Title: Michael M' Ego
1Fairfield County EconomicSummit and
OutlookSeptember 11, 2009
- Michael M. Ego
- Associate Vice Provost
- UConn Stamford Campus
2University of Connecticut
- Founded in 1881
- Offers liberal arts, teacher education and
professional programs leading to postsecondary
certificates - Bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees
- Continuing education
- Summer and winter sessions for credit
3UConn Facts
- Six Campuses One University
- Storrs, Stamford, Torrington, Avery Point,
Greater Hartford and Waterbury - Rated top public university in New England by
U.S. News and World Report since 1998 - In 1995, 13,053 prospective students and their
families toured the UConn campus at Storrs. In
2008, that number was 38,728 - Applications have nearly doubled in 10 years and
reached 24,000 for Fall 2009
4UConn Facts
- Research awards to UConn faculty exceeded 190
million in 2004, in increase of more than 80
million since 1999 - The landmark UConn 2000 construction program
has created more than 8.1 million square feet of
new and renovated space for research, teaching,
living and learning. Completed projects include
School of Business, School of Pharmacy, and
School of Engineering at Storrs Campus, every
regional campus including new downtown campuses
in Stamford and Waterbury, a sophisticated marine
science facility at Avery Point, and new
buildings at Greater Hartford and Torrington
5UConn Facts
- In 2008, UConn received nearly 200 million in
sponsored research grants and awards, including
more than 92 million received for biomedical
research at the UConn Health Center. - UConn alumni rank seventh in the nation among
public universities for alumni giving with an
annual giving rate of 24 percent - Since 1995, UConns Intercollegiate Athletics
teams have won nine NCAA Division I national
championships, 38 Big East tournaments, and 50
Big East regular season titles, including 2009
National Womens NCAA Basketball Championships
6UConn and the State of CT
- 7 out of 10 UConn graduates remain in Connecticut
upon graduating. - More than 5,000 UConn alumni hold senior
executive positions in Connecticut businesses. - Connecticuts businesses experience 3.2 billion
in new sales as a result of ongoing operations at
UConn, including the UConn Health Center. - As a result of UConn and the UConn Health
Centers combined operations, Connecticuts state
coffers realize a net financial gain of more than
76 million annually.
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8UConn Stamford Campus
- UConn Stamford Campus has served the academic
needs of Fairfield County since 1955 (in North
Stamford) - Campus moved to the heart of downtown Stamford in
January 1998 - 250,000 square feet state of the art building
- Technologically advanced facilities
- Proximity to Westchester County and New York City
(45 minutes to GCT via Metro North)
9UConn Stamford Student Profile
- Commuter students who live in Fairfield County
and are clustered in the cities, towns and
villages of Stamford, Norwalk, Greenwich,
Fairfield, Bridgeport and Trumbull - Students with family and work obligations and who
can take advantage of classes offered during the
day and also classes taught in the evening
10UConn Stamford Student Profile
- Offers local students the opportunity to get a
UConn degree while staying close to home - Undergraduate enrollment 1350 students
- Graduate enrollment 450 MBA students
11Nine Undergraduate Degrees
- American Studies
- Business and Technology
- Economics
- English
- Human Development and Family Studies
- History
- Political Science
- Psychology
- General Studies
12MBA Program
- The MBA degree at UConn requires 57 credits of
graduate level courses. Prior course work in
business is not a prerequisite. Curriculum
designed for students with backgrounds in liberal
arts, engineering, natural sciences and social
sciences as well as business administration.
While providing a thorough grounding in
contemporary management, it blends and balances
technical rigor, management theory, practical
application, generalization and individualized
areas of concentration - Convenience and flexibility are fundamental
features of UConns MBA Program curriculum
structure allowing students to design
individualized programs to suit their personal
and professional needs. MBA courses are generally
offered evenings, weekends and in a variety of
blended formats. - Though the program is designed with part-time
students in mind, accommodating the various
obligations of working professionals, individuals
may take more than one or two courses during a
semester. Ultimately, UConn MBA students move
through the program at a pace that is comfortable
for them. Some students finish the program in
fewer than three years while others take five or
more years to complete it. - A unique feature of UConns curriculum is the
ability to develop more than one area of
concentration. A minimum of two electives
comprises an area of concentration however, some
concentrations will require more than two
electives or require specific classes in that
area of concentration.
