template_detector_demo(photo, face_filter,
0.50.13., 0, 2)
25Code for Template Search
- Useful functions
- template_search
- find_template
- template_detector_demo
26function max_responses, max_scales,
max_rotations ... template_search(image,
template, scales, rotations, result_number)
function result, max_scales, max_rotations
... template_search(image, template, scales,
rotations, result_number) for each pixel,
search over the specified scales and rotations,
and record - in result, the max normalized
correlation score for that pixel over all
scales - in max_scales, the scale that gave the
max score - in max_rotations, the rotation
that gave the max score clockwise rotations
are positive, counterclockwise rotations are
negative. rotations are specified in degrees
27function max_responses, max_scales,
max_rotations ... template_search(image,
template, scales, rotations, result_number)
max_responses ones(size(image))
-10 max_scales zeros(size(image)) max_rotation
s zeros(size(image)) for rotation
rotations rotated imrotate(image,
-rotation, 'bilinear', 'crop') responses,
temp_max_scales ...
multiscale_correlation(rotated, template,
scales) responses imrotate(responses,
rotation, 'nearest', 'crop') temp_max_scales
imrotate(temp_max_scales, rotation, ...
'nearest', 'crop')
higher_maxes (responses gt max_responses)
max_responses(higher_maxes) responses(higher_max
es) max_scales(higher_maxes)
max_rotations(higher_maxes) rotation end
28function result, boxes ...
template_detector_demo(image, template, ...
scales, rotations,
result_number) function result, boxes
template_detector_demo(image, template,
... scales,
rotations, result_number) returns an image
that is a copy of the input image, with the
bounding boxes drawn for each of the best matches
for the template in the image, after searching
all specified scales and rotations. boxes
find_template(image, template, scales, ...
rotations, result_number) result
image for number 1result_number
result draw_rectangle1(result, boxes(number,
1), ...
boxes(number, 2), ...
boxes(number, 3), boxes(number, 4)) end
29Handling Rotations
load face_filter photo read_gray('vassilis2b.bm
p') resultb, boxes ...
template_detector_demo(photo, face_filter,
0.50.13., 0, 2)
30Handling Rotations
load face_filter photo read_gray('vassilis2b.bm
p') scales 0.50.13 rotations
-10510 result2, boxes template_detector_dem
o(photo, face_filter, ...,
scales, rotations, 1)
31Principal Component Analysis
32Vector Spaces
- For our purposes, a vector is a tuple of d
numbers X (x1, x2, ..., xd). - An example vector space the 2D plane.
- Every point in the plot is a vector.
- Specified by two numbers.
33Images are Vectors
- An M-row x N-column image is a vector of
dimensionality ...
34Images are Vectors
- An M-row x N-column image is a vector of
dimensionality. - MN if the image is grayscale.
- MN3 if the image is in color.
35Images are Vectors
- Consider a 4x3 grayscale image
- A A11 A12 A13 A21 A22 A23 A31 A32
A33 A41 A42 A43 - The (Matlab) vector representation Av of A isAv
A11 A21 A31 A41 A12 A22 A32 A42 A13 A23 A33
A43 - Mathematically, the choice of how to order does
IMAGES. - In Matlab, to vectorize an image
- Av A()
- NOTE The above returns a COLUMN vector.
36Vector Operations Addition
- (x1, ..., xd) (y1, ..., yd) (x1y1, ...,
xdyd) - Example in 2D
- A (-3, 2)
- B (1, 4)
- AB (-1, 6).
37Vector Operations Addition
- (x1, ..., xd) (y1, ..., yd) (x1y1, ...,
xdyd) - Example in 2D
- A (-3, 2)
- B (1, 4)
- AB (-1, 6).
38Addition in Image Space
MxN imageall pixels (0, 255, 0)
MxN imageall pixels (255, 0, 0)
39Addition in Image Space
MxN imageall pixels (0, 255, 0)
MxN imageall pixels (255, 255, 0)
MxN imageall pixels (255, 0, 0)
What is the rangeof pixel values here?
40Addition in Image Space
MxN imageall pixels (0, 255, 0)
MxN imageall pixels (255, 255, 0)
MxN imageall pixels (255, 0, 0)
Range of pixel valuesfrom 0 to 2255
41Vector Operations Scalar Multiplication
- c (x1, ..., xd) (c x1, ..., c xd)
- (x1, ..., xd) / c 1/c (x1, ..., xd)
(x1/c, ..., xd/c) - Example in 2D
- A (-3, 2)
- 3 A (-9, 6)
- A / 3 (-1, 0.67).
A / 3
42Multiplication in Image Space
image 0.7
image 0.5
43Operations in Image Space
- Note with addition and multiplication we can
easily generate images with values outside the
0, 255 range. - These operations are perfectly legal.
- However, we cannot visualize the results
directly. - Must convert back to 0 255 range to visualize.
44Linear Combinations
- Example c1 v1 c2 v2 c3 v3
- c1, c2, c3 real numbers.
- v1, v2, v3 vectors of d dimensions.
- What is the type of the result?
45Linear Combinations
- Example c1 v1 c2 v2 c3 v3
- c1, c2, c3 real numbers.
- v1, v2, v3 vectors of d dimensions.
- result vector of d dimensions.