13UConn/GE edgelab
- Unprecedented in graduate business education, the
UConn/GE edgelab offers incomparable research
facilities and exceptional learning and applied
experience for UConn MBA students. Working in an
intensive, deadline-driven environment, MBA
students collaborate directly with business
school faculty and GE managers to generate
team-based solutions to real-time, complex,
business challenges being faced by GE. - In edgelab, teams of faculty, students and GE
managers work together on GE strategic projects
with the mandate of challenging assumptions and
infuse fresh ideas. The outcome is real
innovative solutions for GE's business problems.
This is possible by the unique combination of
students' energy, intellect, faculty talent,
academic knowledge and the amazing environment.
There is nothing like it anywhere else. - Since the inception of edgelab, student teams
have tackled and delivered on more than 90
critical path strategic business projects,
including projects requiring 1) the integration
of wireless technologies to maintain critical
medical services while enabling safe handling and
human bonding in neo-natal care, 2) creative and
viable business strategies for renewable energy,
3) IT enabled auction markets for pollution
credits, and 4) IT enhanced fraud prevention
14Connecticut Information Technology Institute
- The ever-evolving capabilities and demands of IT
create a challenge and opportunity for
individuals, as well as companies. You must be
committed to life long learning in order to
remain at, or in front of, the competitive curve.
CITI's active members are kept continually
updated on professional developments and
academic, IT-related programs, issues and events. - Strategically located next door to some of the
leading Fortune 500 corporate headquarters, the
CITI knowledge community affords you the unique
opportunity to learn and work alongside the
leading users and innovators in IT. - CITI was born out of the need for skilled IT
professionals in Fairfield and Westchester
Counties. Since its inception in January 1998,
CITI has grown into a formidable resource,
meeting the needs of managers, facilitators and
users of IT. - CITI is committed to assisting you in achieving
your personal and professional IT objectives by
teaching you what works in the real world. With
course offerings in business critical enterprise
applications such as .NET, Websphere, and SAS,
our IT certificate credential and academic
programs can help you master the knowledge and
skills you need to stay current and excel in
today's hyper-competitive IT culture.
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16UConn Stamford Facts
- World-class full-time faculty who provide
one-on-one advising and after-class assistance
adjunct faculty with a minimum of Masters
degrees in 25 different academic areas - Small class sizes in a variety of classrooms,
which include science laboratories, amphitheatre
style rooms, executive seminar rooms, and
informal loft seminar spaces
17UConn Stamford Facts
- Honors Program classes in seminar format that
offer interactive dialogue - Student Activities, which include 12 clubs and
programs, and a fully-equipped Fitness Center - Active Student Government Association, that
provides leadership development experiences, and
jointly works with the campus administration to
meet student needs
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19UConn Stamford Campus
- Jeremy Richard Library (90,000 books/circulated
items), staffed with full-time librarians and
open Monday to Saturday - The Co-Op Bookstore, providing books, supplies,
UConn clothing, and gifts - The Campus Café, which provides weekday food
service - Full-time UConn Police housed on campus and is
24/7 operation
20UConn Stamford Facts
- Comprehensive and professional student services
staff that provides - Advising
- Student activities
- Tutoring
- Counseling/psychological services
- Students with disabilities services
- Student activities/student leadership
21UConn Stamford Facts
- In recent semesters we have had interns at
- NBC Universal
- Telemundo,
- AmeriCares
- The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut
- The Heritage Foundation in Washington DC,
- Seaside Tankers LTD in Greece
- The GE edgelab
- Madison Square Garden
- Yale Child Study Center
- U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program in San Diego,
Calif. - World Affairs Forum
- SONY Records
- CBS Communications
22UConn Stamford CampusArt Gallery
- Art Gallery featuring new exhibits from community