46Vectors Must Be of Same Size
- We cannot add vectors that are not of the same
size. - (1,2) (0,1,0) is NOT DEFINED.
- To add images A and B
- IMPORTANT Most of the time, it only makes sense
to add A and B ONLY if they have the same number
of rows and the same number of columns. - WARNING Matlab will happily do the following
a rand(4,3) b rand(6,2) c a() b()
47Example Linear Combination
a read_gray('4309d111.bmp') b
read_gray('4286d201.bmp') c read_gray('4846d101
.bmp') d read_gray('4848d101.bmp') e
read_gray('4853d101.bmp') avg 0.2a 0.2b
0.2c 0.2d 0.2e or, equivalently avg
(abcde) / 5
48Dimensionality Reduction
- Consider a set of vectors in a d-dimensional
space. - How many numbers do we need to represent each
49Dimensionality Reduction
- Consider a set of vectors in a d-dimensional
space. - How many numbers do we need to represent each
vector? - At most d the same as the number of dimensions.
- Can we use fewer?
50Dimensionality Reduction
- Consider a set of vectors in a d-dimensional
space. - How many numbers do we need to represent each
vector? - At most d the same as the number of dimensions.
- Can we use fewer?
51Dimensionality Reduction
- In this example, every point (x, y) is on a line
- y ax b
- If we have 100 points on this plot, how many
numbers do we need to specify them?
52Dimensionality Reduction
- In this example, every point (x, y) is on a line
- y ax b
- If we have 100 points on this plot, how many
numbers do we need to specify them? - 102 a, b, and the x coordinate of each point.
- Asymptotically one number per point.
53Lossy Dimensionality Reduction
- Suppose we want to project all points to a single
line. - This will be lossy.
- What would be the best line?
54Lossy Dimensionality Reduction
- Suppose we want to project all points to a single
line. - This will be lossy.
- What would be the best line?
- Optimization problem.
- Infinite answers.
- We must define how to evaluate each answer.
55Optimization Criterion
- We want to measure how good a projection P is,
GIVEN A SET OF POINTS. - If we dont have a specific set of points in
mind, what would be the best projection?
56Optimization Criterion
- We want to measure how good a projection P is,
GIVEN A SET OF POINTS. - If we dont have a specific set of points in
mind, what would be the best projection? - NONE all are equally good/bad.
57Optimization Criterion
- Consider a pair of points X1, X2.
- D1 squared distance from X1 to X2.
- sum((X1X2) . (X1X2))
- D2 squared distance from P(X1) to P(X2).
- Error(X1, X2) D1 D2.
- Will it ever be negative?
58Optimization Criterion
- Consider a pair of points X1, X2.
- D1 squared distance from X1 to X2.
- sum((X1X2) . (X1X2))
- D2 squared distance from P(X1) to P(X2).
- Error(X1, X2) D1 D2.
- Will it ever be negative?
- NO D1 gt D2 always.
59Optimization Criterion
- Now, consider the entire set of points
- X1, X2, ..., Xn.
- Error(P) sum(Error(Xi, Xj) i, j 1, ..., n,
i ! j).
- Interpretation
- We measure how well P preserves distances.
- If P preserves distances, Error(P) 0.
60Example Perfect Projection Exists
- In this case, projecting to a line oriented at 30
degrees would give zero error.
61Finding the Best Projection PCA
- First step center the data.
number size(points, 2) note that we are
transposing twice average mean(points')' cent
ered_points zeros(size(points)) for index
1number centered_points(, index)
points(, index) - average end
plot_points(centered_points, 2)
62Finding the Best Projection PCA
- First step center the data.
63Finding the Best Projection PCA
- Second step compute the covariance matrix.
- In the above line we assume that each column is a
covariance_matrix centered_points
64Finding the Best Projection PCA
- Second step compute the covariance matrix.
- In the above line we assume that each column is a
vector. - Third step compute the eigenvectors and
eigenvalues of the covariance matrix.
covariance_matrix centered_points
eigenvectors eigenvalues eig(covariance_matrix
65Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
eigenvectors 0.4837 -0.8753 -0.8753
-0.4837 eigenvalues 2.0217 0
0 77.2183
- Each eigenvector v is a column, that specifies a
line going through the origin. - The importance of the i-th eigenvector is
reflected by the i-th eigenvalue. - second eigenvalue 77, first eigenvalue 2, gt
second eigenvector is far more important.
66Visualizing the Eigenvectors
black v1 (eigenvalue 2.02) red v2 (eigenvalue
plot_points(points, 1) p1 eigenvectors(,
1) p2 eigenvectors(, 2) plot(0 p1(1), 0,
p1(2), 'k-', 'linewidth', 3) plot(0 p2(1),
0, p2(2), 'r-', 'linewidth', 3)
67PCA Code
function average, eigenvectors, eigenvalues
compute_pca(vectors) number size(vectors,
2) note that we are transposing twice average
mean(vectors')' centered_vectors
zeros(size(vectors)) for index 1number
centered_vectors(, index) vectors(, index) -
average end covariance_matrix
centered_vectors centered_vectors' eigenvector
s eigenvalues eig( covariance_matrix)
eigenvalues is a matrix, but only the diagonal
matters, so we throw away the rest eigenvalues
diag(eigenvalues) eigenvalues, indices
sort(eigenvalues, 'descend') eigenvectors
eigenvectors(, indices)