and student artists - Current Exhibit Emerge CT 2009 MFA Graduates
from UConn, Western CT State and Yale - September 1 - October 25, 2009 Â
- Closing Reception October 25, 2009 1-3 pm
- The MFA programs represented in this exhibition
serve as artistic laboratories, where students
aspire to diverse and innovative activities.Â
Three graduates from each program were selected
to show an exciting range of artistic ideas. -
23Center for Globalization and Commerce
24Center for Globalization and Commerce
- Collaboration with Stamford Chamber of Commerce
and its International Trade Council - Provides UConn faculty opportunities for exchange
and research collaborations with academic
institutions and colleagues globally - Provides UConn students with fieldwork and
internship opportunities, and career development
options - Offers symposia, workshops and seminars offered
by UConn faculty and business/corporate experts
in the City of Stamford and Fairfield County
25Center for Globalization and CommerceSymposium
- The BRIC Countries Current Status and Future
Outlook as a Viable Political and Economic
Group. - The term BRIC describes the consortium of
developing economies of Brazil, Russia, India and
China, with the group having its first summit
this summer in Yekaterinburg. The symposium will
offer a panel discussion by leading experts on
the economic and political impact of each country
and its relationship to BRIC - UConn Stamford, Gen Re Auditorium
- Thursday, October 1, 530 to 730 p.m.
- Moderator Scott MacDonald, Senior Managing
Director, - Aladdin Capital Management, Stamford
- Speakers Elizabeth C. Hanson, Professor Emerita
of Political Science and Director of India
Studies, University of Connecticut, Storrs - Peter Kingstone, Associate Professor of
Political Science, University of Connecticut,
Storrs - Oksan Bayulgen, Assistant Professor of
Political Science, University of Connecticut,
Storrs - Yu Zheng, Assistant Professor of Political
Science, University of Connecticut, Stamford
26Whats New at UConn Stamford
- Shuttle service to and from Stamford Train
Station - Off Campus Housing Service
- Learning Commons area Writing Center and
Math/Science Tutoring services - Nursing program for second career individuals
- Fall and Spring Faculty Colloquium Series
showcasing the work and research of the
outstanding UConn Stamford faculty with the
campus community and public
27Hispanic/Latino Outreach and Engagement Programs
- Hispanic/Latino Outreach and Engagement Forum
- Tuesday, September 22
- 530 700 p.m.
- UConn Stamford
- Gen Re Auditorium
- Beginning this Fall, UConn Stamford will initiate
the Hispanic/Latino Outreach and Engagement
Program.  The campus acknowledges the fact that
the Hispanic/Latino community is the fastest
growing population in Stamford and Fairfield
County. In order to better serve the educational
needs of the multi-ethnic Hispanic/Latino
community, UConn Stamford will begin a series of
forums and programs as part of its outreach and
engagement efforts. The first forum will be held
on Tuesday, September 22, when participants will
be provided with information about the academic
programs and services that are offered at the
UConn Stamford Campus. The forum will begin at
530 p.m., with light refreshments provided to
the attendees, and the entire program will be
completed by 700 p.m. All members of the
Hispanic/Latino community in Fairfield County are
invited to attend. - Â
- Â
28Whats New at UConn Stamford
- 2009 Year of Science
- A year dedicated to the exploration and sharing
of the many ways science impacts our lives and
our future. The Year of Science website offers
info on upcoming events, study resources, games
and multimedia.
29Whats Ahead at UConn Stamford?
- Exploration of campus expansion garage study
- New housing options for students
- Development of new academic programs, including
Environmental Studies and Social Work - U.S.- China Studies Program, in conjunction with
the UConn Center for Globalization and Commerce
at Stamford Campus
30 The UConn Stamford Campus
Educates a competitive, creative and committed
professional workforce
Provides a learning environment that is collegial
and supportive
31 The UConn Stamford Campus
Offers complementary foundation in the liberal
arts and sciences, through critical thinking
skills, engaged learning, and service learning
- Enriches the educational experience through
dedicated faculty, small class size, and caring
support staff who ensure that students persist
and graduate